Tag Archive for workplace problems

Identify What Is Causing Your Stress

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Identify What Is Causing Your Stress

All the stress-reduction techniques in the world are of little value if you don’t find the cause of your stress. You could exercise until you pass out.

But if you still can’t make your mortgage payment, the problem still doesn’t go away. When you find the cause, you can take steps to help yourself reduce the stress.

Example of stress

Taking the example of not paying your mortgage, you want to find a quick solution. But, you don’t want to use a shady looking online loan service, for instance.

They charge very high rates with interest calculated on a daily basis.

Taking advantage of one of these services will increase your stress. And you’ll be stuck with a higher payment.

Work Problem?

Your stress may have something to do with a coworker. Let’s say they’re lagging behind in their work, and it’s bringing your whole team down.

One solution is to help the lagging member with his or her work. But, try to show them ways to get work done faster, so it doesn’t happen again in the future.

It could be that your procrastination on something important is a stressor. You need to reverse that right away.

The situation is likely to get worse. For instance, you’re letting a slow leak in your home keep building.

This is going to make it tougher to handle when it becomes a large leak. If you’re not capable of fixing the leak yourself, hire a professional.

In the above cases you would have dealt with the actual cause of the stress points. You could try meditating or getting involved in extreme sports.

Those will help reduce your stress to some degree. But, they wouldn’t do much to remedy the situation.

Dig Deeper

Find what’s causing the stress. Take actions based on that.

Now, stress reduction techniques not related to the cause can still help. They can help you relax, which can get you to think about solutions to the problem.

The techniques can also help to lower your blood pressure and heart rate. When you’re calmer, you’ll find solutions much quicker.

In most cases, you’ll be able to determine what is stressing you out. There are situations where you become anxious, and you are not sure why.

Do what you can to make that a temporary condition. Should it become more long-term, consider getting help before it gets out of control.

JohnK 3-11-2024

Stick figure hears about stressOverheard: “Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one”

– Hans Selye



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5 Steps To Living Your Purpose

You’ve nurtured your purpose for a long time. But you’re not sure if you’re really living it.

Let GenuLines help you take the guesswork out of this puzzle.

5 Steps To Living Your Purpose

You’re working hard to achieve your dream life. It could be that you’re aiming for a promotion at work.

Or you’re trying to get your business off the ground. If you’re finding success a bit of a struggle you may need to find your life’s purpose.

Finding your purpose is like finding a magic key. The key helps you align everything you do and focus on getting to your best life now.

Here are five steps to help set you in the right direction.

purpose spelled out

Look Within

Too many people look to others for the answers. Too many people follow a path that’s not theirs.

Only you can know what your dream life looks like. The answer to your life’s purpose lies deep within you.

You have to tune into it.

Journaling can be a helpful tool to allow your subconscious to speak your truth. Or meditation, or brainstorming.

The important thing is that you look into your own heart.

Trust Your Intuition

Learning to trust that inner voice that tells you that the conventional way of doing things isn’t right for you.

Whether it’s a college degree or a selling technique:

If it doesn’t feel right, you don’t have to do it!

Find your own way of living your life, and you’ll be much more likely to feel content and to be successful.

Get Friendly With Fear

Many people choose to live safe, conventional lives. They’re too afraid to do things in a different way or to take a chance.

Fear of the unknown is understandable. But you can choose to face your fears and to meet challenges head-on.

Deciding to live your own life according to your values and your passion means many things. One of them is being able to look fear in the face and step out of your comfort zone.

Don’t Be Bound by Your To-do List

It’s easy to become a slave to the never-ending checklist of things you need to do before you can live your purpose. You only get one shot at life.

Have a look at your current list of tasks. How many of them will move you closer to living your best life?

How many can you delete or delegate to someone else?

Know That You Already Have What You Need

One of the most important things to know is that you don’t need expensive courses or workshops, or the right suit or car.

You already have everything you need to start living your life’s purpose.

It’s all within you. What matters is what you do with it.

And today is the best time to start!

JohnK. 10-30-2023

stick man hears about purposeOverheard: “The soul which has no fixed purpose in life is lost; to be everywhere, is to be nowhere”

~Michel de Montaigne


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Stress And Personal Mastery

Along with all the stress you face in today’s world you’re hearing about lots of ways you can deal with it. But have you ever thought of looking toward personal mastery for relief? 

