Tag Archive for stressful situations

5 Tips To Stop Stress Eating

It seems your stress never stops. And you’re thinking the same might be said about your eating.

Today GenuLines chips in with some ways to delete the caloric part of this equation. . 

5 Tips To Stop Stress Eating


man is stress eatingStress eating can happen to any of us during any stressful situation. We turn to food for comfort.
This is not a healthy way to deal with stress and will cause weight gain, depression, and low self-esteem. Here are 5 tips that can help you end stressful eating.


Food Choices

We often turn to junk food for comfort such as chips, chocolate, candy and anything sweet. You can create a food diary to track your eating progress.
Keep track of what you eat, when you eat, and what times you’re hungriest to figure out what is your trigger food.
You don’t want to throw out every one of your favorite foods because this will only tempt you more. Instead, make healthier food choices.
You’ll feel better. and healthy eating helps decrease your appetite and improve your health in general.


The second tip is to exercise. .Stress can bring on depression and overwhelm.
Exercising will help manage stress and keep you healthy. You don’t need to run to the gym or a treadmill.
You can work out at home, go jogging, running, play a sport, or go for a walk.
Mayo Clinic studies found a positive connection between exercise and feeling better. They found that your brain receives feel-good neurotransmitters called endorphins.


Meditation is a powerful tool used for stress, anxiety, and depression. It brings you into a relaxed and soothing mood.
Even if you only meditate for 5 minutes, you’ll feel a difference. It’s best to meditate every day to help cope with stress.

Prevent Boredom

The fourth way to end stressful eating is to prevent boredom. Many people don’t realize they turn to food because they’re bored.
To prevent boredom, keep active throughout your day. Buy some art supplies from your local art store. and you can paint, draw, try out pottery, knitting, or even sewing.
There are so many things you can do to fill up your day no matter where you live. You can go into the city.
Visit an art gallery, learn a new language, read a book, visit family or friends to help prevent boredom.
Your preoccupied mind will keep your thoughts away from eating unless necessary.


Call calling a friend or family member for support. It’s a great option to help overcome stressful food intake.
In fact, some other options such as joining a support group or signing up for therapy will help you even more!
Talking with a professional will help you identify your stressors and triggers. And you’ll come away with a plan that works best for you.
Joining a support group partners you with others facing the same challenge. It’ll be inspiring and uplifting!
JohnK 10-10-2020
stick figure hears about stressOverheard: “Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one”
                                       ~Hans Selye
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Why Stress is Terrible for Problem Solving

Working on problems and dealing with the resulting stress is a delicate balance. It can derail an important project.

GenuLines looks at the problem for ways you can keep everything “on the rails,”

Why Stress is Terrible for Problem Solving

Got a challenging problem that’s causing you stress? Is it preventing you from working to the best of your abilities?
 Then take a lie down!
Lying down on the job might sound like the worst thing you could do when you have a problem. But it’s actually one of the very best options of all.
Let’s take a look at why…

Neurochemistry and Problem Solving

When we’re stressed, our body assumes that we are in immediate danger. And it responds by putting us in the ‘fight or flight’ mode.
This means that we’re flooded with norepinephrine, dopamine and cortisol – stress hormones.
These have some effects on the body. From contracting our muscles, to clotting our blood (so we can better survive injury).
Another effect is intense focus. The resulting ‘tunnel vision’ helps us escape from the threat we’re facing.
This is very useful if you need to keep your eye on the terrain while you run from a leopard that’s chasing you. But it’s not very helpful when facing down the kinds of problems you encounter in the office.

Creativity and Problem Solving

This is because problem solving in the modern world requires creativity. It requires us to be able to think outside the box and to make connections between disparate ideas.
That’s why we’re actually at our most creative when we’re relaxed – even when we’re close to sleep.
The ‘hypnagogic’ brain state is what we slip into right before we nod off. It’s actually considered responsible for many creative works and scientific breakthroughs.
Studies say this is also why sitting in a more supine position at work boosts creative thinking. Likewise, exposure to the color green is enough to increase creativity.
Our subconscious mind associates it with being in natural environments.
Next time you’re facing stress, know that your stress will only make it more difficult to find the answer. So relax, take a breather and come back to it when you feel calmer!
JohnK 8-29-2022
stick figure hears about problemsOverheard: “Problems are the price you pay for progress”
                              ~Branch Rickey

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Signs Your Current Routine Needs an Update

Your daily routine can be so hum-drum that you don’t even notice. This can leave you feeling that you’re sort of stuck in “neutral.” 

