Complainers Can Learn to Appreciate Small Things

Help the complainer

Overheard: “If you look for perfection, you’ll never be content”
Bringing change to our lives is great conversation fodder. But, are we really doing what it takes to bring about change?
Today’s article will give you some ideas to kick-start the process of changing your life.
While we’re on the subject of change, I hope you had a chance to hear the CHI FOR YOURSELF interview with Julie Simon. Our topic was emotional eating. Getting an upper hand on that tendency can bring major change to your life.
You can listen to the show by clicking on below:
Some of the talking points from the interview:
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People often say that they have at least one wish or desire to change something about their lives. Unfortunately, they often don’t move to change this.
They’ll say that their reason for not attaining their goal is lack of motivation. Then there are those who would say this is a lack of effort rather than a lack of motivation.
Let’s take a look at some reasons why people don’t put the effort into making a lifestyle change.
1. Lack of a reason
To make any type of change in your life you need to have a good reason to do so. Having a goal is wonderful but the reason you have to reach that goal fuels your decision.
Those reasons could include attracting more money for a move to a new location. or for funding more opportunities.
2. Setting too large a goal
Weight loss is a perfect example. If you want to lose 70 pounds don’t focus on this amount.
Instead, you can set smaller goals, say 7 pounds a month. That can help you stay on task.
If you meet this goal in less time that’s great. If you’re struggling, don’t give up. Refocus and set your next monthly goal at 5 pounds.
3. No vision
Having a vision of what you want is a great way to stay motivated. This is why it’s smart to keep track of your goals.
You can do this in various ways, depending on your goal. If that goal is to lose weight then keep photos and images of your progress.
If it’s another type of goal you might want to keep a journal or blog about your journey.
This way you can see what you are struggling with and what you’re accomplishing.
4. Lack of Support
Not having a support network can hurt your efforts to bring change to your life. Getting support from family and friends can be a big boost toward realizing your goals.
Put these four factors into practice. You’ll find that you have both more drive and more commitment.
And, you’ll finally start making those lifestyle changes you’ve dreamed about.
JohnK 4-25-2018
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Overheard: “There is no man living that can not do more than he thinks he can.”
~ Henry Ford
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