Come along with us for today’s GenuLines look at personal mastery.

Stress And Personal Mastery

Stress is an emotional and physical response that we show towards different pressures. These can be from the workplace, school or other institutions.
The reactions would include inability to focus and concentrate, headache and fast heartbeat. Almost everybody develops stress, but how we deal with it is important.
Personal mastery is something that you can put to work to help you to deal with stress.
Your work environment can be a major stressor, but this is something you may not be able to control. Instead of trying to control the work environment, you can try to work around it.
hand dealing with stress

A Little At A Time

You can take one step at a time towards your goals. The question is, how do you work in the midst of stress?
You can reduce the risks by seeing things in a new perspective. An example would be learning to let go of situations you don’t control.
You can push back against stress by turning it into positive energy. This way you’ll focus your energy on things you can control.


Personal mastery also helps you to be familiar with your emotions and learn how to control them. This attitude could be a great help in overcoming and managing stress.
There are things you can change, while there are things that are beyond your control.
Failing to deal with the problem during its early stages can lead to chronic stress. This can bring on headaches, ulcers, indigestion, high blood pressure and heart issues.

Deal With It

Actually there are simple steps and tips that you can do.
*Saying no to commitments that would require time and energy.
*Regular exercise, especially stretching and breathing exercises.
*Eating healthy food
*Asking for help from other people to lessen the burden.
To deal with stress, you can reduce the stressors in your life to avoid feeling its effects.


Stress prevention removes the possibility of stress to occur.
You have to know and understand your limits. Next you’ll have to learn how to say no.
It’s important that you know your limitations, but still accept what other people say to you.

At Work and Then Some

Personal mastery can help you focus on your work among other things. It mitigates effects and encourages peace, tranquility and spirituality.
You can incorporate stress reduction and prevention in daily life.
Some people turn to medication to deal with the symptoms. This could be disabling, and it usually fails to address the real issue.
Yes medication could lessen the effects, but it’s more likely they’ll come back. With personal mastery, you change your entire outlook and perspective in life.
This guides you to avoid anything that could stress you and wear you out.
JohnK 4-3=2023
stick man hears about stressOverheard: “The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another”
                             ~William James
Article image by nikko macaspac on Unsplash
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Why Stress is Terrible for Problem Solving

Working on problems and dealing with the resulting stress is a delicate balance. It can derail an important project.

GenuLines looks at the problem for ways you can keep everything “on the rails,”

Why Stress is Terrible for Problem Solving

Got a challenging problem that’s causing you stress? Is it preventing you from working to the best of your abilities?
 Then take a lie down!
Lying down on the job might sound like the worst thing you could do when you have a problem. But it’s actually one of the very best options of all.
Let’s take a look at why…

Neurochemistry and Problem Solving

When we’re stressed, our body assumes that we are in immediate danger. And it responds by putting us in the ‘fight or flight’ mode.
This means that we’re flooded with norepinephrine, dopamine and cortisol – stress hormones.
These have some effects on the body. From contracting our muscles, to clotting our blood (so we can better survive injury).
Another effect is intense focus. The resulting ‘tunnel vision’ helps us escape from the threat we’re facing.
This is very useful if you need to keep your eye on the terrain while you run from a leopard that’s chasing you. But it’s not very helpful when facing down the kinds of problems you encounter in the office.

Creativity and Problem Solving

This is because problem solving in the modern world requires creativity. It requires us to be able to think outside the box and to make connections between disparate ideas.
That’s why we’re actually at our most creative when we’re relaxed – even when we’re close to sleep.
The ‘hypnagogic’ brain state is what we slip into right before we nod off. It’s actually considered responsible for many creative works and scientific breakthroughs.
Studies say this is also why sitting in a more supine position at work boosts creative thinking. Likewise, exposure to the color green is enough to increase creativity.
Our subconscious mind associates it with being in natural environments.
Next time you’re facing stress, know that your stress will only make it more difficult to find the answer. So relax, take a breather and come back to it when you feel calmer!
JohnK 8-29-2022
stick figure hears about problemsOverheard: “Problems are the price you pay for progress”
                              ~Branch Rickey

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How Negativity Affects Your Job

Ever think about how negativity might be hurting you at work? It can weigh you down in a big way.

