Fixed vs. Growth Mindset- Which One Describes You?

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Fixed vs. Growth Mindset- Which One Describes You?

There are two mindsets that go a long way toward determining your personality. A fixe mindset assumes that your character, creative ability and intelligence are unchangeable.
It insists hat your basic abilities are those you’re born with.
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People with a fixed mindset often want to appear intelligent. But they don’t believe they can change their intelligence.
They’re afraid of looking dumb and that they’ll always look that way.






Common fixed mindset thoughts:

Either I’m good at something, or I’m not.
I can’t learn now; it’s too late.
There’s no point in trying if I’m going to fail.
I always struggle with…
I’m a procrastinator.
I’m not creative.
It’s hard for me to lose weight.
Growth mindset goes in a different direction. It’s the belief that abilities and intelligence can grow with time and experience.
That you can become smarter. that your efforts effect your success and with persistence you can learn.
A growth mindset sees basic ability as only the starting point for true potential. It creates a passion for learning rather than a constant need for approval.

Some common growth mindset thoughts:

I can always become better at something through practice.
I can learn whatever I want or need to, exactly when I need to learn it.
I see failures as opportunities to learn, to reassess, and to do better next time.
I can always do better at something if I want to, but it will take effort.
Determination and effort are the measures of my outcomes
I enjoy learning and growing, and learning is a lifetime pursuit for me.
There are key differences between a fixed and growth mindset. Challenge is one of them.
A person with a fixed mindset will shy away from a challenge, often from fear of failure. They may go into hiding to avoid responsibilities.
Challenge excites the growth mindset person.
They find valuable takeaways from their experiences. And they master the challenge and move to greater accomplishments.

Another key difference

A person with a fixed mindset sees mistakes as embarrassing.
They blame others or become defensive when criticized.
The growth mindset person sees mistakes as a lesson learned. They are less likely to take criticism personally.
They’re open to criticism, believing it helps improve their ability to do better next time.
If you find you have a fixed mindset but you want to change, you can. It’ll take practice, determination, and being more aware of your thoughts.
Then you’ll be able to expect that the reactions to situations you want you’re likely to have. With these efforts, you benefit by having a more open, growth mindset.
And an open path to success in every area of your life.
JohnK 6-12-2023
Stick figure hears about mindsetOverheard: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
                                   ~Earl Nightingale
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