Do You Know The Secret’s Secret? Energy is The “Secret Sauce”

( This originally was written as a response to a blog post.)

Picture that reads top secretThe blowback from Rhonda Byrne’s “The Secret” comes as no surprise. Many people interpret the idea behind the Law of Attraction as a way to hit the lottery or bring anything one asks for into one’s life.

The Law of Attraction is a law as is the law of gravity. Does anyone decide to “believe” in the law of gravity? Just try to disprove it by jumping off of a building! To say that we don’t believe in the Law of Attraction because of Rhonda Byrne is like saying we don’t believe in Christianity because of the antics of Jim and Tammy Faye Baker. Or that we don’t believe in Catholicism because priests are molesting children.

The Law of Attraction is about energy. Manifesting is relative. If one applies energy in the direction of a new job then the loss of the current job may start the process. As for manifesting illness there is a growing feeling, even by some in the medical community, that cancer is an illness of resentment. More and more we’re seeing that there is no disease, but rather “dis-ease”. Cut out the tumor and chances are the cancer comes back. Learn how to deal with your issues (lower energies) and you stand a better chance against sickness. Conventional medicine and treatment is one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. And how many of us have heard of someone saying that their cancer or blindness was the best thing that ever happened to them? We pity them for something (manifested?) that gave them a positive result they never would have realized in their healthy state.

There is no such thing as a victim in Universal Law. If cells are in tune with these laws of physics they are healthy cells. If they waver from this harmony then they run the risk of problems. The laws tell us that we manifest what we vibrate- the word “fault” really doesn’t come into play.

The Law of Attraction is NOT about positive thinking. A better explanation of this is where Rhonda Byrne could have done readers/viewers a service. There is no positive attraction without equal energy being generated. All the affirmations and happy talk in the world won’t get you where you want to go if the underlying energy is not there. Teachers of the LOA will tell you that if you “believe” in the Law of Attraction you’re right. If you don’t, you’re still right. In other words it works if you work it. As a result, many of Ms. Byrne’s readers are saying they merely read the book and nothing happened in their lives.To say that reading The Secret gives you a grasp of the Law of Attraction is akin to saying Chef Boyardee is an experience of a genuine Italian meal.

I don’t write these lines in order to evangelize. I’m merely pointing out the considerable misunderstanding surrounding Universal Law. Better to begin the understanding of these laws by exploring, say, an area such as Quantum Physics.


JohnK 11/12/2012

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