Tips to Get Through Winter and Get Things Done: Day 3

picture of john kobik for how to get things doneI trust you’re having a good (and productive) week! “Get Things Done” is our theme for this week. Today you’re getting two more of the 10 tips to boost your productivity. A quick count finds that 4 more tips will be coming your way, giving you 10 in all.


You’re getting these as a kind of “drip feed” so you can put your full attention on each one. I like to say that what you think about is what you bring about!




Do you want to be more productive? The following tips are easy to implement and can help you increase your productivity immediately. Being more productive will help you achieve your goals and success more quickly.


5. Time Block: Identify when you are at your most productive. Are you at your best firstthing in the morning? Whatever time of day it is, schedule your most important tasks for that time. 

woman working to get things done

Photo Courtesy Jan Willem Geertsma








6. Use an Accountability Partner: Make yourself accountable by telling someone else what you want to achieve. Make sure you give them a target date. Report your progress regularly. By making yourself accountable you are increasing your chance of success. You’ll also have someone to talk to should things go wrong.


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