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5 Ways To Sharpen Your Motivation Skills

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5 Ways To Sharpen Your Motivation Skills

Motivation is a very useful tool . And GenuLines will help you produce it on your own by using physical and mental techniques.

It can come from a thought process that encourages positive energy.

You can do this in many different ways. But motivation can be a difficult thing to muster up if your physical body and mind are not in the right place.

picture inspiring motivation

We’ll start by looking at ways to sharpen motivational skills.

Get Your Mind In The Right Place

Your mind has a lot to do with how you feel about any situation. And you can think your way into a motivational mindset. So here are a few tips for getting your mind on the right path::

Write down your negative thoughts and the things that you need to improve

If you experience depression or anxiety, get it under control by seeking help

Feed your mind on a daily basis by reading or listening to positive content

Take Action!

You’ve got to take action if you expect to feel motivated to do anything.

Why, you ask?

In your body dopamine triggers feelings of motivation to do something. When you feel pleasurable sensations it kicks up your energy.

This means that when you do things, you feel a certain way about them. And you have this release of dopamine that contributes to your actions.

This can cause problems from motivation and energy to addiction to a feeling.

Know What You Really Want

Sometimes you feel as though you have to do something. But things change when your focus is on what you feel you must do.

This is the thinking that can power your life with more energy.

It’s crucial for motivation. You’ll motivate yourself and those around you.

Take Care Of Your Body

Without a healthy body, you’ll find it very difficult to have a healthy mind. Your actions and energy will determine whether your motivational habits will be sustainable.

A healthy diet and enough exercise are very important. Body and mind health work together to promote general health.

Find Someone Who Has The Same Goals

You can feed off of the energy of others. And it works both ways.

You can provide them with the tools to motivate themselves.

Are You Ready To Get Motivated?

Take action today. Be in control of your motivation.

Remember “perfect practice makes perfect.”

You won’t always feel motivated. But habits are the deciding factor in whether you can get things done even when you’re not motivated.

Motivation is something that we learn to develop over time. And over time you’ll see the benefits of sharpening your motivational skills.

JohnK 4-22-2024

stick man hears about motivationOverheard:  If you must have motivation, think of your paycheck on Friday.

                                                   ~Noel Coward

Article photo by Ihsan Adityawarman: https://www.pexels.com/photo/multicolored-bontainer-2045600/

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Are Your Self Limiting Beliefs Bringing You Down?

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It seems as though you’re going through life with the emergency brake on. Your efforts are cancelled out by limits of one sort or another.

Your beliefs could be the problem, and GenuLines has a closer look at how this is happening.

Are Your Self Limiting Beliefs Bringing You Down?

You’re not moving forward in life, why is that? The answer could be self-limiting beliefs.

Self-limiting beliefs relate to our abilities, skills, looks, motivation, and other personality traits.

Self-limiting beliefs are often self-identified. This means that they are beliefs that focus on oneself rather than the world in general.

But self-limiting beliefs may also be about other people or the world.

note tells of limits

What Are Self-Limiting Beliefs?
Self-limiting beliefs include: I do/don’t I am/am not:

These beliefs define us by things we are or are not. “I am an accountant.”

These types of self-limiting beliefs may also connect to things you tell yourself you do or don’t deserve.

“I don’t deserve a raise because I’m a bad accountant.” Self-limiting beliefs come from the self-image.

Typical I can’t self-limiting beliefs are statements that begin with I can’t. “I can’t do this because… I can’t learn that because…”

Value Beliefs
Value beliefs usually come from norms laws cultural restraints and other conditions.

But, not all these are mandatory, and some are limiting. “I must clean my house every day until the floor shines.”

This is a very limiting value belief about cleanliness.

Others will/are: these are beliefs based on how other people perceive us or what they will do based on our actions. These are often guesses about other people’s behavior, and they are often wrong.

These self-limiting beliefs are wrong. We view people through our own mind rather than through their perception.

We don’t have accurate ideas of how other people think because we have not lived their experiences.

How Do Self Limiting Beliefs Affect Your Life?
We’ll refer to Psychology Today. We’re told that limiting decisions in our lives prevents us from becoming who we wish to become.

