Teaching Kids to Deal with Adversity

Parents want to shelter their kids from adversity as much as possible. They see the world as dangerous, and going into protection mode is understandable.
But kids need to learn how to deal with adversity. Sheltering them can prevent this from happening.
Below are some GenuLines suggestions for showing kids the way through adversity.
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Teaching Kids to Deal with Adversity

Can you teach kids about the difficulties ahead of them? It’s a delicate balance between knowing what to tell them and what to keep from them.
After all, many societies use movie rating systems to limit certain children’s viewing.
But they learn a lot from older siblings. And they learn from classmates in school (who also have older siblings).
They also take cues from parents who let profanities slip out, as hard as they try not to.
Kboy facing adversityids know more than we give them credit for, and they can handle much more than we want to believe. They watch the news and see stories of violence, terrorism, and other horrific events.
Even if you keep them from watching, they hear about the events in school. There is simply no way around it.
When kids know they can talk to their parents, they can handle most situations. It’s better to learn from the source, i.e., parents, rather than from outside sources such as friends.
Chances are the information from friends is not reliable. That’s one reason kids tell outrageous stories when they get home from school.
To help kids deal with adversity, be sure the set the stage for their behavior. If you lose it during your own challenges you can be certain they’ll do the same.
Stay as calm as possible and look for solutions. The kids will take your lead on this behavior as well.
Kids should also learn to help others at an early age. This way, they won’t be afraid to rely on others when they need help.
When they get older, they may be willing to reach out to friends or family members. Of course, they should try to take care of certain situations on their own before reaching out.
Again, it’s a delicate balance and a learning process.
Every family situation is different. Each may call for different ways of handling them.
The variety makes a step-by-step process tough if even possible. Early exposure to life’s situations is key.
This will pay dividends for them when they’re adults.
JohnK 6-4-2019
stick man looking for adversityOverheard: “The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.”
                                        ~ Chinese Proverb
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