5 Tips To Stop Stress Eating

It seems your stress never stops. And you’re thinking the same might be said about your eating.

Today GenuLines chips in with some ways to delete the caloric part of this equation. . 

5 Tips To Stop Stress Eating


man is stress eatingStress eating can happen to any of us during any stressful situation. We turn to food for comfort.
This is not a healthy way to deal with stress and will cause weight gain, depression, and low self-esteem. Here are 5 tips that can help you end stressful eating.


Food Choices

We often turn to junk food for comfort such as chips, chocolate, candy and anything sweet. You can create a food diary to track your eating progress.
Keep track of what you eat, when you eat, and what times you’re hungriest to figure out what is your trigger food.
You don’t want to throw out every one of your favorite foods because this will only tempt you more. Instead, make healthier food choices.
You’ll feel better. and healthy eating helps decrease your appetite and improve your health in general.


The second tip is to exercise. .Stress can bring on depression and overwhelm.
Exercising will help manage stress and keep you healthy. You don’t need to run to the gym or a treadmill.
You can work out at home, go jogging, running, play a sport, or go for a walk.
Mayo Clinic studies found a positive connection between exercise and feeling better. They found that your brain receives feel-good neurotransmitters called endorphins.


Meditation is a powerful tool used for stress, anxiety, and depression. It brings you into a relaxed and soothing mood.
Even if you only meditate for 5 minutes, you’ll feel a difference. It’s best to meditate every day to help cope with stress.

Prevent Boredom

The fourth way to end stressful eating is to prevent boredom. Many people don’t realize they turn to food because they’re bored.
To prevent boredom, keep active throughout your day. Buy some art supplies from your local art store. and you can paint, draw, try out pottery, knitting, or even sewing.
There are so many things you can do to fill up your day no matter where you live. You can go into the city.
Visit an art gallery, learn a new language, read a book, visit family or friends to help prevent boredom.
Your preoccupied mind will keep your thoughts away from eating unless necessary.


Call calling a friend or family member for support. It’s a great option to help overcome stressful food intake.
In fact, some other options such as joining a support group or signing up for therapy will help you even more!
Talking with a professional will help you identify your stressors and triggers. And you’ll come away with a plan that works best for you.
Joining a support group partners you with others facing the same challenge. It’ll be inspiring and uplifting!
JohnK 10-10-2020
stick figure hears about stressOverheard: “Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one”
                                       ~Hans Selye
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