Tag Archive for mindfulness

Junk Food Is NOT Food, It’s Junk

Are you a junk food junkie? Today GenuLines gives you an idea of what you’re taking into your body. 

You may want to re-consider.

(You can listen to this article by clicking on below or scroll down to read)

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Junk Food Is NOT Food, It’s Junk

Marketing can be a powerful tool. How so?
Well, think about it. Marketing can fool the masses into believing things are good for them when they’re not.
This opens the door for, say, the pharmaceutical companies to come in.
Many junk foods are so processed that their original products disappear. The fact is, junk food is NOT FOOD, it’s junk.
Need more information about processed food? Consider:
They’re Loaded With Sodium
A lot of our daily sodium consumption comes from processed rather than whole food. So many foods contain excessive sodium yet you’re unlikely to realize it.
For example, you may not have a natural liking for “salty foods”, but you love sweets. That sugary soda you’re drinking is also loaded with a sodium derivative, even though you can’t taste it.
Such are the hidden dangers of processed food.
Picture of junk food
Loading Up On Simple Sugars
If you rely on processed foods for “nourishment”, you’re falling short. You may often find yourself constipated if you use junk food for sustenance.
This is due to a lack of complex carbs and fiber. Simple carbohydrates enter the bloodstream and are quickly absorbed.
The result is blood sugar disruption.
Natural foods have more complex carbs that are low on the Glycemic Index. They have more fiber that promotes digestive health and regularity.
Processed Foods Contain Artificial Fats
It’s wrong to think all fats are bad. In fact, natural fats are ALL good for us and even essential. But it’s a different story for trans fats.
Trans fat is a modified variety of oil that allows it to remain solid at room temperature. Oils are usually liquid at room temperature.
This kind of fat is pro-inflammatory.
Inflammation speeds up aging and contributes to many of our chronic diseases. The list includes high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease.

Many Processed Foods Contain Anti-Nutrients

One such anti-nutrient is the white potato. It prevents the absorption of other nutrients.
This brings down the nutritional value of the entire meal. And guess what?
White potatoes are a favorite ingredient in processed food.
White potato is cheap, and some say, tastier than sweet potatoes. This helps increase the profits of big brand junk food companies.

Preservatives And Additives 

Food doesn’t keep for months without spoiling or turning rancid. So how does processed food last so long?
You can thank additives and preservatives. They’re chemicals for the most part.
And they extend the shelf life of food.
Are they helpful? Sometimes, definitely.
But more often than not, they’re a hazard to your health.
Many are “safe” in very, very low concentrations and approved for human consumption by the FDA. But they’re often used in amounts far exceeding their safe limit.
And their consumption is more than occasional.
Processed foods are far from natural- even with the word “natural” on the label. And many are genetically modified.
There’s been a lot of debate in this area, too. If you’re in doubt eat whole foods, closest to their original source.  
JohnK 4-1-2020
Stick figure hears about junk foodOverheard: “Nourish the mind like you would your body. The Mind cannot survive on junk food.”
                                          ~Jim Rohn
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6 Tips For Building Optimism Into Your Life

Seen much optimism lately? Me too. 

But, you can begin to change things and GenuLines wants to put you on the path!

(You can listen to this article by clicking on below, or scroll down to read)







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6 Tips For Building Optimism Into Your Life

Water glass and optimismOptimism…it’s a four-syllable word for something that can be harder to find than diamonds in South Africa.
But believe it or not, you can tap into the earth of your surroundings and dig up a rich store of feel-good.
Here are a few ways to do that.


#1: Find the laughter

You won’t have to go far to find it. Start with Youtube and social media.
No shortage of funny memes, videos, vines, and more here. You could also rent a funny movie, watch stand up comedy, or hang out with funny people.
Laughter will lead you to smile, and smiling will lead you to feel good. Which brings us to our next point.

#2: Turn the frown upside down

It’s hard to believe that something like smiling can improve your mood. But studies have linked outward acts of happiness to an internal shift.
Practice by looking in the mirror and smiling, even it if feels cheesy, stupid, and inauthentic. Hold your smile for a minute, two minutes, or more…see how long you can go.
Start the day off with a smile, and make a conscious effort to smile more.

