What To Do When You Don’t Get What You Really Want

You want it badly. But somehow it doesn’t show up. This happens to most of us, but GenuLines has some action steps for you if you’re struggling with this. 

What To Do When You Don’t Get What You Really Want

man who wantsIt sucks to know that life isn’t fair. But knowing this fact alone still doesn’t make us feel better when something that we really want seems to elude us.
Here are a couple of key things to consider when you don’t get what your heart desires.

Appreciate The Needs You DO Have

Being able to separate the things you need from those you want is extremely important in life. People worldwide go without even the most basic things many of us take for granted.
While it’s in no way wrong to pursue things other than the basic needs, try to avoid getting these things mixed up.
Think about each situation where you didn’t get something you wanted. Each of those is likely balanced by getting something you did want.
If you always got what you wanted do you think you’d be grateful?

Be Honest About Why You Didn’t Get It

When something doesn’t pan out it feels like a tragedy. But sometimes not getting something serves as a fork in the road.
It can point the way to something much better.
Whatever you’re feeling like you missed out on, give it a second look. You might realize that this failure could very well be for your benefit.
Even if it wasn’t a major disappointment the fact that you fell short can provide the motivation. you need to go after something even better!
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You Covered The Bases And Still Want It? Try Again!
So you slipped up but believe you still should have whatever avoided you. Regroup and try again!
Rest assured, most of the things worth having are not going to fall into your lap. If this were the case, they wouldn’t be nearly as fulfilling when we you get them.
If whatever you missed out on keeps bugging you it could be a sign that you’re meant to have it.
But not right now
If you’ve decided that it is, be ready to go after it! I could insert any number of motivational quotes such as “fall seven times, stand up eight.”
Or “fail forward.”
But the fact is, the life of a successful individual will include failures. How you deal with failure separates winning from living with self-pity and resentment.
Never allow yourself to give up in the pursuit of anything you believe to be yours.
JohnK 4-26-2021
Stick figure hears about wantOverheard: “Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.”
                             ~Dale Carnegie
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