Self-limiting thoughts do this by affecting our decisions.

There have been several studies in this area over the years. They looked at what we perceive, our emotional state, and how we perform.

All showed ties to our self-belief system. Self-limiting beliefs turn into self-limiting actions.

Often people with self-limiting beliefs will not even attempt to test that limit. For example, people who think that they are not attractive will never attempt to ask for a date.

If you think you’re too old to get a new jobs you won’t try to find a more satisfying one.

You can see how self-limiting beliefs can bring you down without you even knowing. Self-limiting beliefs are controlling your decisions every day.

4-Steps To Eliminating Self Limiting Beliefs
The lucky thing about thoughts is that you are in complete control of them. Anytime you have a thought, whether it’s positive or negative, you can change it.

Psychology Today has a four-step process to end self-limiting beliefs. Let’s take a look:

1. Write the limiting belief down.
Find out how strong each belief is and what emotions they make you feel.

2. Acknowledge that they are beliefs and not truths.
Many people struggle with this step, but the reality is a belief and not a fact. Many self-limiting beliefs are limitations based on fictional ideas we have about ourselves.

When you realize that these are not real limits, you free yourself to act against them.

3. Try on a different belief.
This may take some practice, but over time you’ll be able to change your belief system. An example from Psychology Today was changing a self-limiting belief about handling money.

Instead of saying, “I am not good with money and that is why I have financial difficulties.” You would change that belief to “I am experienced with money because of my past. ”

“I’ve learned how to handle my finances.” These simple tweaks in your internal dialogue can help you change your actions.

4. Take different action.
The final step is to take action on your new belief as if it were true. If you’re trying on the belief that you are a successful artist, you may enter your first art show.

Scary? Sure.

But it’s also a big step in overcoming negative and self-limiting beliefs.

JohnK 8-28-2023

stick man hears about limitsOverheard: Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.

~Arthur Schopenhauer


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6 Tips To Make Fear Your Friend

In life it seems that fear takes time outs yet never really leaves the game. But you can put fear on your team. 
This GenuLines game plan aims to do just that. 

6 Tips To Make Fear Your Friend

What makes you afraid? Is it losing someone close to you? A trip to the dentist?
Thunder and lightning?
hiding in fear
Whatever it is, keep in mind that fear is normal. It’s how our body warns us of dangerous situations and that we should be careful.
Yet, sometimes, our fears can become so great that they hold us back from living up to our full potential. We’re stressed and anxious over the smallest things.
Then again fear, in its positive form, can actually be good for us. It can inspire innovative ideas and motivate us to reach new heights.
Today GenuLines helps you make fear your friend. Follow the six tips below, and you’ll know how to turn what was once your foe into an ally.
Let’s get started.
1. Identify the Source
This could be the hardest step, though it’s very much worth it. But first, you need to come to terms with the source of your fear.
Being aware of the root cause will be difficult in the beginning, but it’ll make you stronger. You’ll no longer live in the shadow of that big, insurmountable fear.

2. Own It

You’ve come face-to-face with your fear. Now, it’s time to own it.
But before you do that, you have to actually admit that such-and-such scares you. There are several ways to do this.
First, you can either say it out loud. Do this with someone else in a comfortable setting.
You can also write it down in a journal or diary. The point is to get it out of your head and into a way to deal with it.
That’s when your fear loses its control over you.
It also feels better to get it off your chest and share it with the world. It might surprise you to know that many other people are as afraid as you are.

3. Think Rationally

Fear makes us panic, and panic makes us do stupid things. In fact, studies show that when we panic, our prefrontal cortex shuts down.
This is the region of our brain responsible for rational thinking.
Learn how to think rationally despite your worries and panic. Make fear your friend, and you’ll be able to go a lot farther in life.
4. Take Stock
People deal with fear, stress, and anxiety in different ways. Some people like challenges and the pressure they bring.
Others find it better to work at their own pace without any tight deadlines looming overhead.
Whichever way you prefer, the important thing is not to let fear get the better of you. For example, say you’re afraid to speak in public.
A colleague gets sick and asks you to take over their presentation. In this scenario, you have to pick whether you’ll let your fear overpower you or whether you’ll rise to the challenge.
The latter won’t be easy, but it’ll definitely be worth it in the long run. Tell yourself that others have held presentations before and have lived to tell about it.
So, what’s the big deal?
Remember, your mind tends to blow things out of proportion. So, find a way to deal with the stress and take stock.
It’s the only way you’ll be able to harness your fear and get the job done.

