Routine Could Be Just What Your Life Needs

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Riddle: When is routine not so routine? Answer: When it boosts your creativity.

For example, you can add routines to your life to make sure you’re completing your tasks. But you’ll need some structure to complete those tasks.


GenuLines has some guidelines to help you make that happen.


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Routine Could Be Just What Your Life Needs

Start by defining which routines you want to map out for yourself. You could do this for your personal goals and work goals.

You can list all the tasks you currently need to do and decide which of those would need a routine.

A simple example would be to do an oil change on your car:

  • The first step is to schedule it for every three months on your calendar.
  • Then, you could map out a plan on how you’ll complete the task.
  • First, you’ll need to buy the supplies, like oil, filters, etc. You’ll also need to jack up the car or put it on jack stands.
  • Then, you will drain the old oil from the car, replace the filter, and add the new oil. The last step is to check the oil dipstick to make sure the levels are good.

More steps you can take
You can automate some tasks via computer. If you’re capable of doing this yourself, then proceed.

If you need to hire a computer programmer, you may be able to find one on freelance websites. It’s not as expensive as you might think.

You do want to make sure you create a complete specification. That can be a challenge if you’ve never done it before.

Always have a backup plan for any automated procedures. Some people get dependent on automation to the point where they don’t know what to do when the routines fail.

Write down how to do manual procedures in the event you need to get the job completed by a certain time. Trying to find a programmer to fix the problem is not easy and may cost you a lot of money.

When it’s all up to you
What if you have to perform routines which are not automated. You’ll need the discipline to complete them.

Schedule time on your calendar as a reminder. It’s easy to let these tasks go.

Especially if they’re ones you are not thrilled to do in the first place.

JohnK 2-12-2019 home


stick figure finds routineOverheard: “The only routine with me is no routine at all”
~ Jackie Kennedy





Photo by Anelale Nájera on Unsplash

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