Resilience For You and Good Brain Health, Too!

If you didn’t get a chance to hear the most recent Chi For Yourself interview on resilience you’ll want to take a listen.


woman of resilienceLinda Graham was our guest, and she talked about her book Resilience: Powerful Practices for Bouncing Back from Disappointment, Difficulty, and Even Disaster 



Talking points included:

  • Encouraging parents to help their kids be more resilient
  • Resilience as tested in the workplace
  • Affirmations and meditation toward resilience
  • The “Negativity Bias”
  • The breaking point


Listen to the show by clicking on this Chi For Yourself logo:


show on resilience




Chi For Yourself brings you lots of information on meditation. Here’s a rather long article on how meditation can help brain health.

If you want to read it in its entirety you can click on the link and be taken to the Chi For Yourself “Meditation” page




Can Meditation Help Keep Your Brain Young?
As we age, our brains lose weight and volume. These changes may start to occur as early as our mid to late 20’s.
Research has shown people who meditate lose less brain mass over time than those who do not. One finding was especially interesting.
People who meditated showed less of a decrease in their white brain matter.
White brain matter acts as a connector and insulator for gray brain matter. It carries nerve impulses between the functional parts of the brain. Continue reading the article


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