Energy Management vs. Time Management

Busy days can send your energy gauge to near zero. You concentrate on how you spend your time, and the push and pull your create is exhausting.

You can “balance the books” with this GenuLines look at both sides of the equation. 

Energy Management vs. Time Management

You’ve likely heard the old adage, “Life is a marathon, not a sprint.” You manage your time without paying attention to your energy management.
child with energy
And now you’re running a sprint rather than pacing like a marathoner.
Research tells us that productivity and success have more to do with how you manage your energy. And they have less to do with time management.
At Work
In your work life you often try to do the things that give you more time.
Eating healthy, staying fit, spending time with your children and connecting with others all can suffer..
These take time and you do have to schedule some of your pursuits.
Have you considered whether you have the energy for those pursuits?
Trying to adhere to certain times to manage everything can leave you exhausted.
You’re not able to relax and enjoy yourself when you’ve “scheduled the time” for it.

Be The “Boss”

The alternative to managing your time is good energy management. This works when you take time to recover from those lengthy sprints.
You’re able to finish the marathon with ease rather than anguish.
Here are some tips for effective energy management.

Write It Down 

Make a list of what makes you feel refreshed, more creative and lifts your mood. It’ll help remind you about the benefits of these uplifting activities.
For example, watching a great series or show you’re following on television. Or sipping a cup of tea and listening to music.
These can ramp up your energy levels.
Do your best to take longer breaks. Don’t stick to a time table when it comes to stepping up your energy level.
Have fun with whatever you’re doing. And reward yourself for every goal reached.
Pressed For Time
Do you have lots of projects and it seems you’ll never finish them to be able to relax and enjoy yourself? Break those projects down into parts.
Reward yourself after you complete each one. This beats waiting until you finish the entire project.

Recovery Stops 

While you’re on a long sprint, you may feel the need to stop and renew your spirits and your energy. Do it!
You’ll feel so much more like completing the marathon and you’ll be happier at the finish. Managing your energy is a much more effective way to move through life.
Your inner energy thermostat doesn’t pay any attention to the time table you’ve created. Know this and, make it the most important factor in the marathon called life.
JohnK 1-16-2023
stick figure hears about energyOverheard: “Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal”
                              ~ Albert Camus
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