5. Find Support

No one ever failed by having a strong support system. Surround yourself with people who encourage you to do better.
These are the people who listen to you when you’re venting about your fears and anxiety.
There’s research to back the benefits of having a support system. This helps your coping skills. your self-esteem. and your well-being.
Moreover, a sound support system can lower stress, anxiety, and depression rates. 
6. Be Positive
Whenever you’re afraid, you’ll tend to focus on negative thoughts and emotions. But then, they fester in your mind and transform into this big, ugly thing that you can no longer control.
Why not try some positivity for a change? Remember, the mind is quite powerful; it only needs a small push in the right direction.
Stay in this mindset and expect things to fall into place.
JohnK 1-16-2023
Stick figure hears about fearOverheard: “Fears are educated into us, and can, if we wish, be educated out”
                                   ~Karl Augustus Menninger
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Get Back on Track If You’ve Lost Your Enthusiasm For Life

When you lose your enthusiasm for living your life sucks. Simple as that.

But it’s not too late to get it back, and GenuLines is here to partner with you in the recovery. 

Get Back on Track If You’ve Lost Your Enthusiasm For Life

Feel like you’ve lost your enthusiasm for life? Does it seem like it’s not worth caring anymore?
You’ve got plenty of company.
Many people lose their enthusiasm for life somewhere along the way. Whether it’s mental or emotional , or because they’re stuck in a rut.
boy shows enthusiasm
But there are ways you can get back on track and regain your enjoyment of life. Let’s look at some of the things you can do right now to take back your enthusiasm for life…
What Is Holding You Back?
It’s a good idea to figure out exactly what it is that’s holding you back. Is it self-doubt?
Could be that you had unrealistic expectations that led to you giving up on what you wanted? Figuring out the causes can be the start of working your way back toward enthusiasm.
Get Into A Healthy Routine
Keeping a healthy and positive routine is important. The things we do each day give power to our outlook.
If you feel as though you’re going through the motions in life, switch things up.
Start with your morning routine.
Does it leave you feeling energized, positive, and inspired? If not, change it up so it better serves you.
Avoid checking your phone and the news as soon as you wake up. Do things the night before that will make your mornings easier.
When you start the day right, it can leave you feeling a lot more positive all day.
Surround Yourself With Positivity
As you’ve no doubt guessed by now, staying positive is key to regaining your enthusiasm. The people you surround yourself with make a huge difference in how you feel.
Keep negative companions and your outlook will head south, too.
The reverse is also true. Be around positive people and you’ll be more positive.
You’ll see opportunities and start to enjoy each day.
Your inner circle should consist of people who build you up and support you. When you have encouragement and support, it helps you to feel like you can take on anything.
Know When To Seek Help
At times depression may be the cause of a low enthusiasm for life. If you suffer with mild depression, the above tips may help you to overcome your current low state.
But, if you have moderate to severe depression, you may need professional help. Getting this help can prove invaluable for getting back your passion and joy for life.
Many of us go through times when we lose interest in life. Yet, the key thing to remember is that you’re not stuck.
There are things you can do right now to regain your enthusiasm and live a happier and fulfilled life.
JohnK 8-8-2022
stick figure hears about enthusiasmOverheard: “It’s faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes a life worth living.”
                                    ~Oliver Wendell Holmes
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Can You Learn To Be More Optimistic?

Optimistic outlooks are pretty rare these days. It’s easy to point to everything that’s going on in the world to back this up. 

GenuLines takes a look at some optimism building blocks and how you can use them to build a new outlook.

(You can listen to this article by clicking on below or scroll down to read it)

Radio for being more optimistic




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Can You Learn To Be More Optimistic?

