Tag Archive for being happy

Create A Vision of Who You Want to Be

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A vision for your life is like a roadmap. It takes you from point A to point B and beyond.

Today GenuLines gets behind the wheel to show you a few points along the way. .

Create A Vision of Who You Want to Be

If you’re unhappy where you are in life, it could be you are not creating the right vision about yourself.

viewfinder helps visionThink back to recent thoughts you had. Were they negative thoughts or feelings like you’ve hit a roadblock?

Shift your focus to a life that you want or a person that you want to become. If you want to have a life similar to an idol of yours, read about how that idol has become a success and use that as a guideline to help you accomplish something similar.

When you create a positive image within your mind, it will set up neural pathways to help you reach your goals. The more you reinforce this mental image the more pathways you’ll create.


If there is information available online that can help you with your vision, use it to your advantage.

Finishing Touches

Determine your vision and then the steps you believe will help you get there. Finally, continue to imagine that vision  on a daily basis.

Your brain will get so used to this vision it will become a subconscious process.

This is not to say you can’t alter your plan or your vision. There may be something you thought you wanted, but as you progress, you find this not to be the case.

There’s nothing wrong with that.

If this happens, create another vision and move on from there. Your brain will form pathways for this new vision.

If your vision is fine but the plan is not getting you where you need to be, don’t be afraid to make changes with it. Plans are only guidelines.

You can change as needed. This can happen when new information comes to light along the way, information which wasn’t available when you got started.

People Gonna Talk

Be prepared for criticism as you create this new vision for yourself. It’s yours and yours alone.

People may not understand what you’re trying to shoot for. Hold to your beliefs and prove them wrong.

Your critics are not the ones who have to live with the vision you make for yourself. You’ll find when you reach your goals those same critics will suddenly be on your side.

They’ll even claim to have been there for you all along.

It’s annoying, but that’s how people behave. It’s not worth the aggravation.

Just move on with your vision and let them think whatever they want.

JohnK 11-13-2023

stick man hears about visionOverheard: “Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and  purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others”

~ Roy T. Bennett



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How Reducing Distractions Can Build Stronger Relationships

Distractions in your life can hurt your relationships. There’s help for this. And today GenuLines will show you some ways to bring this about. . 

How Reducing Distractions Can Build Stronger Relationships

Spending undistracted time with people will build stronger relationships. You’ll have time to devote to each other in more effective and productive ways.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s a working relationship or a personal relationship. 

Enjoy Improved Communication

driver having distraction

Take time to talk to people minus distractions from screens or other activities. This is most conducive to real conversation.

You’ll learn each other’s communication styles better.
And you’ll start understanding each other more. Knowing what the other person means when they talk to you helps all aspects of the relationship.



Have More Fun 

It’s more fun to be with people when you’re not having to answer your phone or look at screens. The few times you get together will be exclusive and without distractions.

Build Positive Memories 

When you look back on your life you’re not going to with you had more time with gadgets or small concerns. Instead, you’ll focus on the memories you’ve built with those closest to you.
You can’t make memories if you aren’t focused on the event or person.

Discover More Shared Interests 

Remove distractions from your dealings with others and you’ll
learn more about who they are. You’re quicker to find common ground.
When you have more shared interests relationship satisfaction improves.

Foster a Sense of Commitment 

When we connect to our community and environment, we’re a lot more devoted to it. Human nature is that way, even if we don’t want to do the activity in question.

Feel Happier 

Studies using couples and families showed interesting results. They found that spending quality time minus distractions brought more happiness.
And they have longer-lasting relationships than those who don’t.

Reduce Stress 

Distraction causes stress, and stress causes so many other problems – even physical illness. If you want to reduce your stress level, consider making lifestyle changes.
Ones that allows you to focus only on each activity you’re in as you’re in it.
Do the same with relationships. If it’s at work, find an electronics free place to talk.
At your work meeting, ask everyone to turn off unnecessary distractions. If it’s your family and friends, make a concerted effort to spend this time together without an agenda.
And ditch the distractions. you’ll be happy you did.
JohnK 2-20-2023
stick man hears about distractionsOverheard: Happiness can only be found if you can free yourself of all other distractions.                                     
                                ~Saul Bellow
Article image by Breakingpic: https://www.pexels.com/photo/car-music-audio-controls-3102/
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How Your Mental Attitude Helps You Prosper

Keeping a good attitude helps you stay on the road to realizing your dreams. Kinda hard to argue with that. 