#3: Use positive words

Studies have shown and confirmed what spiritual traditions have long held. Words can shape the reality around you.
If you want to build a more positive vibe, try using more positive words. Scrap the negative talk about yourself and others, too.

#4: Find positive people

The impact of those we hang out with is enormous. Avoid negative influences and people who bring you down with complaining and criticism.
Misery loves company, the old adage goes. And these people will send you into a downward spiral.
Be with friends who are upbeat, positive, and happy, and their resilience and optimism will rub off on you.

#5: Stay healthy

If you’re feeling tired and sick, it’s easy to get irritable and negative. By contrast, try maintaining an active lifestyle of healthy choices.
These will maximize your energy levels and build you up. It’s easier to be upbeat and happy when you feel good inside and out.

#6: Spirituality and/or self-actualization

Most spiritual traditions promote a positive outlook on life. Not keen on organized religion?
Find something that can provide a positive outlet. Like exercise, music, art, or reading.
Yes, positive words can turn your perspective around. And filling your heart and mind with good stuff will help optimism come easier.
JohnK 3-25-2020
Stick figure being optimistic
Overheard: “Keep looking up…. That’s the secret of life”




Article photo by Joseph Greve on Unsplash


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Patience Is A Virture And It Can Be Yours

So patience is a virtue. Well, let’s get a definition of virtue.
Merriam Webster defines patience as “the ability to remain calm and not become annoyed when dealing with problems or with difficult people.” Simple but not always easy!
GenuLines drills down a bit deeper to help bring patience a little closer to you
(Listen to the article by clicking on below or scroll down to read)
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Patience is a Virtue And It Can Be Yours

Patience is one of those things that can make life go more smoothly. But, a lack of patience can cause serious problems, even health issues.
Some of life’s irritants move us to squeeze a little harder on the hair-trigger of impatience. But we can learn to overcome and enjoy life one day or even one minute at a time,
man needs to patiernce
What triggers your impatience? For some, it’s certain situations or circumstances, such as a job or a family problem.
Others may lose their patience when they’re driving or cooking. Impatience with job or family situation can be especially tough to address – and even harder to fix.
A good start though is to acknowledge it. Then focus on anything that may help relieve tension.
Seek help
Work toward focusing on pleasant things in your life. If a certain task at your job is causing your impatience ask your supervisor or co-worker for help.
They may be able to offer help or suggestions.
Also, they may have a better way of dealing with it or be able to adjust your workload. The problem with many of us is that we don’t want to ask for help.
We want to be able to take on everything even though we aren’t able to do it.
If it’s a family situation the best way to handle it may be to talk about it, which can be difficult.
Again, many tend to shy away or avoid difficult situations.
But, getting it out in the open and talking about it is often the best solution. Seek outside help if a difficult challenge amps up the impatience.
The problem itself may not cause the impatience. But it may trigger something in you that causes you to be impatient.
Focus on other things
Impatience can affect your driving, housework, or other routine tasks. Be ready by conditioning yourself to relax and focus on your breath.
You could try relaxing before you start or listening to music while doing any of these tasks. This is where gratitude comes in.
Be grateful that you can do routine tasks.
Some only imagine cooking or driving but aren’t able to for any number of reasons. Keep this in mind during the tense moments.
It’ll help you to focus on the task at hand, but it may also make you more patient.
JohnK 3-11-2020
stick figure man hears about patienceOverheard: “A man who is a master of patience is master of everything else.”
                                               ~George Savile
Article Image by ErikaWittlieb from Pixabay 
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Don’t Let Anxiety Weigh You Down

Anxiety is kind of like money. It’s a good servant but a terrible master. 

GenuLines is here to help you take charge when anxious moments crop up.

(you can listen to the article by clicking on the “radio” or scroll down to read)

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Don’t Let Anxiety Weigh You Down

Your quality of life takes a bit of a hit when anxiety is the order of your day. It puts your body on high alert.
You feel like you’re in danger, and that spikes your heart rate and gives you more stress and sweaty palms. Now, anxiety isn’t all bad.
It can motivate you, say, for a test or an interview. But in the workaday world, it’s pretty much useless.
picture of anxietyIf you think about them you could get anxious about things that are out of your control. The result is a terrible feeling that can cause you to lose sleep.
That loss of sleep often turns into a bad day. Too many of those and you start to see the effects on your body.

