Failure Is Your Friend

The idea of failure can send a shiver up your spine. But it’s time to give it a second look.

This GenuLines look at failure flips the script in your favor. . 

Failure Is Your Friend

There’s no shortage of content about success. A quick search about any business-related subject will show you a slew of stuff.
Search Amazon using the word “success”. What are your search results going to be?
Hundreds and hundreds of books whose subject revolves around being successful at something.
man feeling failure
Now, this is not actually a bad thing. Everyone wants to be successful at whatever it is they’re doing.
This is especially true in a business environment.

Good Business

In business, success means a satisfied and happy customer base. It means demand for your product or service exceeds supply.
It means having a lean and flexible organization. Most of all, it means a comfortable profit margin.
The thing is, success isn’t all about success. Let me put that another way.
When all you do is concentrate on the positive end results of being successful, you miss the point. You see, it’s ironic, but real success isn’t about succeeding.
Instead, it’s about failure.

Hush Hush

No one wants to talk about failure. People tend to avoid both the word and the concept.
Listen to talk about failure and you find it’s treated as a moral lesson. The person who failed becomes an example of how not to do things.
Could some internal personal flaw have caused the failure? This kind of thinking can be damaging.
It perpetuates the myth of winners who succeed with almost no effort. That their win was due to some sort of superior moral compass.
The truth is that you must fail to succeed.
Oscar Wilde said that experience is the name that we give our mistakes. Nothing could be truer.

Learn From Your Mistakes

Failing teaches you the lessons that you need to learn on your way to your goals. The most successful people understand this.
They have internalized the lessons of their own failures. They have used these lessons to get where they are today.
Real success isn’t a game. It’s not a reality show.
It doesn’t fall upon the shoulders of the chosen few.
Real success comes from failing, often more than once. It’s in these moments of failure that you learn how to avoid future mistakes.
And in time reach your goals.
JohnK 12-12-2022
stick figure hears about failureOverheard: “Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.”
                             ~John F. Kennedy


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