Childhood Obesity: Its Causes And What We Can Do

childhood obesity example
Childhood obesity has become an epidemic in our culture. Many children are so overweight that they almost stop being children.
They can’t play and enjoy their lives the way children usually do.
Of course, childhood obesity causes health issues too. Overweight kids tend to be sick more often.
And they’re at risk of developing long-term health problems. Understanding childhood obesity helps parents make decisions and prevent obesity in their children.
What Is Childhood Obesity?
Childhood obesity is a health condition. The diagnosis is generally based on a child’s BMI or Body Mass Index.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has obesity guidelines for kids. The CDC defines it as a BMI greater than the 95th percentile for children of the same age and gender.
Your pediatrician records your child’s height and weight. Then the numbers are compared to the average child across the country.
What causes Childhood Obesity?
There are actually many causes of childhood obesity:
Hereditary factors
In some cases, genetics plays a role. A child may inherit a thyroid problem or another hormonal problem.
If parents and other family members are obese, then their children are more likely to be obese as well.
But, other environmental factors that may have a bigger impact on a child’s health. Things like diet and lack of activity.
Poor eating habits and lack of activity
The biggest causes of childhood obesity are poor eating habits and inactivity. Many obese children live on a regular diet of starchy carbohydrates and high-fat foods.
A fast-food diet is a major contributor
Let’s look at the common diet that’s high in sugar, white flour, and fat. These foods cause children to have blood sugar imbalances.
The highs and lows lead to cravings. Cravings then lead to more poor food choices and the cycle can quickly get out of hand.
The problem worsens when parents don’t or are unable to provide healthy options.
Cupboards stocked with junk food are tempting. Kids almost always choose the junk over a healthy snack.
Add inactivity to poor food choices and you have the makings of childhood obesity.
More and more children are left home to fend for themselves after school. When they’re home, they sit on the couch and watch television.
They play video or computer games instead of being active and playing outside. Obesity results when children are consuming way more calories than they burn.
Also, the calories they do consume are empty, not providing them with the nutrients they need.
What are some problems associated with obesity?
Overweight and obese children often face a life of ridicule from their peers. They suffer health challenges most adults cannot imagine.
The result can be a shorter lifespan.
The good news is that childhood obesity can be reversed. Children are incredibly adaptable.
They can learn new habits. But they can’t do it alone. They need support. They need adults who can help them make responsible and healthy decisions.
That’s where their parents or guardians are so important in helping them.
JohnK 9-5-2018
childhood obesity to manOverheard: “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”
Mahatma Gandhi

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