Upping the stakes

During times of unusual stress, our body releases a hormone called Cortisol. This, in turn, has been linked to weight gain.
When you’re stressed out you might reach for comfort foods. Things like chocolate or salty snacks. 
Those will cause you to pack on the pounds.
Now, combine that with the added stress and lack of sleep and you risk heart disease. It takes some time for the physical debilitation to manifest itself.
But the mental effects of anxiety are immediate. A severe case can make each day a grind.
You constantly seem stressed out and fearful.
As anxiety starts to spiral out of control, you may come up with coping mechanisms. For instance, you might start avoiding people and stressful situations.
You find yourself only able to grocery shop during off-hours. Or you won’t feel like leaving the house at all.
Your high anxiety can morph into depression.
It gets hard to find the energy to get out of bed in the morning and face life. Operating on high alert and pumped full of adrenalin is exhausting.
Staying in bed seems like a much better alternative.
If you find your anxiety is weighing your life down get professional help. Anxiety can be debilitating.
But there’s help to be had and plenty of tools that can help you get back to where you want to be.
JohnK 2-5-2020
stick figure talking about anxietyOverheard: “My anxiety doesn’t come from thinking about the future but from wanting to control it.”
                                                ~Hugh Prather, Notes to Myself
Article Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash
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2020 Vision For a New Year

So 2020 has arrived. You’ve looked forward to it. ‘Gonna make lots of changes. But will you actually make those changes?

GenuLines is here to take inventory of some of the most popular resolutions, and to add a few you may want to consider. 

We begin with a look back at a GenuLines post from 2011 


Happy New Year 2020We’re off to the resolution races- lose 20 pounds, move to a nicer address, take that tropical vacation.

As we move into another year I know that many of us are asking: What is it that really matters this year?


Are your New Year’s resolutions about the small things–getting organized, losing weight, getting in shape, being a little kinder…or about something wider and deeper?

There’s nothing wrong with making small commitments, but are they enough for you and who you intend to become, what you know you must do in this world?

Or are you ready to step into something bigger and more radical–daring to fulfill your passion to evolve not only a better self but a better world and a more enlightened future?

May I suggest some inward inspection to start the process? Ask yourself:

  • What is happening in my life?
  • How is my health?
  • How is/are my relationship(s)? Really, how are they?
  • How are my finances? 
  • Do I enjoy my work?

Just a few ideas to take care of the inner self so that the outer results might be more satisfying.


call to action for 2020


List of goals for 2020



Happy New Year!

JohnK 1-1-2020

chiforyourself.com home


stick figure listening for 2020 tipsOverheard:  “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.”







Article Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash



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Learn the Facts Before Passing Judgment

Mark Twain once said, “facts are stubborn things.” And GenuLines knows that not checking the facts can kick you like a stubborn mule!
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Learn the Facts Before Passing Judgment

Adversity often occurs when people react without having all the facts. Sometimes, they’ll think they have the facts but they’ve learned the wrong information.
Avoiding these situations is a matter of getting the facts and making sure they”re correct.
When you have the facts on your side, you can present your argument.
Magnifying glass finds fact
Further, you will be less likely to make a judgment about a situation because the facts back it up. This will prevent you from getting yourself and others into any trouble.
The internet offers us a vast pool of information. But people tend to be too willing to trust any information they find.
They get a false sense of security, believing that the first search engine results are the best. That’s not always the case.
Search engine results change with time. You can get different results from one search to the next on the same search engine.
Look for a variety of sources that you believe carry authority.
For instance, when you look for medical advice, don’t stop at a site such as WebMD.com and call it quits. While this website may have qualified advice, it’s not the only source.
Another could be the Journal of The American Medical Association (JAMA) website.
When you find other websites, look for sources that the articles cite.

Are they valid sources?