Door to optimismWe all know that one person who sees the positive in every situation.  Some of us hate that person. 
Some of us love that person.  And some of us ARE that person.
If you’re not that person, you may be wondering if you can actually learn (or teach yourself) to be more optimistic. While some people are inherently positive, others lean toward the negative. 
Are we capable of changing from one to the other?
There are many benefits to a positive mindset. Optimists tend to be healthier and they lead lives that are better in most ways.
Changing the Way you Think
It turns out that optimism is more than thinking things will be better and pessimism means they will not. Instead, we use these words to describe the way a person thinks about what causes adversity.
A pessimist tends to think about these things in a way that makes them feel powerless. For example, a pessimist might say their adversity is due to internal forces.
They’ll say it’s all their fault, and there’s no way they can change it.
It’s possible to change the way that you think about things. When adversity makes your first thought a negative one, take a step back.
Re-examine it from a different angle
Let’s say you’re studying for a test and you’re struggling to understand the material. It’s easy to fall into thinking that you’re going to fail.
Rather, think about ways you might better understand the material. Then work on learning and studying what’s needed to help you toward a good grade.
Re-route your pessimism away from making failure inevitable.
Change your thought process and study the material to boost your chances of success. Our attitudes toward things are somewhat inherent.
But it’s possible to change your thinking and be more optimistic in the process.
Don’t rely on clicking off positive quotations to yourself and nothing else.
Do teach yourself to look at every situation from different angles.
Do that and don’t be surprised when your attitude improves, too.
JohnK 3-18-2020
stick figure man hears about optimismOverheard: “Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree”
                                                                      ~Martin Luther
Article image by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
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Happiness Is More Than Thinking Positive Thoughts

Your happiness level isn’t what you’d like it to be. Someone in your circle suggests that you should think positive thoughts. That’s the answer, or so it seems. 
Today GenuLines looks at happiness as more than just staying in a positive mindset.  

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Happiness Is More Than Thinking Positive Thoughts

The dictionary defines happiness as “the state of being happy.” Not a lot of information to go on there.
Let’s look at some different things that happiness can be. But realize that in truth, happiness is in the mind of the beholder.
smiley faces show happiness
Your Needs are Met
When a person is happy, they usually aren’t wanting for much. It doesn’t mean that they’re not having a tough time.
Rather, they’re making what they have fill their needs.
You feel satisfied
When you’re happy you tend to feel satisfied with your life. You think about your life and feel good about your good fortune.
This could include your living space, your life partner, or the fact that you live alone.
Contentment is a hallmark of happy people. Whether it’s their job, home, health, or things in general.
Happy people do experience stress. But they have a way of drawing on their contentment when things are less than perfect.
You Are at Peace
A happy person often feels a lot of peace surrounding their life and family. They tend to know that everything will turn out okay.
They’re pretty good at turning negativity into positivity.
Your Definition
You can set your own definition of happiness. It’s not necessarily about getting tons of stuff.
It’s not about finding a spouse unless you want that. Or about having kids, unless you want that.
It’s a Journey
Happiness isn’t a destination where you’ll forever dwell. It’s a lifelong journey that will have many ups and downs and struggles.
Still, you manage to feel good about it.
In the 1989 movie “Parenthood”, one of the main characters is a struggling mother. She says she loves “the roller-coaster” of life.
Her husband, though, is struggling and not as happy. He focuses on the downs instead of the ups.
It’s How You Act
When you’re happy your actions lean toward the positive. You eat better, you move more, you think better thoughts.
Know that you have it in your power to be happy where you are in your life right now.
Thinking positive thoughts is not the be-all and end-all of happiness. It’s having your needs met, yes.
But it’s not about having everything, or even the best. It’s about being satisfied with what you have while also being able to work toward the things you want.
It starts with your thoughts. And it manifests with your actions.
JohnK 12-24-2019
stick figure talking about happinessOverheard: “If thou wilt make a man happy, add not unto his riches but take away from his desires.”



Article Image by Gino Crescoli from Pixabay  
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Trust Your Choices To Work For You

You trust others, but in yourself, you’re not so sure. Are you in this camp?
Today GenuLines offers some ideas to help you turn this around.

