This Week on CHI FOR YOURSELF: The Conversation Turns To….Conversation!

Rob Kendall headshotMany of us don’t know this, but miscommunication, aside from being one of the most frustrating things in the world, is also one of the leading causes of sabotaged friendships, relationships, careers and yes, even the cause of political warfare.

Our scheduled Chi For Yourself guest this week will look at how we communicate and the most common mistakes that we make when trying to assert ourselves or simply express our opinions and ideas.Rob Kendall is the author of Blamestorning: Why Conversations Go Wrong and How to Fix Them.

Note- Rob will join us for the interview on Wednesday November 5th at 4pm Eastern..1pm Pacific time. You’ll hear the interview at


Clipart image of overheardOverheard

Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside awakes.

~Carl Jung




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