But GenuLines reminds you that this bad energy can be re-worked with you as the winner!

How Negativity Affects Your Job

When you have a negative mindset, it’s going to affect every aspect of your life. Your energy impacts those around you.
man shows negativity
So, if you bring a negative energy into the workplace, it’s going to have several repercussions.
We’re going to look at how negativity affects your job. You’ll also see how you can start to reduce your own negativity in the workplace.

Negativity’s Impact 

There are a lot of ways negativity can impact your job. A negative mindset can affect your performance, work relationships, and wellbeing.
The trouble with negativity is that it attracts more negativity. So if you go into work with a negative attitude, it’s going to rub off on your colleagues too.
This will lead to a toxic workplace where nobody is happy and stress levels rise.


A negative outlook can also cause issues with performance. You may not apply for new opportunities as they open, forcing you to miss out on what could be a better job.
You’ll also notice your energy levels aren’t great, and the quality of your work will suffer.
These are some of the ways negativity can impact your job. So, how can you fix it?

Ways to become less negative at work

There are ways you can become a more positive person at work. But it might take quite a lot of effort to overcome your negative thinking.
The best ways to combat negativity at work include:
  Identify the cause
  Think of something you are thankful for
· Talk to your boss
   Distance yourself from negative colleagues


Identifying the cause of your negativity is crucial. There could be lots of reasons why you have a more negative attitude at work.
You keep getting passed over for a promotion, or you’re bored with your current position. enables you to figure out the best ways to combat it. Identifying the cause enables you to figure out the best ways to combat it.
If you’re slipping into a negative mood, think of something you’re thankful for. After all, it’s difficult to remain negative when you are thinking of something positive.
You may also find it useful to talk to your boss if you haven’t already. If you are unhappy with something, let them know.
Ask them for a promotion, rather than waiting for one. You could also ask for further training opportunities and more responsibility.

A Little Separation

If you have colleagues who are negative, make sure you distance yourself from them. This can help you maintain your energy and your positivity.
If they see you with a more positive outlook, it will also help them to develop one too.
As you can see, there are several ways you can address your negativity in the workplace. Identifying the root cause is key to finding the solution.
If negative is the default way you roll, work on developing a more positive mindset. But remember, this will take time so don’t expect results overnight.
JohnK 8-1-2022
stick man hears about negativityOverheard: Do not allow negative people to turn you into one of them”


Article image by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/mad-formal-executive-man-yelling-at-camera-3760790/


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8 Ways Leaders Pull the Team Through Tough Times

Leaders who get that title can put the group on their shoulders during the toughest times. It’s inspirational, and it can even change the world.

This GenuLines look at how it’s done should inspire you, even if you don’t plan to change the world.

8 Ways Leaders Pull the Team Through Tough Times

It’s easy to be a leader when things are rolling along. In fact, it can be downright awesome.
picture of leaders
Especially if you get your own castle or palace (this may not apply to the typical shift manager).
But what if your team is in the trenches under fire? You need some serious leadership skills to hold it all together.
Consider the following.
1. Grit
The definition of grit is courage, resolve, and strength of character. Blend these qualities and you come up with one word: toughness.
Good leaders hold the team together in tough times by staying committed to the battle.
2. Optimism
Grit tends to relate to the present. But optimism is a component of leadership that looks to the future.
A leader who has a positive view of the outcome is creating a mental framework for the team to pull through. This is because they foster the belief that something great is on the other side.
3. Pragmatism
Leaders need to be gritty and optimistic. They also need to be practical.
Their intelligence and common sense will steer them through a given situation. Viewing the future through rose colored glasses can lead to costly mistakes.
A bad captain will try to save their own skin. A good captain makes sure crewmembers get off the sinking ship first. (that said, it’s not necessary to go down with the ship)!.

