Stick To Your Fitness Resolution

So, how ya’ doing with that fitness resolution? If it’s not going well you’re not alone.

Right about now people put fitness plans on the shelf, so GenuLines is here with a little push to get you going!

Stick To Your Fitness Resolution

We’re well into the new year. January gives many of us a sense of renewal.
There’s a common theme here.
Our resolutions involve things we’d like to change or achieve in the new year.
One of the more common resolutions involves fitness.
We want to look better. Or get healthier.
Or we’d like to get a little stronger.
fitness tools



Unfortunately, the majority of New Year’s resolutions fail. The fiery motivation felt in late December to mid January begins to wane.
By February, we find ourselves at the same place we were the year before.
Fitness goals have a way of going unfulfilled. If you’ve ever spent much time in a gym, you know the routine.
For the entire month of January members line up at every piece of equipment in the building. The place starts to resemble Times Square.

Good deals?

Advertisements flood the media with discount gym membership rates. They tempt you with all sorts of shiny new pieces of equipment.
They promise to transform your body in no time at all.
Today we’re going to break down a few tips to help you hit your fitness goals for the rest of the year.

1. Keep Things Simple

It’s easy to slip into overwhelm when you start a new fitness journey. You have to figure out which workout routine to start.
What foods to eat. What equipment you’ll need and what to wear to the gym.
These can get in the way of your goal.Fitness, as well as life in general, is best kept simple.
The best workout routine is the one you’ll stick to. And your nutrition regimen shouldn’t be rocket science either.
You know what foods are good for you and what is junk. The most important factor in your fitness success is consistency.

2. Set Reasonable Goals

The media can make drastic body transformations seem like an overnight process. Their ads give you hope that you’ll look like the models used to promote these products.
Even more comical are the timeframes in these advertisements. How many times have you heard, “In only 15 minutes per day, 3 times per week, you’ll finally have those six-pack abs?”
This is unrealistic since physical changes to your physique don’t work this way.
Fitness is about the long game. As you begin your journey, know that while you WILL see progress, it doesn’t happen overnight.
Don’t plan gym visits 7 days a week and eating nothing but rice and chicken from a Tupperware container. Set goals that you can stick to.
Start small. Like holding yourself accountable to 3 workouts per week.
And resist the call of late-night junk food.

3. Develop A Strong “Why”

As we’ve already discussed, fitness is about consistency. The incredible sense of motivation and enthusiasm you feel at the start WILL come and go.
If your only goal to work out is to “look better,” keep one thing in mind. There may be a lot of days when that’s just not enough.
If you’re going to stick to your fitness goals this year, have a reason why. One that’s strong enough to stick to when the motivation cools off.
When the excitement isn’t there and you’d much rather stay in and watch television instead.
Your “why” has to be unique to you. Find whatever that is and use it to push through the hard days!
JohnK 1-31-2022
stick figure hears about fitnessOverheard: “It is a disgrace to grow old through sheer carelessness before seeing what manner of man you may become by developing your bodily strength and beauty to their highest limit.”
disclaimer for fitness

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