Chewing The Fat, Shedding Pounds, and Saying Goodbye to Diets

Well, here we are in the last week of January winging our way through 2015. I don’t know if you made any resolutions for the year, but if you did you may have the “lose some weight” resolution on your list. It’s one of the more popular promises we make each year. On the next CHI FOR YOURSELF we’re going to look at weight gain and weight loss from a perspective you may not have considered.

Our guest will be Karen Koenig,  author of Outsmarting Overeating: Boost Your Life Skills, End Your Food Problems  as well as five other books about eating and weight. Karen’s a psychotherapist, eating coach, and speaker who’s been working with troubled eaters for more than 30 years. Karen says “You may think food is your main problem, but it isn’t.” Rather, she says your problem is that “you never learned the skills and strategies everyone needs in order to live effectively and successfully.”

picture of Karen Koenig

Karen Koenig

Be on the call with us on the next CHI FOR YOURSELF with Karen Koenig- Thursday, February 5th at 1pm Pacific, 4pm Eastern time at


Dividing line

If you missed last week’s CHI FOR YOURSELF  interview with Mary Beth Sammons here’s a look back on some of the points we covered:

*overcoming challenges to an attitude of gratitude
*the Law of Attraction’s place in the practice of gratitude
*how hardship is such a good starting point for appreciation
*getting kids to feel grateful
*what Mary Beth is grateful for
*her favorite gratitude practice
*Yoga and Meditation as aids to gratitude
*Mary Beth’s collaboration with co-author Nina Lesowitz
*finding gratitude in a world of negative news
*separating real dreams from ego urges
*Mary Beth’s takeaway point from the book

You can listen to the CHI FOR YOURSELF interview with Mary Beth Sammons by clicking on this player:




..all you really need is in your life already

∼ Thomas Merton







JohnK 1-29-2015 home

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