Today GenuLines examines how your mental attitude can take some of the bumps out of that road. 

How Your Mental Attitude Helps You Prosper

You’ve heard the one about ‘The Power Of Positivity’ right? Yes, it’s a famous book that made someone famous.
And it’s become even more famous because other famous people agree with this famous saying. And they live by it, or at least that’s what they tell everyone that they do.
Let’s find out for ourselves.

Being Positive Helps You To Be More Positive

cat with attitude
Positivity has a wonderful characteristic. It’s a feedback loop of positivity.
When you’re more positive you feel better about yourself and your life. And that positivity builds on itself.
Unfortunately, negativity works in exactly the same way. But that’s for miserable people and we’re not going to be like them, are we?
To some, this will make complete sense immediately. But I can already hear some ‘Negative Nellies.’ They’re saying, “How can I be positive about my life when it’s so bad?” There’s a simple answer. It’s loved by children, and it’s called ‘Let’s Pretend’.

The Prosperity Of ‘Let’s Pretend’

Your brain doesn’t know the difference between what’s happening to you and what’s imagined. Think about spending all day imagining that everything was great.
You felt happy about yourself and your life. You would think that everything was great and that you were happy about yourself and your life.
Isn’t that great, and a positive thing to know?
But if things aren’t particularly great you can pretend and make your brain think that they actually are. But how does this apply to prosperity?
If you feel and think you’re prosperous, who on earth is there to say that you’re not. You might not have the biggest house or newest car.
Yet if you don’t need those things to be happy and peaceful in your life, then what do they have to do with true prosperity? If you’re in an internal state of happiness and peace, then you are more likely to be open to opportunities.
Your internal state influences your external state. Have a go at making yourself more prosperous by being more positive.
JohnK 11-21-2022
Stick figure hears about attitudeOverheard: “Two things define you: Your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything.”
                              ~George Bernard Shaw
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Get Back on Track If You’ve Lost Your Enthusiasm For Life

When you lose your enthusiasm for living your life sucks. Simple as that.

But it’s not too late to get it back, and GenuLines is here to partner with you in the recovery. 

Get Back on Track If You’ve Lost Your Enthusiasm For Life

Feel like you’ve lost your enthusiasm for life? Does it seem like it’s not worth caring anymore?
You’ve got plenty of company.
Many people lose their enthusiasm for life somewhere along the way. Whether it’s mental or emotional , or because they’re stuck in a rut.
boy shows enthusiasm
But there are ways you can get back on track and regain your enjoyment of life. Let’s look at some of the things you can do right now to take back your enthusiasm for life…
What Is Holding You Back?
It’s a good idea to figure out exactly what it is that’s holding you back. Is it self-doubt?
Could be that you had unrealistic expectations that led to you giving up on what you wanted? Figuring out the causes can be the start of working your way back toward enthusiasm.
Get Into A Healthy Routine
Keeping a healthy and positive routine is important. The things we do each day give power to our outlook.
If you feel as though you’re going through the motions in life, switch things up.
Start with your morning routine.
Does it leave you feeling energized, positive, and inspired? If not, change it up so it better serves you.
Avoid checking your phone and the news as soon as you wake up. Do things the night before that will make your mornings easier.
When you start the day right, it can leave you feeling a lot more positive all day.
Surround Yourself With Positivity
As you’ve no doubt guessed by now, staying positive is key to regaining your enthusiasm. The people you surround yourself with make a huge difference in how you feel.
Keep negative companions and your outlook will head south, too.
The reverse is also true. Be around positive people and you’ll be more positive.
You’ll see opportunities and start to enjoy each day.
Your inner circle should consist of people who build you up and support you. When you have encouragement and support, it helps you to feel like you can take on anything.
Know When To Seek Help
At times depression may be the cause of a low enthusiasm for life. If you suffer with mild depression, the above tips may help you to overcome your current low state.
But, if you have moderate to severe depression, you may need professional help. Getting this help can prove invaluable for getting back your passion and joy for life.
Many of us go through times when we lose interest in life. Yet, the key thing to remember is that you’re not stuck.
There are things you can do right now to regain your enthusiasm and live a happier and fulfilled life.
JohnK 8-8-2022
stick figure hears about enthusiasmOverheard: “It’s faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes a life worth living.”
                                    ~Oliver Wendell Holmes
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Why Personal Growth Matters

Think of your personal growth as the measuring stick of your life. The quality of your progress can affect the quality of your years. 

