Your Loved Ones Will Benefit From A Purpose Driven Life

In an earlier post, we saw how we can combine community life with purpose to bring about permanent change.

Those changes can be large or small. And they all add up. We can make a difference.

family with purpose Today we’ll take a look at the impact living a purpose driven life can have on your loved ones.

You Set A Good Example
The most powerful effect of living a life with purpose is setting a good example for those around you.

Your spouse or significant other sees what you’re doing. And you can be sure your kids are watching. So are your family and friends.

Living a purpose driven life can be quite contagious. Get started and see how much of an effect you can have on those around you.

They’ll get a direct benefit {from your attention and patience, for example). Or through your efforts to spend more quality time with those most important to you. Or you’ll inspire them to live a more purposeful life themselves.

You’re More Confident In Yourself
As you start to live with purpose and see the impact even small acts can have you’re more confident in yourself. As you gain self-confidence, you start to feel more comfortable in your skin.

You’re making a difference when you live with purpose. This, in turn, makes you a more confident parent, spouse, and friend. Your loved ones will benefit because you are no longer busy second guessing yourself. You take massive action that benefits everyone.

mom, dad, kids with purpose

You’re Happier And More Fulfilled
One of the big reasons self-confidence is so important is its direct link with your happiness.

And living a life with purpose brings a big measure of fulfillment. So it’s no wonder you’re happier and more content when you infuse your life with purpose and intention.

Living with purpose has a positive impact on the people who are closest to you. And on others who play an important part in your life.

Living a purpose driven life makes you a better parent. A better spouse. A better coworker. And a better friend.

Bottom line? The kindness you exude will help you become a better person

Keep that in mind as you continue on the journey to living with purpose. Use it as motivation and encouragement on those days when things get tough and you’re ready to give up.

Enjoy the process.

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Clipart image of overheard man with purposeOverheard:  “We either live with intention or exist by default.”

                  ~ Kristin Armstrong


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