Get your life back in high gear with this GenuLines look at how you can get back up to speed, 

Signs Your Current Routine Needs an Update

Daily routines can be invaluable for improving our lives. But they aren’t all equal.
When you’re creating your first routine, there are several things you may miss out on or get wrong. At first, it may have worked for you.
But now you’ve stopped seeing the progress you wanted.
As humans, we change and evolve over time. Where you are now and how you feel willDull routine look completely different from how it did a year ago.
This means, what works for us, in the beginning, may not work for us further down the line.
Not sure whether your routine is working for you? Examine the issues, situations, and signs below.
They can help you decide if you need to hit the “refresh” button.
You find the routine is difficult to stick to
The right routine will become easy to follow over time. But, all routines need effort in the beginning.
When you’re making changes, the mind needs time to adjust. It has to re-learn different patterns of behavior.
It’s often said that it takes around 21 days to build up consistent habits. If you’re still struggling after 21 days, it could be a sign you need to change it.
You don’t see the value in it anymore
When you first start following a routine, it adds a lot of value to your life. It can boost energy levels, reduce stress, and make you feel happier.
You’ll have few problems identifying the value in the things you’re doing.
If you’re struggling to see the value in your routine, changing it up can help. Over time, you change and the things that once helped you are no longer relevant.
This means it’s important to make changes as you and your circumstances change.
There is no room for spontaneity
Daily routines create structure. Yet you want to leave some room for flexibility.
Life is unpredictable and it needs factoring into your routine. If you make it too strict, you’ll find it’s much harder to follow.
Stick to including the most important tasks in your routine. These include habits to improve your mornings.
Don’t aim to create a strict timeline of how your day should go.
You find change more difficult now
One of the great things about a daily routine is that it gives you structure. And it should leave room for change, too.
If you use your daily routine to avoid change, it’s time to stop.
Many people find that change is a lot tougher if they’ve been following a strict routine. Such as adjusting to a rigid new schedule.
Any change can leave you feeling stressed out and overwhelmed. But it’s important to be open to change so re-doing your routine may be necessary.
These are some of the top signs you may need to update your current routine. Remember, over time you may need to alter your routines.
You’ll be making room for any lifestyle and personal changes.
JohnK 2-21-2022
stick figure hears about routineOverheard:  “The fixity of a habit is generally in direct proportion to its absurdity”
                                      ~Marcel Proust
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Taking Action Even When You’re Scared to Death

You visualize taking action. But thinking about it grips you with fear. 

This GenuLines report can help you take action while putting fear on the back foot. 

Taking Action Even When You’re Scared to Death

Fear is a normal emotion. Sometimes it can be beneficial because it makes you aware of risks.
It also keeps you alert, and improves mental focus.
man with fearBut too much fear will have the opposite effect. Don’t fret since even the most successful people experience this feeling.
The key is to prevent it from dictating your actions.



The many shades of fear

This human emotion isn’t all black and white. Fear can take many forms. They range from mild anxiety to downright debilitating over thinking under certain circumstances.
It can protect you from danger and stop impulsive behaviors. But because it’s closely tied into your gut instinct, it can also help you improve your decision.
Not all types of fear are good for you. In fact, this emotion often does more harm than good.
It can stop you from reaching your full potential, fuel procrastination.

It can cause stress

Let’s say you want to quit your nine to five job and start a creative agency or work as a freelance web designer. You might be afraid that you’ll lose time and money if things don’t workout as you planned.
But what if you won’t have enough clients? Or what if you get sick and can’t work anymore?
The risks are real, so it’s normal to experience fear. But you’ll never know what you’re missing if you don’t try.
Who knows, you might have a huge success and build a loyal customer base five years from now. You could have enough money to buy the home of your dreams.
Do you want to live your life wondering what if?
How to Conquer Your Fear
No matter how hard you try, you’ll never be able to get rid of fear completely. Instead, you can make it your ally.
Picture yourself reaching your goal whatever it is. Imagine a worst-case scenario then come up with a backup plan.
Ask yourself: what are the facts? Am I making assumptions? What’s the best thing that can happen? Who can I call for help?
Use your fear as a source of guidance. Assess your inner fears and seek possible solutions.
Using our example above, you could start a web design side hustle to complement to your regular job. This way, if your business fails, you’ll still have an income.
If it keeps growing, turn it into a full time job. With this approach, you’ll get to do what you want and mitigate risks.
JohnK 2-14-2022
Stick figure hears about taking actionOverheard: “A man that flies from his fear may find that he has only taken a short cut to meet it.”
                            ~ J.R.R. Tolkien, The Children of Húrin


