Your Purpose May Evolve And Change As You Do… And That’s O.K.

I hope that throughout this challenge you’ve been thinking a lot about living with purpose. And all that that means to you right now.

game board shows changeAs you apply intention to your life you’re changing things here and there. All the better to align with your purpose. You may even discover your passion and your calling. You’re working toward making things happen.

That’s great, but there’s something we haven’t talked about much. It’s that we all grow and change as time goes by. And with that our purposes change.

Let’s say you’re the mother of small children. Right now, living with purpose may mean spending as much time as possible raising your kids. That may mean being a stay at home mom, working only part time, or working from home.

That’s great, but know that the situation can change as time goes by.

For instance, in a few years the kids will all be in school. You’ll find yourself with more time on your hands. It would be fine to switch focus and get back into your career or try something completely new.

Things change and evolve. You change and evolve. Your purpose may evolve as well and that’s normal.

That’s why it’s a good idea once in a while to stop and think about what’s important to you. Use the time to make sure you’re still living a purpose driven life based on your current values and ideas.

clocks showing changeIt’s o.k. to change and adjust if things no longer feel like a good fit.

It’s fine to do this “on the fly” as you move through your days and weeks. But it’s also helpful to stop every few months and give it serious thought.

We are creatures of habit. Often we’ll stick to a plan, an idea, or a routine because that’s how we’ve always done it. Or it could be we figure we have to tough it out.


That’s admirable, and there’s a time and place for this. It’s also good to take some time and, if necessary, second guess what your doing.

You want to live life with intention and with purpose. Take the necessary time to make sure what you’re doing is a good fit.

If it is, great… carry on. If it isn’t, make some changes until what you do aligns with your purposes.


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