How to Handle Being Laid Off

Being laid off sucks! As a broadcaster for many years, I experienced this over and over again.
Read on for the GenuLines look at ways to deal with layoffs.
call to action for being laid off

How to Handle Being Laid Off

You wake up every day and think about what you’ll need to do when you get to work. Once you get there you feel overwhelmed, but you know it’s good to have a job that pays the bills.
man laid offThis time, your boss calls you and several other coworkers into a conference room. A Human Resources person is at the meeting, too.
Then, your boss gives you the news that you’re losing your job.
Image by www_slon_pics from Pixabay
Your first thoughts are how are you going to pay the bills? Do you have enough money to cover your expenses for the next several months?
Where will I find a new job?
Even when you find something, it could take months before you end up starting it.
Don’t panic
Losing your job is a blow. But, it’s not the end of the world.
You’ll find something.
Or you may feel the urge to start an online business. It’s never been easier or cheaper to get something going.
Of course, taking that route isn’t an instant path to riches. It still takes work.
Don’t spend too much time on what happened with your job. Instead, focus on how you’re going to rectify the situation.
That focuses your energy and lessens the chance of having gaps in your work history.
Avoid crutches
Getting fired moves some people toward drugs and alcohol. It’s easy to get hooked, and once you do, it’s challenging to overcome the situation.
It could lead to you postponing your job search. Worse, you will likely alienate your family and friends.
Contrary to popular belief, alcohol is a depressant. If you’re pessimistic about your situation, it’ll drag you down even more.
Cut back on spending. Don’t rack up credit card balances that can reach unmanageable levels.
If you’ve saved some money for emergencies, use it instead of hitting up the credit.
If you find yourself strapped for cash, make sure you pay your mortgage or rent before other bills. You don’t want the bank hounding you or foreclosing on your property.
You can negotiate the payment terms on other bills.
JohnK 7-9-2019
stick figure is laid offOverheard: “Keep doing some kind of work, that the devil may always find you employed”                                                      
                                                ~St. Jerome
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