And GenuLines wants to make you aware of that quality and how you can improve it. 

Why Personal Growth Matters

How much time have you dedicated to your personal development in the past year? Six months? Week?
Unfortunately, society trains us to put other things first, like education and careers. We’re not downplaying their value in life.
We only want to point out the importance of taking the time to invest in our self-improvement.
Today, we’re talking about all the reasons why personal growth matters. As you’ll find out below, it makes up a huge chunk of your life as a whole, no matter how old you are.
graph showing growth
So, let’s get started.

What Is Personal Growth?

Working on accomplishing things in life, setting goals, and achieving them. This is personal growth.
It starts with the drive to do and be better.
Even before that, you have to start with a positive mindset. That helps boost your resilience and keeps you going, even when things don’t go your way.
The beauty of personal growth is that it’s subjective. It’s different for everyone, like success.

A Closer Look

Some people define being successful as having a happy, healthy family. Others define it as having a career, or more money than they know what to do with.
Even though personal growth is a bit more elusive, it’s all improving as an individual. This can be polishing up your education or refining your temperament. Whatever it is you’re seeking out of life, that’s your personal growth journey.

What’s In a Name?

Because it’s so diverse and covers so many aspects, it goes by several names, including:
*Personal development

Why Does Personal Growth Matter?

Now that we understand what personal growth is, you can see how it can have a positive effect on someone. Then, without even trying, that person will motivate others to work harder and do better.
So, personal growth isn’t a solitary journey. Yes, you do the hard work. Yet, you reap so many rewards that soon you realize it was all worth it.
Working on developing as a person will help you in various aspects of your life. You’ll shine at work and you’ll notice people will start to praise your accomplishments.
You’ll also grow into a more compassionate and loving person. Listening and being attentive will become second nature. You’ll feel good about yourself, and you’ll make others feel good as well.

How to Start Your Personal Growth Journey

Empathy and positive thinking are two traits we seem to lose over the years. Personal growth can help you regain them.
Here are some of the things you can do to begin achieving personal growth.

Set Short-Term Goals

Aim to set and achieve short-term goals. When creating goals, keep the following in mind:
Make your goals realistic
Divide long-term goals into several short-term ones
Write each goal on a Post-It and hang it on your desk or bathroom mirror
Recognize and accept your strengths and weaknesses
Treat yourself to something nice every time you complete one of your goals

Keep Learning

We’re never too old to learn. Keep an open mind and take a step out of your comfort zone, and you’ll find fascinating things to learn about.
Ask any entrepreneur, and they’ll tell you they never stop learning. Their fascination with the world is what keeps them a step ahead of everyone else.
The trick is to find something that piques your interest. Nowadays everything is evolving so fast, there’s no shortage of that!

Find Your Purpose

What makes you happy? Find what makes you giddy with happiness, a.k.a. your purpose in life.
Each one of us has something that drives them and sets them apart from everyone else. Find what you want and go after it.
Even if you don’t know much about it, you can always learn. Thanks to modern-day technology, there are plenty of options to choose from.

Wake Up Early

Having healthy sleep patterns will regulate your physical, emotional, and mental states. You’ll feel more energized and ready to tackle the day that lies ahead.
Studies looked at people who make a habit of waking up early. They found those people to be healthier, happier, and more productive. It may take some time to get used to, but, once you do, you’ll never go back!

Read More

Many of us have given up on reading, thanks to our ever-present smartphones. You have to start the habit of reading each day, even if you read one blog a day.
Acquiring knowledge can be quite satisfying. You feel both competent and good. It’s an easy way to boost self-confidence and personal growth.

Personal Self-Acceptance

Knowing what your talents and skills are, is a vital part of self-acceptance. Likewise it’s important to recognize the areas where you’re not as strong.
Be confident in what you’ve accomplished and forgive yourself for any past mistakes. That’s the first step to accepting who you are and realizing your true worth.
We’re all here for a reason. Take the time to find out what yours is.

A Final Note

Understanding why personal growth matters is like understanding the secret of the universe. It can mean the difference between being happy, hopeful, and feeling dejected and lost.
Well, of course no one wakes up saying, “I want to be miserable.” It requires hard work and dedication.
You have to have a positive outlook and accept yourself for who you are. Only then can you unlock your true potential, which I have no doubt, will be amazing!
JohnK 12-27-2021
Stick figure hears about growthOverheard: “Don’t go through life, grow through life.”
                                    ~Eric Butterworth
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Is Staying In Your Comfort Zone Holding You Back?