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Trust Your Choices To Work For You

alligator and man with trustYou may have a difficult time trusting yourself. If so, you’re not alone.
Often, when you lose trust in others, you start to lose trust in yourself.
To help you overcome this problem, you need to focus on key aspects of trust. The first is to be mindful of your accomplishments.
Pass off your accomplishments as unimportant and they won’t be there to draw on when you need them. That’s sure to interrupt the process of trusting yourself. 

Trust your instincts

This feeling will put you on target if it comes from the deepest part of you. An instinct is something you feel strongly about and does not come only from experiences.
It comes from something internal that defies explanation. It’s part of that inner voice that is telling you what to do.
You need only listen. How many times have you said to yourself that you should have listened to your instincts?

Opening up to others

A funny thing happens when you let others into your life. You find that you become more trusting of yourself.
Don’t be afraid to need other people.
Draw from the strength of others to supplement what you know. It’ll unburden you from feeling as though you have to do everything yourself.
And it will open you to the possibilities of trusting yourself.

Filter out negative information

You’re bombarded with negativity throughout your life. You get it every day in the news, at work, and too often, at home.
The more you learn to focus on positivity in your life, the easier it will be to trust yourself. A good first step towards this goal is to avoid negative people.
Trusting yourself sometimes requires a leap of faith. Take some chances.


Sure, you want to take calculated risks. But you don’t want to over-analyze every decision you make.
That will only cause you to stagnate.
It’s true that not everything will work out the way you plan. But you’ll never know unless you try.
The good news is that when you’re ready to try, many of your decisions will work for you.
JohnK 11-12-2019
stick figure talking about trustOverheard: “The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.”
                                 ~Ernest Hemingway

Article image by skeeze from Pixabay

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Become a “Turnaround Factory” for Negative Thinking

Negative images bombard your life. They’re all over the television news and your favorite TV shows.
You see it online, at work and even at home. But, GenuLines suggests some out of the box thinking to turn things around 
call to fight negative

Become a “Turnaround Factory” for Negative Thinking

What if you could picture your brain as a factory? One that takes in negative thinking and processes it to churn out positive thoughts.
negative picture of factorySeems a bit odd since, of course, you’re not a factory. But, if you can think in these terms, you may be able to combat negative thinking.
Switching to factory status means you need to stop overreacting to what people say. When someone says something you don’t agree with, take a moment to consider what they’re saying.
When you get annoyed at others, you stop listening to them and only want to get your point across. You want to prove why they’re wrong.
Instead, after he or she speaks, take a moment and consider what the message is.
The next step is to try and see the other person’s point of view. If you have a difficult time doing this, calmly ask questions of the person making the statement.
You can say that you don’t understand the reason for the statement and would like to know more about why they said it.
You don’t have to agree with the other person, even after you start to process what they say. But, the act of listening and considering their point of view will transform you.
You may start to challenge your belief system. Sometimes you can get so focused on a belief, even when the reason why you feel that way has changed.
When you start to question your beliefs, you’ll be more open in considering what others have to say. The process will help you turn negative thoughts into positive ones.
Negative thoughts seldom lead to believing in oneself. You will end up challenging what everyone says as wrong if they don’t agree with your way of thinking.
You’ll become bitter towards others and at some point towards yourself. You won’t believe that anything is possible because you shoot down every suggestion.
This type of thinking doesn’t make people happy.
When you start to open yourself to others, you will learn more and be accepting of different beliefs. You’ll become enlightened when this happens.
JohnK 5-14-2019
stick figure hears negative talkOverheard: ” Negativity can only feed on negativity”
                                ~ Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
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Self-Doubt And What You Can Do About It

Have you ever wrestled with self-doubt? That might seem like a silly question.
Most people doubt themselves at some point in their lives. Scroll down for some good words from GenuLines on dealing with self-doubt.
Call to self-doubt action