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Your Daily Routine Can Make Your Day

Is it time to make some changes to your daily routine? You want your day to get off to the best start possible. 

So, let this GenuLines list help you to tweak your routine. 

Your Daily Routine Can Make Your Day

When you were growing up you may have followed a strict routine. As an adult you tend to relax the rules.
This can lead to other problems.
To keep the issue count low create a daily routine. A structured life can yield many powerful benefits.
Develop good habits
One of the best reasons to create a daily routine is that it can help you change bad habits. The changes may be gradual.
clock as part of routine
But in time you’ll start seeing big improvements.
Boost your efficiency
Do you ever wish you could get more done and make the most of your time? A daily routine can add structure to your life and make you much more efficient.
You won’t waste as much time as you once did, and you day will be a whole lot more productive.
Improve your health
One of the most powerful reasons to create a daily routine is that it can help you improve your health. This goes for physical or mental health.
You’ll notice the changes in your mood and general wellbeing.
Sleep better
When you have a routine you tend to sleep better. If you go to bed at the same time each night, and awake at the same time each morning, you’ll feel much more refreshed.
Work in other habits like switching off screens and other gadgets an hour before bed.
Incorporate more structure
To reach your goals you need willpower and motivation. A daily routine can incorporate both.
Exercise is a good example. When you add it into your daily routine, it becomes an automatic habit.
And you won’t need willpower or rewards to keep it going.
Reduce and relieve stress
Knowing that you have a daily regimen can help you add even more healthy habits. This turns down the stress levels.
And it opens more possibilities for you to schedule time for relaxation each day.
So, there you have it, 6 reasons you should create daily routines. An effective routine can take time.
But once you have it in place you won’t regret taking the time to create it.
JohnK 8-2-2021

stick figure hears about daily routineOverheard:  “Either you run the day or the day runs you”

                                ~Jim Rohn
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You Can Stop Stress Eating With These 5 Steps

The stress is getting to you. So you head for the kitchen.

This is a bad combination, and GenuLines wants to help you break the tendency.

You Can Stop Stress Eating With These 5 Steps

Stress eating can happen to any of us during any stressful situation. When times are tough you might turn to food for emotional shelter.
solution to stress
This is not a healthy way to deal with stress. It can often cause weight gain, depression, and low self-esteem.
Here are some tips to help you keep stress on a short leash.

Food Choices

You want to start with a healthy diet. Stressful times make us turn to junk food for comfort.
Things like chips, chocolate, candy and anything sweet.
You can create a food diary. This lets you track what you eat, when you eat, and what times you’re hungriest. And you’ll identify your trigger food(s).
You don’t want to drop all your favorite foods because this will only tempt you more. But what you do want to do is to make healthier food choices.
Switch out your junk food for healthy food. You’ll feel better.
And smart eating helps to decrease your appetite and improve your health in general.


Stress can leave you depressed and overwhelmed. This is where exercise comes into play.
No need to run to the gym or go out and buy a treadmill.
A simple close to home workout can suffice. Go jogging, running, play a sport, or go walking.
Physical activity kicks up your brain’s feel good neurotransmitters, also known as endorphins.


Meditation is a powerful tool used for stress, anxiety, and depression. It helps lower your stress levels and brings you into a relaxed and soothing mood.
Even if you only meditate for 5 minutes, you’ll feel a difference. Make it a daily practice.

Prevent Boredom

Unconscious eating can be a result of boredom. To prevent boredom, do activities throughout your day.
For example, you can paint, draw, try out pottery, knitting, or even sewing.
There are many things you can do to fill up your day no matter where you live. Visit an art gallery, learn a new language, read a book, visit family or friends to help prevent boredom.
When your mind is struggling with something, you won’t focus on food unless necessary.