Your comfort zone has a way of betraying you. I mean, it’s supposed to be a comfortable place, right?

Let GenuLines show you how it might be working against you. 

(Listen to this article by clicking here)

Is Staying In Your Comfort Zone Holding You Back?

We’ve heard a lot about getting out of our comfort zone. But have you ever thought about why you should?
After all, it’s a place where we feel safe and in control. 
It’s where we can predict what will happen and how we will feel. There won’t be any surprises that we can’t deal with.
So why would you feel compelled or even want to get out of your comfort zone? You need to do it because that would be key to your personal growth and happiness.





The benefits

Stepping out of that zone helps you build up your self-confidence and the way you view yourself.
Is being there holding you back from living a fulfilled life and growing in your career? The answer is yes.
It can also keep you from realizing and achieving your desires. You avoid challenges and you don’t have to rise to any new levels.
Here are 3 ways this is holding you back.

1. It’s keeping you from personal growth

When you’re afraid of something, staying in your comfort zone keeps you from facing that fear.
Then you suffer from it forever or until you do face it. You sidestep situations that would force you to face the fear as a way of overcoming it.
For example, say you have a fear of public speaking. It could keep you from taking a job that requires you to speak in front of others.
You hesitate even though it’s a step up on your career ladder.

2. Your happiness suffers

You might be prone to struggle with self-confidence and self-esteem issues. These problems can grow unless you begin to address them.
Stepping outside your comfort zone helps you build self-confidence. You see yourself in a better light.
When you’re confident and have good self-esteem, you’re happier. For example, if you’re not confident in your abilities, you may fear trying something new.
This drags down your confidence. You feel less competent and it’s making you unhappy.

3. Your comfort zone can make you feel trapped and unhealthy

Often our comfort zone keeps us doing bad habits out of fear. You might want to be more active, run a marathon, feel fewer aches and pains and go on adventures.
But to do any of these things means doing something that is outside your comfort zone.
For example, you want to run a short marathon. It’s always been a dream of yours, but you procrastinate and make excuses why you can’t.
You’re too out of shape. You don’t have time. You’re too old.
But the real reason is that you’re afraid to get out of your comfort zone and begin working with a trainer. As a result, you continue to eat unhealthily and you gain weight.
You lose muscle tone and put your dream on the back burner. At some point, your health takes a hit.
Staying in your comfort zone holds you back from living a life you love, from being happy, and from growing. You end up letting your fears rule.
And that’s a recipe for mediocrity.
JohnK 1-25-2021
Stick figure hears about comfort zoneOverheard: “Dare to learn, to be different, to set your goals, to move out of your comfort zone, to be persistent.”
                                          ~ Unknown
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You Can Find Joy In Challenging Times

“There’s no joy in Mudville” is a line from the poem “Casey At The Bat.” Today there doesn’t seem to be joy anwhere in the world.

But GenuLines reminds you can build a foundation of joy, even in an age of social isolation. 

(listen to this article by clicking on the radio image or scroll down to read)

Radio sounding joy





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You Can Find Joy In Challenging Times

They are life’s ups and downs. A constant fluctuation of emotional highs and lows.
We spend most of our time in a rather even, mundane state of emotional normalcy.
This is broken up by peaks of the best times and unfortunately, valleys when nothing goes right.
The lows of everyday life are tough. But in times of crisis such as a worldwide pandemic, they only intensify.
Daily news of death, isolation, fear, grief, and loss can strip us of our joy. And, this can lead to depression.
Sign tells of joy
While you can’t control what happens outside your door, you CAN control yourself. There are things you can do to maintain a positive and even joyful mindset.
Let’s look at three of them.

Surround Yourself With The Right People

It’s often said that we are the sum total of the five people we surround ourselves with most often. If so, make sure you get the right people around you.
Many times when life is beating us up, we retreat into the solitude of our home. We want to throw the covers over our heads and be alone with our thoughts.
Sometimes periods of solitude are healthy and necessary. Right now, isolation is the norm as we experience a health crisis.
But when you find your spirits cratering you feel robbed of your joy. So connecting with joyful types is crucial.
It’s not hard to stay connected to them during Shelter In Place orders. Technology has seen to that.
• Face Time on iPhones and Video calls on Android
• Skype
• A simple phone call
• Email
• Text
• Zoom and other video conferencing software can safely bring together friends and family.
• Good old-fashioned letter writing

Remember That Nothing Is Permanent

The time-honored adage says “THIS TOO SHALL PASS.” It would suggest that nothing in life is permanent.
So we tend to see extreme happiness and joy as temporary, and we play them down.
Yet keeping this expression in mind during the low times can be very beneficial. Whatever you’re going through, no matter how bad it may be, it WILL pass.
And consider this. Most of the difficult times you experience in life will end without any extra effort on your part.
It’s so easy to get into a mindset of having to put out a huge amount of effort to make something bad go away.
This is possible but most of the time TIME is the only remedy for tough situations. To maximize your joy in hard times, remember that your situation is not the way things are.
It’s the way they are RIGHT NOW.

