Signs Your Current Routine Needs an Update

Your daily routine can be so hum-drum that you don’t even notice. This can leave you feeling that you’re sort of stuck in “neutral.” 

Get your life back in high gear with this GenuLines look at how you can get back up to speed, 

Signs Your Current Routine Needs an Update

Daily routines can be invaluable for improving our lives. But they aren’t all equal.
When you’re creating your first routine, there are several things you may miss out on or get wrong. At first, it may have worked for you.
But now you’ve stopped seeing the progress you wanted.
As humans, we change and evolve over time. Where you are now and how you feel willDull routine look completely different from how it did a year ago.
This means, what works for us, in the beginning, may not work for us further down the line.
Not sure whether your routine is working for you? Examine the issues, situations, and signs below.
They can help you decide if you need to hit the “refresh” button.
You find the routine is difficult to stick to
The right routine will become easy to follow over time. But, all routines need effort in the beginning.
When you’re making changes, the mind needs time to adjust. It has to re-learn different patterns of behavior.
It’s often said that it takes around 21 days to build up consistent habits. If you’re still struggling after 21 days, it could be a sign you need to change it.
You don’t see the value in it anymore
When you first start following a routine, it adds a lot of value to your life. It can boost energy levels, reduce stress, and make you feel happier.
You’ll have few problems identifying the value in the things you’re doing.
If you’re struggling to see the value in your routine, changing it up can help. Over time, you change and the things that once helped you are no longer relevant.
This means it’s important to make changes as you and your circumstances change.
There is no room for spontaneity
Daily routines create structure. Yet you want to leave some room for flexibility.
Life is unpredictable and it needs factoring into your routine. If you make it too strict, you’ll find it’s much harder to follow.
Stick to including the most important tasks in your routine. These include habits to improve your mornings.
Don’t aim to create a strict timeline of how your day should go.
You find change more difficult now
One of the great things about a daily routine is that it gives you structure. And it should leave room for change, too.
If you use your daily routine to avoid change, it’s time to stop.
Many people find that change is a lot tougher if they’ve been following a strict routine. Such as adjusting to a rigid new schedule.
Any change can leave you feeling stressed out and overwhelmed. But it’s important to be open to change so re-doing your routine may be necessary.
These are some of the top signs you may need to update your current routine. Remember, over time you may need to alter your routines.
You’ll be making room for any lifestyle and personal changes.
JohnK 2-21-2022
stick figure hears about routineOverheard:  “The fixity of a habit is generally in direct proportion to its absurdity”
                                      ~Marcel Proust
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