Calling a friend or family member for support is a great option to help with stressful eating. In fact, some other options such as joining a support group or signing up for therapy might help you even more!
Speaking to a professional helps you identify your stressors and food triggers. And you can set up a plan that works best for you.
A support group can surround you with other people who are meeting the same challenge as you. Having a team to back you will feel inspiring and uplifting.
JohnK 7-5-2021
stick figure hears about stressOverheard: “It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it”
                                    ~Hans Selye
 Article image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay 
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The Psychology Of Fear

Fear is everyone’s companion at various times in life. We know how it feels but we don’t know much about how it works. 

Today GenuLines takes a look at fear and what makes it tick. 

The Psychology Of Fear

Fear is something we all have to deal with in some way at some time. It affects almost every part of the body from breathing to heart rate to muscle control.
man with fearBut what is fear? And how can it grip us the way it sometimes does?
Today we look at the psychology of fear. Why we feel it.
How it works. And what it does to our bodies when we experience it.
What is It?
Fear is a default survival tactic for all humans and animals. Fight or flight is pretty much embedded in each of us.
What kicks it into gear is the body experiencing fear as a danger (of any sort) approaches. We don’t face as many predators as our more animalistic ancestors did.
Yet we feel that something harmful is coming our way.

Decision Time

Fight or flight helps you decide whether the best and safest course of action is to fight the danger or flee from it.
But, there are different types of fear. As you well know, we aren’t only afraid of the serious dangers on our paths. The future or social situations are triggers too. They may not be life-threatening but they can provoke a similar fear-induced response.
Conditional Fears vs. Inerrant Fears
Inerrant fears are the fears you’re born with (danger, violence, small spaces, heights, etc.). Conditional fears are those you feel because of a bad experience and the fear of duplicating it.
Most fight-or-flight-triggering fears are inerrant fears. They involve fears of an approaching life-threatening danger. Conditional fears are more of our everyday fears. Fears of public speaking, relationship failure, the future, etc.
Effects On The Body
Fear triggers quite an interesting response in the body. It can spark a different reaction in each person.
And it can change with each fearful experience.
It can induce panic attacks, which are often different for each person. These usually feature breathing difficulties and shaking, that at times lead to fainting.
Your heart gets into the act, racing and making you feel antsy.
The Effects Are Many
Fear can affect almost every part of the body. It can keep us from reacting, paralyze us, cause us to make poor decisions, and more.
The following are ways that fear can affect our ability to function.
Decision Making
The first thing that fear can affect is our ability to make proper decisions. It can weaken the judgment which controls our decision-making abilities.
Our actions become defensive actions. These actions hinder your ability to assess options and make more informed decisions.
Fear can be a big factor in changing your outlook. When the brain picks it up it starts to paint a negative picture. .
For instance, let’s say you’re at a Chevron gas station and a dog attacks you. You may start connecting Chevron stations or any gas station with the incident.
Our bodies’ panic reactions can disrupt body functions. Some people react to panic with paralysis and others with breathing problems.
Fear affects different people in different ways. Few of us stop to think about the psychology behind it.
With better understanding, you can work to overcome your fears. And you can use them to pump up your motivation.
JohnK 6-7-2021
Stick figure hears about fearOverheard: “Do one thing every day that scares you”
                        ~Eleanor Roosevelt
Article photo by samer daboul from Pexels
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Time to Develop Your Money and Your Life

We tend to obsess over money, Often at the expense of important parts of our overall life. 

Here’s a GenuLines look at tying it all together to lessen the stress in your life. 
Time to Develop Your Money and Your Life
Some of the biggest stressors for families are financial challenges. When your financial house is in order, then the rest of your life falls into place with less hassle.
For most of us, financial planning was not a part of our high school or college curriculum. Ditto for balancing a checkbook or concentrating on 401k or emergency expenditures.
No balance in your financial issues can mean no balance in other life areas, too. Unfortunately, money controls much of our thought patterns, time, and worries.

Figure Out Your Spending Habits

money planningLearn about your financial patterns before talking about money with your partner.
You can make improvements in your spending habits.
And you can do that whether you’re frugal or a spendthrift.