Base Your Happiness On Yourself

So far we’ve discussed how life takes us through highs and lows. And that nothing lasts forever.
There’s one more thing to keep in mind during the best AND the worst periods.
To have more consistent joy never let your circumstances dictate your attitude.
Elation in good times and near despair during the bad can cause emotional exhaustion.
Stable, consistent, sustainable joy can only be created and found within yourself.
Life is far less about what happens to you than it is how you react to it.
You are in charge of how you feel. Don’t fall into the routine of letting happiness get to your head and failure to your heart.
JohnK 4-15-2020
Stick figure hears about joyOverheard: “Joy is untouched by circumstance”
Article image by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
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Appreciate the Small Things And Find Contentment

You’re intent on finding happiness, but what about contentment? You hear about appreciating the small stuff and feeling happy.
Today GenuLines asks you to turn your aim from happiness to contentment.
call to action for contentment

Appreciate the Small Things And Find Contentment

baby feeling contentmentMost emotions are transitional, meaning you’re never in one state for long periods. People labeled upbeat actually do have moments of sadness or depression.
And even depressed people may not feel depressed all the time.
Think about a major event such as a war. When two countries are fighting, both sides lose lives.
It’s bloody, and it can last for several years. But, when the war is over, the countries are euphoric.
There will be no more bloodshed because of the war, and people can return to their lives.
But nothing that has changed in the world except that the war has ended. In other words, the sun still sets each day.
People still have to manage their lives.
The euphoria from the war ending doesn’t last long. Months later, the war is still over, but the euphoria has died down.
The same is true in a smaller way when you’re ill. For instance, suppose you have a stomach bug that leaves you uncomfortable and in pain.
When the bug passes you feel wonderful.
Yet, you don’t feel any better than you did when you weren’t experiencing the bug. It’s relative to the bad feelings.
That’s how emotional states work. They go from one to the other on a constant basis.
Appreciating the small things in life may lead to happiness. But, it’s likely you’re content more than you are happy.
Contentment can feel like a neutral state, leaning on the side of happy. There isn’t anything wrong when you’re content.
But, there’s also nothing ratcheting up your happiness.
Consider contentment before happiness
Striving for happiness can be stressful. The antidote? Gratitude. You’ll feel content without having to always push toward happiness.
Time spent in contentment means you’re doing something right.
Think about the people you love. And think about all you have, such as your health and a good job.
Imagine life without them and you’ll really appreciate contentment. That thought may even make you happy, if only for a short time.
JohnK 7-16-2019
stick figure feeling contentmentOverheard: “A harvest of peace is produced from a seed of contentment”
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Good Thanksgiving “Chi” from GenuLines to You!


On this Thanksgiving Day, I am incredibly thankful that you are a part of the Chi For Yourself and GenuLines communities!

Rather than sending you wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving, I’m sending you all the best energies– in other words: good “chi.’

Use this time to rest and recharge with your family and friends. And keep in mind that what you think about is what you bring about!

Be well


JohnK 11-22-2018

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graphic for thanksgiving




man on thanksgivingOverheard:  “If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.” 
                             ~Meister Eckhart





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Depression and “Feeling Better” With Cindy Stulberg

Our latest Chi For Yourself topic was depression. But it centered on a different kind of treatment. 

Woman talks depressionCindy Stulberg is the author of Feeling Better: Beat Depression and Improve Your Relationships with Interpersonal Psychotherapy.

Her message is that depression can be treated by getting a better handle on your relationships. 


Here are some of the talking points from the show:


  • Interpersonal Psychotherapy or IPT
  • Four depression problem areas 
  • Social media’s effect on isolation
  • 13 signs you might be depressed
  • Step 1 you can take right away


If you missed the show, you can hear it by clicking on this logo:


radio logo for depression show


Be well!



JohnK 11-20-2018

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