5. Resolution

Tough times are ripe for dissension and mutiny, but a good leader holds command. Sometimes you have to show tough love.
Put the proverbial foot down when members of the team start talking smack. They’ll thank you later.
6. Encouragement
A good leader encourages the team during a tough stretch to help them find the drive to make it through. Sometimes encouragement can be as simple as a casual look-in to the group.
They’ll pat some backs, and give smiles or friendly words.
7. Preparedness
A good leader makes preparations for the team’s bad times.
The plan to cover all the possibilities, including what to do if things don’t go exactly the way they were hoping.
8. Bravery
Fear can undermine the entire mission. This is true whether the war is on a battlefield, a sporting field, or the sales floor.
A good leader is brave and inspires the team with that bravery.
JohnK 6-28-2021
Stick figure hears about leadersOverheard: “A person always doing his or her best becomes a natural leader, just by example.”
                               ~Joe DiMaggio
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5 Ways To Better Handle Constructive Criticism

You don’t like hearing criticism. But sometimes it helps to know you need to improve in some areas. 
There are ways for more sensitive types to get this message, and today GenuLines will show you. 

(You can listen to this post by clicking my image below)





5 Ways To Better Handle Constructive Criticism

The finger of criticismDo you often feel offended when someone tries to give you advice on how to better do something? Or how to handle a certain situation?
Does it bother you when someone at work points out your need for improvement?
If you do find yourself not being able to stomach a few good words of advice…
Accept That You Cannot Receive Constructive Criticism
If you do not accept something, you will never feel the need to change it.
Acceptance is the first and most important step toward criticism. Write Down What You Are Receiving Criticism For Why are you receiving criticism? How will writing it down help you?
• It shows how making changes can help you on a deeper level
• You can go back and see what you need to change if you find yourself reverting back to your old habits
• A written record can help you to progress in the long term as a result of fixing the problem when it occurs
Listen and Think
Don’t jump to conclusions when you’re receiving constructive criticism. But do LISTEN!
By listening, you are forming a good habit. This will make you easier to work with.
And it will also improve your communication skills. This is crucial.
By “thinking,” you can get a better understanding of your actions. It’ll make the correction process a lot easier and it will make more sense to you.
Get Opinions From Others
If you’re in a situation where many people are offering you constructive criticism, it may be time to let go of your ego. Consider others’ advice. It may help you to see what you’ve been doing
Open up to the suggestions of others and know that they’re only trying to help you become more productive.
Try It!
Putting your constructive criticism into action might surprise you. Often, we get defensive if we don’t agree with something.
But the best thing to do is to realize that making adjustments can improve the quality of our efforts.
Trying doesn’t hurt and it may show you a better way of doing something.
Learn To Handle Constructive Criticism
It is in your (And everyone else’s) best interest to be receptive to constructive criticism. This is how many of us learn and become the best versions of ourselves.
Constructive criticism is an important part of your personal growth.
JohnK 3-22-2021
Stick figure hears about criticismOverheard: “The trouble with most of us is that we’d rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.”
                             ~ Norman Vincent Peale

Is Your Money Mindset Setting You Up for Failure?

You feel you can trust your mindset when you begin a new endeavor. But is there a devil in the details?
We’re looking down the road in this GenuLines report on how your money attitude might set you up for a crash. 

Is Your Money Mindset Setting You Up for Failure?

dollars for money mindsetYou want to make more money. You see the lavish lifestyles of celebrities and other famous people.
You’d like to have some of that for yourself. But, is your drive for money blinding you to the important things in your life?
It’s often said that if you do something you love, the money will follow. That can happen if you approach whatever you love with passion.
Then again, if making money is your driving force, how will you do that? You’re likely to chase the dollar from one job to the next or from one opportunity to the next.
You’ll get seduced by false offers of riches. Over time, you’ll look back and see how little you accomplished.
You may be successful in the short term. You’ll get that extra dollar from a new job or you’ll squeeze a quick buck from your business.
But, you’ll keep searching for more money.
image about money mindset



It’s possible that if you lack the experience at your new job you won’t be able to handle it. In other words, you didn’t give your previous level enough time to develop a foundation.
You jumped ahead, and now you’re unclear what to do. It’s a concept known as the Peter Principle, named after the person who came up with the idea, Peter Drucker.
Money isn’t as important as a lot of folks believe. For instance, what good is having a high-paying job when you have to work 80-90 hours a week?
What kind of life is that?
Many people who do this, look back at their lives and wonder why they did it. While they may have a lot of money when they get older, they might end up quite unhappy.
Or the workload needed to reach your goal gets you to an early grave. In that case the money they earned is useless.
If you are happy with what you are doing, money becomes a secondary priority. People do need money to live, and you shouldn’t settle for working for less than you’re worth.
Get to the point where you can balance a decent amount of money with doing something that you enjoy. Then expect to live a more satisfying life.
JohnK 2-15-2021
Stick figure hears about motneyOverheard: There is a gigantic difference between earning a great deal of money and being rich.
                                ~Marlene Dietrich
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Adversity And Life Coaches: Should You Buy In?

