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You Can Create Self-Supporting Habits For Success

Your success can be built on a dream. But you’ll need the right tools to do it.

The builders at GenuLines show you how your habits can get the job done.

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You Can Create Self-Supporting Habits For Success 
Have you ever wondered how successful people get where they are? And often, so young?

Okay, we can’t all be Steve Jobs.

But there is untold potential within you.

You need to learn to create self-supporting habits that will help you achieve success. Your behaviors are determined by your habits, so everything that you’ve achieved so far and everything that you will… is down to your habits.

ideas turned to success

Self-Supporting Habits For Success:

• Pursue Your Passions

We humans generally seek stability, especially when it comes to a career. But those people who go big are willing to pursue the things that interest them.

People work harder when they love what they’re doing.

• Find A Mentor

Having a mentor is one smart way to steer your way to success. There are different types of people you can turn to for mentorship.

They may be a parent, teacher, or someone within your career. Or a famous person whose books you turn to for advice or guidance. yourself.

What successful people are able to do is learn from the mistakes they make. The latter is powerful, what greater motivation than turning failure around.

• Dreams Become Goals

Yes it’s important for you to pursue your passions. But don’t forget that you can use your dreams to set your goals.

• Make Lists

What good is having goals if you don’t have an action plan to achieve them? The key is breaking your goals down into the steps it will take to achieve them.

Creating processes is the key to creating success.

• Be Health Conscious

This might not seem like something of great importance, but… without your health you are nothing. So, eat the right types of food and be mindful of your portions.

Regular exercise a good night’s sleep are very important, too.

• Be Honest

You may think of successful people as ruthless and maybe even underhanded, but in all honesty… honesty is vital. Show principle in every action,

Be fair (not only with the world, but also with yourself),. This allows you to create a vision for your life that will be consistent with your values and ideals.

Don’t compromise when it comes to integrity,. Don’t sacrifice your peace of mind for anything (or anyone).

Honesty is the key here. And it underscores the rest of the self-supporting habits on your list.

• Self-Discipline

When you come right down to it, the list above is useless without self-discipline. The ability to control yourself is one of the most important qualities that you will develop.

And it’s a habit that goes hand in hand with every success in every aspect of your life.

Each of these habits will help you develop as a person and grow the desired results. The habits that you have as of now are what got you where you are today.

But if you want to keep growing and improving then it’s time to build on those habits. So become more focused and driven.

Your success is in your hands.

JohnK 10-9-2023

stick man hears about successOverheard: “Habit is stronger than reason”

~George Santayana
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What Is Prosperity? ( And How Do You Find It?)

Prosperity isn’t guaranteed in life. First you have to know what it is, then know how to get there. 

The following is a GenuLines road map aimed at getting you to your destination. 

What Is Prosperity? ( And How Do You Find It?)

Okay, let’s have a look. The dictionary definition is – ‘The state of being prosperous’
Well that wasn’t much help. So, what is the definition?’
piggy bank means prosperity
Prosperous means – ‘successful in material terms, bringing wealth and success.’
Okay now we’re getting somewhere. We know what prosperity is, but how do we go about finding it?

Let’s Talk About Prosperity

Although we have the dictionary definition above, I’m not real happy with it.
Yes prosperity can apply to material wealth and success. But it can also take in mental, emotional, and even spiritual wealth and success too.
But what if it doesn’t reach into every facet of our lives?
To find prosperity in all areas, we have to be very clear about the things that we want in our lives. And the things that we don’t want.
We must also make sure that we’re living a way of life that removes anything that doesn’t serve us. Examples include addictions to negative behavior or people.

Internal & External Prosperity

You can’t consider only your external environment or external resources.
You want to secure your external and internal prosperity. We do this through the means of internal mental and emotional mastery.
So even if you do lose your material wealth you won’t lose your ability to be happy. You can stay in a state of internal peace.
To summarize: know yourself to the best of your ability. Then develop a better mindset and way of life.
One that supports, encourages and cultivates this innate capacity for prosperity. For you and for others, too.
You’ll become a force for good. The world, your world¸ will be a much brighter place if you can do this.
So, get to work. At the end of the day, true prosperity comes from you.
No one in the world can give this to you. You’re going to have to forge this one for yourself.
All the best!
JohnK 10-24-2022
stick man hears about prosperityOverheard: “Prosperity of wicked men runs like a torrent past, and soon is spent
                     ~Marcel Proust, Swann’s Way
Article image by Ann H: https://www.pexels.com/photo/love-business-money-toy-11933551/
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Routine Could Be Just What Your Life Needs

routine of people


Riddle: When is routine not so routine? Answer: When it boosts your creativity.

For example, you can add routines to your life to make sure you’re completing your tasks. But you’ll need some structure to complete those tasks.


GenuLines has some guidelines to help you make that happen.


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Routine Could Be Just What Your Life Needs

Start by defining which routines you want to map out for yourself. You could do this for your personal goals and work goals.

You can list all the tasks you currently need to do and decide which of those would need a routine.

A simple example would be to do an oil change on your car:

  • The first step is to schedule it for every three months on your calendar.
  • Then, you could map out a plan on how you’ll complete the task.
  • First, you’ll need to buy the supplies, like oil, filters, etc. You’ll also need to jack up the car or put it on jack stands.
  • Then, you will drain the old oil from the car, replace the filter, and add the new oil. The last step is to check the oil dipstick to make sure the levels are good.

More steps you can take
You can automate some tasks via computer. If you’re capable of doing this yourself, then proceed.

If you need to hire a computer programmer, you may be able to find one on freelance websites. It’s not as expensive as you might think.

You do want to make sure you create a complete specification. That can be a challenge if you’ve never done it before.

Always have a backup plan for any automated procedures. Some people get dependent on automation to the point where they don’t know what to do when the routines fail.

Write down how to do manual procedures in the event you need to get the job completed by a certain time. Trying to find a programmer to fix the problem is not easy and may cost you a lot of money.

When it’s all up to you
What if you have to perform routines which are not automated. You’ll need the discipline to complete them.

Schedule time on your calendar as a reminder. It’s easy to let these tasks go.

Especially if they’re ones you are not thrilled to do in the first place.

JohnK 2-12-2019
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stick figure finds routineOverheard: “The only routine with me is no routine at all”
~ Jackie Kennedy





Photo by Anelale Nájera on Unsplash

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