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Should You Take a Chance On Finding a New Career?

Your career takes up a big slice of your life. It informs many of the decisions you make along your path. 

Today GenuLines helps you consider whether it’s time for a change of direction.

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Should You Take a Chance On Finding a New Career?

When I was a kid we looked for jobs right out of high school or college. And we usually stayed with that same job for as long as we could.
Finding work automatically meant we were doing the right work.
Those of us who questioned what we were doing got an earful. Criticism came from friends, neighbors, and especially family.
You might be in a similar situation and disillusioned with your career. It just doesn’t seem to be what you thought it would be.
Change gonna come
You’ve thought about changing careers, but that sounds a lot like starting over.
It’s scary, especially if you’ve been in a certain career for several years, or you’re older.
Hey, you’re earning a decent salary and you’re even climbing the “corporate ladder.” Leaving means you’ll have to work for less money and no seniority!
You think to yourself “what if this affects the people in my life?”
Breaking it down
Sometimes, getting out of a bad situation is enough to overcome a salary hit. You can make money online, either by selling or working for others.
Being at a physical location is no longer necessary if you’re looking to make extra money.
The second factor with a lack of experience is the newness of it all. This can be exciting as well as scary.
Think back to when you first started in your original career. Any new achievement put you on top of the world.
The third factor concerns the lack of seniority. Remind yourself that you’ve got job and life experience that you bring to the table.
Any management experience that you have can work in your favor, too. And your age brings wisdom you can draw on in adverse situations.
Staying in a career that you’ve grown tired of can make you bitter and take years off your life. If you’ve thought about taking a chance on starting a new career, remember that many others have done it.
And they’ve made it work.
JohnK 2-26-2020
stick figure man looks for a careerOverheard: “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle”
                                                      ~Steve Jobs
Article photo by kate.sade on Unsplash




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How to Handle Being Laid Off

Being laid off sucks! As a broadcaster for many years, I experienced this over and over again.
Read on for the GenuLines look at ways to deal with layoffs.
call to action for being laid off

How to Handle Being Laid Off

You wake up every day and think about what you’ll need to do when you get to work. Once you get there you feel overwhelmed, but you know it’s good to have a job that pays the bills.
man laid offThis time, your boss calls you and several other coworkers into a conference room. A Human Resources person is at the meeting, too.
Then, your boss gives you the news that you’re losing your job.
Image by www_slon_pics from Pixabay
Your first thoughts are how are you going to pay the bills? Do you have enough money to cover your expenses for the next several months?
Where will I find a new job?
Even when you find something, it could take months before you end up starting it.
Don’t panic
Losing your job is a blow. But, it’s not the end of the world.
You’ll find something.
Or you may feel the urge to start an online business. It’s never been easier or cheaper to get something going.
Of course, taking that route isn’t an instant path to riches. It still takes work.
Don’t spend too much time on what happened with your job. Instead, focus on how you’re going to rectify the situation.
That focuses your energy and lessens the chance of having gaps in your work history.
Avoid crutches
Getting fired moves some people toward drugs and alcohol. It’s easy to get hooked, and once you do, it’s challenging to overcome the situation.
It could lead to you postponing your job search. Worse, you will likely alienate your family and friends.
Contrary to popular belief, alcohol is a depressant. If you’re pessimistic about your situation, it’ll drag you down even more.
Cut back on spending. Don’t rack up credit card balances that can reach unmanageable levels.
If you’ve saved some money for emergencies, use it instead of hitting up the credit.
If you find yourself strapped for cash, make sure you pay your mortgage or rent before other bills. You don’t want the bank hounding you or foreclosing on your property.
You can negotiate the payment terms on other bills.
JohnK 7-9-2019
stick figure is laid offOverheard: “Keep doing some kind of work, that the devil may always find you employed”                                                      
                                                ~St. Jerome
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