Self-Doubt And What You Can Do About It

Why do people engage in self-doubt? The reason is that it’s easier to doubt yourself than it is to believe that something is possible.
ape with self-doubtYou may believe in your concept, but it’s something that hasn’t materialized yet. It’s unfamiliar territory for you.
Our protection mechanisms tell us to reach for something that’s familiar. We use this as a reason to quit.
The unknown also helps us to come up with excuses. It’s easy to say it won’t work because, and then insert whatever reason can set your mind at ease.
You can even find help from others in coming up with excuses. They have plenty of them for you to choose from.
If they didn’t, they would be succeeding at their goals.
A survival mechanism
Sometimes self-doubt can help us survive. For instance, someone tells you that you can jump off a cliff and survive.
Your self-doubt probably jumps in and tells you this is a bad idea. Self-doubt can sometimes keep you from making bad financial decisions.
This might be an opportunity that sounds too good to be true.
In most cases, self-doubt is not something that will advance your life. It will hold you back, and you need always to be aware of that.
Don’t take the easy way out. Do prepare yourself as much as possible for unfamiliar situations.
But, go forward with a strong belief that you can complete what you set out to do.
Try to structure your life so that you have more positive than negative energy. Flush out as much negative energy as possible.
Use affirmations, support groups, or whatever works for you.
Negative energy is what self-doubt is all about. Two forces are opposing each other.
If you have 100% negative energy that means you have 0% positive energy. Try to tip the scale toward as much positivity as possible and push away the negativity.
No shortage of negative energy
It’s unlikely that you can ever have 100% positive energy. But, you can work towards exposing yourself to positive energy.
You can stop listening to or reading the news, and you can reduce your exposure to negative people. Positive people do exist.
You just need to find them.
JohnK 3-5-2019
stickman with self-doubtOverheard: “Every time I start a picture I feel the same fear, the same self-doubts, and I have only one source on which I can draw. Because it comes from within me”
                                                  ~ Federico Fellini
Photo by Paolo Nicolello on Unsplash
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Happy Ways Are Here Again: Happiness as a Matter of Choice

Be with us for today’s Chi For Yourself and guest Daniel Parmeggiani. Daniel is the author of The Magnificent Truths of Our Existence: Unlocking the Deeper Reality of Permanent Happiness.

Picture of Daniel Parmeggiani

Daniel Parmeggiani

The interview can be heard live at 1pm Pacific time at www.chiforyourself.com





” Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared”




Article: The Simplicity of Choosing Happiness
In our new age of spirituality, where east meets west in the modern labyrinth of mental and spiritual healing, two clear definitions to happiness remain; (1) that happiness is a value synonymous with well-being and thriving, and (2) as opposed to depression, it is something we as humans seek. In essence happiness itself remaining the primary goal – and more elusive.

Psychological research suggests that each individual has what is called a ‘Happiness Set-point’ (HSP) determining overall well-being; happier when things balance our inner HSP and quite unhappy (even miserable), when things go against us, or fall short of it. We alone draw that line and in so doing compound our intrinsic belief, that sentience has a right to happiness, no matter what. Even an animal (and our basic survival instincts) will seek comfort against pain, to find it.

Evidence from research shows that 40% of our happiness is within our control and a voluntary choice we make. Psychologist William James, adds that it is our attitude that hinders or helps us reach our HSP. It seems that it is a natural human reflex to alter our attitude to achieve it. We want to maintain our HSP at all costs. Ironically, the indifference of the depressed, is a matter of ongoing research on lower HSP levels as per socio-economic standards, environmental and chemical imbalance.

Biblical and Buddhist philosophy maintain that all happiness comes from seeking it, yet ironically, a principle point of Buddhism is that all striving is suffering. This would explain why realistic goals are paramount, as true happiness may only be achieved through the balance of effort and suffering, and not the eternal ‘good-time’ that modern pop-psychology would have us believe. Being happier takes effort, especially if it’s a choice we make and maintain with mindfulness. Without effort, one can argue that happiness is hollow and not happiness at all.
Transformation might well be as simple as ‘Seek and ye shall find’ and no matter your labour to your HSP (health, diet, supplements; yoga and exercise; meditation, gratitude, education, journals, self-help, new-age, and/or new-thought mindfulness); the bottom line is that you are still only partaking in the most natural human birth-right of our species. Best to keep it simple.


JohnK 5-29-2014

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