Stick To Your Fitness Resolution

Every New Year fitness is high on the list of resolutions. You tell yourself that you’re going to hit the gym with a vengeance.

But by midyear that resolution is a mere memory. If this sounds familiar let this GenuLines reminder get you back on track.

Stick To Your Fitness Resolution

runner aims for fitness
The majority of New Year’s resolutions fail. Getting fit is one of those frequent failures.
If you’ve ever spent much time in a gym, you know the routine. For the entire month of January, there’s often a line at every piece of equipment in the building.
The local fitness facility begins to resemble Times Square on New Year’s Eve. Yet the crowds thin out weeks later. .
Today we offer a few tips that can bring you closer to your fitness goals for the New Year.

Keep Things Simple

When you set out on a new fitness journey, it’s easy to become overwhelmed.
What workout routine is best? What foods should you eat?
Fitness, as well as life in general, is best kept simple.
The best workout routine is the one you’ll stick to.  And your nutrition shouldn’t be rocket science.
You know what foods are good for you and what’s junk. The biggest factor in your fitness success is consistency.

Set Reasonable Goals

Advertising does a great job of making drastic body transformations seem like a snap. Even more comical are the timeframes reported by these ads.
How many times have you heard, “In just 15 minutes per day, 3 times per week, you’ll finally have those six-pack abs?”
This is all nonsense, as physical changes to your physique don’t work this way.
Fitness is about the long game.
While you WILL see progress, it doesn’t happen overnight.
So instead of going to the gym 7 days a week and eating nothing but celery, set goals that you can stick to. Start small.
Hold yourself accountable to 3 workouts per week. And avoiding your favorite late-night junk food.

Develop A Strong “Why”

As we’ve already discussed, fitness is about consistency. The incredible sense of motivation and enthusiasm you feel at the start WILL come and go.
If your only inspiration to work out is to “look better,” know there will be a lot of days in which that’s just not enough. Make your “why” unique to you.
Find it and use it to push through the hard days!
JohnK 5-24-2021
Stick figure hears about fitnessOverheard: Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.
                                        ~John F. Kennedy
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