The Spendthrift

If you have no knowledge of where money comes from or how to manage it, you’ll find that money will manage you. Spending more than you earn is never a good scenario.
Sit down with your finances. Figure out what’s coming in, what’s going out. and keep the difference for yourself as spendable income.
It’s really that simple.
Living above your means is something that you do not want to do, ever. Living above your means is never a win/win situation.

The Frugal Financier

If you hate to part with pennies and dimes you’ll have strained money dealings with most everyone. No one is going to put up with someone who’s being a tightwad, even for fun.

Get Together with Your Financial Partner

It’s very important to get together with your financial partner. Put your differences to work for you instead of against you.
Let’s say you are frugal and your partner is a spendthrift. Come up with great and innovative ways to meet somewhere in the middle.
Compromise is an important part of a relationship. And what better way to incorporate that tool than to use it in your financial life.
JohnK 1-11-2021
stick man hears about moneyOverheard: “It’s amazing how fast later comes when you buy now”
                                      ~Milton Berle
Article image by rupixen.com on Unsplash
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Declutter Your Mind In 5 Steps

It’s common to declutter in the spring. Throwing away stuff that’s outlived its usefulness feels good. 
GenuLines has some ideas on decluttering your mind that will feel pretty good, too. 

Declutter Your Mind In 5 Steps

When it comes to decluttering your home, you might decide to put everything you throw
out on eBay. But decluttering your mind is a little trickier.
declutter sign
Here are a few ways to declutter your mind.

#1: Declutter your space

This one is pretty obvious. With fewer things in your field of vision, you have less garbage to stew over and worry about.
This frees up space in your mind.

#2: Declutter your schedule

Another thing that can drive you crazy is the constant rush from one activity to another. Take a look at your schedule and start eliminating things that aren’t necessary.
With fewer ingredients in your stressful stew, you’ll make your day a little calmer.

#3: Unplug from the party

Would you be able to get any rest if you were attending a party of several thousand people? I’m talking, like Times Square on New Year’s Eve.
That’s pretty much what’s going on with your smartphone, tapped in as you no doubt are to social media networks. The pings, dings, and rings from your contacts are all adding small but unhealthy doses of stress to your day.

#4: Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is all about engaging with the present in a fully, alive way. There are lots of ways to practice mindfulness.
One is meditation. Another could be fixing your stare at an object (like a candle) and noticing your thoughts.
Mindfulness can contribute to increased concentration and a decluttered mind.

#5: Let go

Sometimes it’s best to let old memories die. These can range from broken relationships to diabolical bosses.
We tend to have a whole lot of backstory spinning in the recesses of our minds. Let it all go, and like a faster-operating computer, you’ll find your mind in a much more free and easy state.
JohnK 11-30-2020
stick man talks declutterOverheard: “For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned
                                          ~Benjamin Franklin
Article image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 
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Choose Your Reaction to What Life Sends Your Way

Life has a way of knocking you to your knees. And tough times just seem to keep the bad stuff coming.

But GenuLines wants you to remember that a thought-out response can protect you from action you’ll regret.

microphone for speaking about life







Choose Your Reaction to What Life Sends Your Way

Whether life slams you or only throws you a curve you might tend to react without thinking. But making rational thought your first reaction puts you in control.
life ringKnee-jerk reactions rarely work to your advantage.
Here’s an example. A customer says your product is horrible and wants a refund.
You’re on the defensive but your calm response takes away the person’s power.
Now your life isn’t dictated by things happening around you. You control your emotions.
Taking the “reins” in this way keeps your emotions under control. And making this a habit can contribute to a happier and more satisfying life.
Reactions that aren’t thought out tend to be irrational. And this can get you into a lot of trouble.
Highway tailgaters might seem like your enemy. You get upset and you try to get away from them.
Or, you try to get back at them.
This can cause a crash or an altercation Think about simple solutions to solving the problem at hand.

There are times when an immediate reaction is appropriate, such as the loss of someone close to you. You’re not going to make a situation like that positive.

For the emotions that follow, such as grief, choose how you’ll handle having these feelings.
Talk things out with a grief counselor. Don’t put it on the back burner.
It’s important to recognize situations in which instant reactions are acceptable. Don’t confuse them with situations that call for well thought out, controlled responses.
JohnK 8-10-2020
Stick figure hears about lifeOverheard: “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on”
                                                         ~Robert Frost
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