Does Your To-Do List Work For You?

A to-do list can help keep order in your life. But does your list make the grade?
This GenuLines overview will help you get up to speed.
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Does Your To-Do List Work For You?

picture of to-do list
The to-do list is a helpful tool. Something is satisfying about checking off an item when completed.
It can also be a reference when a boss wants to know employees’ progress. But, are you doing the right tasks to meet your longer-term goals?
That can leave you feeling as though you aren’t progressing.
Worse, you’ll be going through the motions of “doing something.” This will make the process of not getting anywhere that much more frustrating.
To-do lists are a good idea. But, you need to make sure they’re in-line with your goals.
You should consider taking a top-down approach to your tasks rather than bottom-up.

Start with your long-term goals

picture of to-do listWhere do you see yourself in a few years from now? If you can’t answer that question, you need to do some soul-searching.
Find what you want to accomplish at a high-level. Then, you can use that to break it down into granular tasks.
Finally, you use the mid-level tasks to help define the to-do list that you use daily. People put off setting long-term goals because the time frame seems so far in the future.
How can you be expected to know what’s going to happen five to ten years from now? It’s much easier to choose the shorter-term time frames.
You can measure what happens two weeks from now as it’s going to happen soon.


picture of to-do listSome people believe that declaring a long term goal and chiseling it in stone commits them to it. Remember that circumstances can change, and goal adjusting may be called for.
Don’t be afraid to commit to your goals. You may want to create a few long-term goals.
As you’re working on what it will take to reach those goals, you can decide which path makes the most sense. You can take into account both feasibility and costs.
Some goals become unattainable for one reason or another, so prepare to change course. In fact, if you can project these possibilities, you can put them on your list of goals.
Set your goals and break them down into sub-tasks. Creating your to-do lists will become easier.
And, they’ll get you closer to accomplishing your goals.
JohnK 11-19-2019
stick figure talking about to-do listsOverheard:  “The best cure for a sluggish mind is to disturb its routine”
                                             ~William H. Danforth





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