Happiness Is More Than Thinking Positive Thoughts

Your happiness level isn’t what you’d like it to be. Someone in your circle suggests that you should think positive thoughts. That’s the answer, or so it seems. 
Today GenuLines looks at happiness as more than just staying in a positive mindset.  

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Happiness Is More Than Thinking Positive Thoughts

The dictionary defines happiness as “the state of being happy.” Not a lot of information to go on there.
Let’s look at some different things that happiness can be. But realize that in truth, happiness is in the mind of the beholder.
smiley faces show happiness
Your Needs are Met
When a person is happy, they usually aren’t wanting for much. It doesn’t mean that they’re not having a tough time.
Rather, they’re making what they have fill their needs.
You feel satisfied
When you’re happy you tend to feel satisfied with your life. You think about your life and feel good about your good fortune.
This could include your living space, your life partner, or the fact that you live alone.
Contentment is a hallmark of happy people. Whether it’s their job, home, health, or things in general.
Happy people do experience stress. But they have a way of drawing on their contentment when things are less than perfect.
You Are at Peace
A happy person often feels a lot of peace surrounding their life and family. They tend to know that everything will turn out okay.
They’re pretty good at turning negativity into positivity.
Your Definition
You can set your own definition of happiness. It’s not necessarily about getting tons of stuff.
It’s not about finding a spouse unless you want that. Or about having kids, unless you want that.
It’s a Journey
Happiness isn’t a destination where you’ll forever dwell. It’s a lifelong journey that will have many ups and downs and struggles.
Still, you manage to feel good about it.
In the 1989 movie “Parenthood”, one of the main characters is a struggling mother. She says she loves “the roller-coaster” of life.
Her husband, though, is struggling and not as happy. He focuses on the downs instead of the ups.
It’s How You Act
When you’re happy your actions lean toward the positive. You eat better, you move more, you think better thoughts.
Know that you have it in your power to be happy where you are in your life right now.
Thinking positive thoughts is not the be-all and end-all of happiness. It’s having your needs met, yes.
But it’s not about having everything, or even the best. It’s about being satisfied with what you have while also being able to work toward the things you want.
It starts with your thoughts. And it manifests with your actions.
JohnK 12-24-2019
stick figure talking about happinessOverheard: “If thou wilt make a man happy, add not unto his riches but take away from his desires.”



Article Image by Gino Crescoli from Pixabay  
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