At certain times in your life, you find yourself weighed down by adversity. You wouldn’t mind having another “hand on the wheel.”
GenuLines looks at life coaches and whether one is right for you.
Banner to face adversity

Adversity And Life Coaches: Should You Buy In?

Good life coaches work to help you with various aspects of your life. They can show you the parts that are holding you back.
fighting adversityThey can also help you when you face adversity. And they can give you the guidance you need to help you pick up the pieces and get back on track.
They may start by teaching you to be positive. Techniques can include affirmations to retrain your brain to think positive thoughts.
That’s one of the biggest means to deal with adverse situations. Positivity won’t shield you from hard times, but it will help you focus on what’s important.
You need to practice these affirmations for them to be effective. It’s not a casual exercise that you do whenever the mood strikes.
Make it a daily habit. Your mentor will know if you’re not practicing them.
Prepare for the truth
The truth hurts, but it may be what you need to get through your situation. You’ll hear it when you get caught up in blaming others and not taking responsibility.
A good coach will present it in such a way that you’ll come to the conclusions yourself. And that makes it easier for you to accept and counter the action.
Don’t be quick to blame the life coach if things don’t work out (This assumes you chose a qualified coach)
It’s not difficult to find a good coach if you take the right steps. Check the internet.
Do a bit of digging to learn about each coach’s background. Coaches are going to encourage you to step outside your comfort zone.
Most coaches will use this to help clients break away from bad habits and form new ones.
It’s called a comfort zone for a reason. It will be awkward, and at times, you may get angry at their suggestions.
One thing to keep in mind. If your adversity was born out of trauma a life coach may not be a good idea.
If this is the case, seek out a qualified professional.
Your life coach is still an option for working with with other aspects of your development.
JohnK 10-22-2019
stick man working through adversityOverheard: “There is no education like adversity”
                                 ~Benjamin Disraeli

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

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Do You Know Your Optimal Routine Zone?

Do you have a favorite time of day to do your work? Not everyone’s a “rise and shine” thinking dynamo.
Today GenuLines looks at different peak productivity times. Let’s see where you might fit into one of them.
banner helps find zone

Do You Know Your Optimal Routine Zone?

People have certain times of the day when they do their best work. They get more done and are more focused.
Some do better in the mornings. Others in the afternoons.
relaxing in the zoneThen there are the night owls, who can produce the most during the later hours. These are their optimal routine zones.
What is your optimal routine zone? Are you a morning person or do you cringe at the thought of getting up early?
Do you have vampire blood that lets you do your best work at night?
Match up with the zone
Whatever you find to be your optimal routine zone, set your tasks to work during these times. Do as much of your work as possible during this optimal zone.
Structure your day around it.
Working during your optimal time doesn’t mean you do nothing when you’re outside of those zones. Your boss will likely not take too kindly if you slack off.
Instead, you should use this time for activities that are not as taxing. These include making phone calls and other non-stressful activities.
Sometimes, you’ll have no choice but to do more of the heavy lifting during your “off times.” If this happens, you’ll have to make the best of it.
Zone out
Another problem is that you may be working in a job that does not coincide with your optimal zones. That’s a tough one. 
You may want to adjust or to move on to opportunities where you can work during your optimal times.
If your job involves being creative, this concept of optimal zones is going to work in your favor. For instance, if you are a writer, try to do most of your writing during these times.
You can use the other times to answer emails, post on social media, or check out forums related to your writing. If you’re writing for a blog, try writing several posts in your zone. 
Schedule them as if you’ve written one per day, etc.
Increasing your productivity is knowing your advantages. Find your optimal work zones and use them effectively
This way you’ll increase your productivity. Your manager will notice this, and it could help you when asking for a raise or getting a promotion.
It will also give you the satisfaction of a more fulfilling job.
JohnK 4-23-2019
stick figure hears about zoneOverheard: “It’s a hard thing to leave any deeply routine life, even if you hate it.”
                                          ~John Steinbeck, East of Eden
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