What Is Peace Of Mind And Why Do You Need It?

Peace of mind is in short supply today. We’d love to have it but many of us wonder if we’ll ever get to that point.

But you can have it as GenuLines shows you today. 

What Is Peace Of Mind And Why Do You Need It?

The words “peace of mind” often take on an ambiguous meaning. They can range from the serenity of a Buddhist monk to being able to sleep at night without a racing mind.
The phrase “peace of mind” has become watered down over time.
But there’s actually a valid reason for the various definitions of these words. We’re unique individuals navigating through life with a lot of perspectives and experiences.
So achieving peace of mind must also differ in its definition.
picture brings peace of mind
Your path to this state requires you to be your own trailblazer.
Whatever approach you take to reach piece of mind, it’s only important that you do.

Having It All

You can have all the drive, motivation, and intelligence in the world. But if you lack focus the road in front of you will always appear blurry.
We’ve already looked at the fact that peace of mind varies from person to person. But there’s one definition that encapsulates it.
– Peace of mind is the ability to appreciate and respect the person you are, realize that you are not perfect and that mistakes are inevitable. And you want to keep a limit on the regret and second-guessing you leave behind.

Looks Are Deceiving

There are many examples around us of people who, from the outside looking in, seem to have it all. They’re dominating the game of life.
Unfortunately, a lot of these people feel anything but successful in their own minds.
Sure, they may look like they’ve raced down the path of success. While this may be true; they’ve arrived at the finish line with a lot of extra baggage.
It could be that they made some unethical business decisions to accumulate a fortune. On the way they neglected those closest to them in pursuit of personal goals.
The point I’m getting at is that peace of mind is not a destination you reach.
In reality, it’s the WAY you reach this destination. As the ancients might say, “it’s not the destination, it’s the journey.” 

Going For Broke

As you go through life, make sure to never fall into the “succeed at all costs” way of thinking. This may get you many of the material things of value the world has to offer.
But the enjoyment will fade out at some point. Another way of saying this is do things the right way.
Most of us have some form of moral compass. This could be our religious beliefs, cultural values, or personal code of ethics.
These things serve to speak to the person we are and the person we are to become. In your pursuit of success in this life, never jeopardize what is right to get ahead.
Make a habit of staying true to yourself. You’ll sleep well with a clarity of consciousness.
And that comes from knowing you did things the RIGHT way.
JohnK 12-26-2022
stick figure hears about peace of mindOverheard: When you’ve seen beyond yourself, then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there”
                          ~ George Harrison
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