Check to make sure they’re from authoritative people.
Watch for red flags. Like blogs that make claims but don’t cite sources.
Anyone can create a blog, and have it published in minutes. They’re free to publish whatever they like.
That’s why readers must be critical of every source they treat as fact.
There’s nothing wrong with a blogger posting an obvious opinion piece. But, don’t accept the post as fact.
Treat it as a good starting point for your research.
You’ll hear people cite Wikipedia.org as a source for their facts. While that resource has gotten better at fact-checking, don’t lose sight that anyone can add and make changes to it.
Still, it does have some uses. At the end of most articles, there’s a wealth of resources and links that authors often include.
Use them for further research.
JohnK 11-26-2019
stick figure listening for factsOverheard: “There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.”
                            ~Arthur Conan Doyle (The Boscombe Valley Mystery)

Post image by Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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Your Children May Not Trust Themselves

You say you don’t trust yourself? Did you know that the same feelings can filter down to your kids too?

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Your Children May Not Trust Themselves

Lack of self-trust is far from uncommon. It’s possible that you developed this tendency while you were growing up.
picture that promotes trustYou can pick it up as a kid and carry it into your adult life. You pass it on to your kids, and they do the same to theirs.
Your actions and exchanges may be subtle. Your kids will hear what you and your spouse talk about as well as discussions by, or with, other family members.
You may well do things that you’re not even aware of, but your kids will pick up on those, too.
It’s a difficult situation because you want your kids to be safe. But you don’t want to suggest that they give a pass to everyone without question.
A delicate balance
Trusting yourself requires trusting others. That’s where the difficulty can creep in.
You’ve likely been burned by a few people enough times to warrant your caution. But, these experiences can also resonate with your children.
Aim for a balance. You want them to trust certain people while remaining mindful through the process.
Of course, you want to teach your kids always to be trustworthy themselves, even if others don’t respond in kind.
Minus that, self-trust will be near impossible.
If they let others down, they won’t have any reason to develop an internal trust. So you and your partner will want to doublecheck your own trustworthiness.
You may be trustworthy toward kids but not to other people. That can send the wrong signals to kids if you tell them they should be trustworthy to others.
It will leave them confused and unsure of what to do. In the long run, they’ll be untrustworthy, and they won’t develop self-trust.
Be sure to talk to your kids to help them develop the balance between caution and trust. If they have questions, be open to answering them.
Try not to take offense if they say you’re sending mixed signals with regards to trust. Find a balance and your kids will likely find it too.
Your family will have the necessary means to trust each other and yourselves. It’s not easy, but it’s definitely worth the effort.
You just have to keep at it.
JohnK 1-8-2019
stick man learning to trustOverheard:  “Learning to trust is one of life’s most difficult tasks.”
                                          ~Isaac Watts
Picture of a book to trust in
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Teaching Kids About Routine Through Chores

Chances are you don’t think much about your daily routine. Your kids probably don’t think much about routine, either.
But in this article, GenuLines looks at teaching about routine while getting some things done around the house!
call to action for routine

Teaching Kids About Routine Through Choresdishwashing routine

Give kids their chores and you can expect to hear some moaning and groaning. Even if you tie the chores to an allowance.
They’ll be happy on payday, but not thrilled to know they have to work for the bucks.
But, giving your kids chores teaches them much more than work for pay. Often there are considerations that go with the chores.
For instance, they’ll have to check the oil before using the lawnmower. They’ll have to make sure the mower has enough gas.
And, of course, they’ve got to know how to start it.
If weed-whacking is part of the job they’ll need to learn that that comes first. Kids will also learn they have to do their chores on a regular basis. 
This routine instills in them the idea of a work ethic. Sticking with the mowing example, the kids will most likely have to do this once per week.

Easy does it

Even tasks that seem easy and don’t need a routine will have some sort of process. For instance, before kids load and run the dishwasher they’ll have to rinse some of the dishes.
They’ll have to load the machine in a way that none of the wash load breaks. Then, they load the soap dispenser and turn on the machine. 
It’s a process much like any other.
You may not have thought about this but video games can teach kids about how to use routines to their benefit. Many of the games go through sequences and steps for advancing to the next round.
Knowing these steps keeps the game fun and interesting. 
School sports for kids mean coaches and drills. These drills teach them the techniques needed to win games.
You can think of those as routines.
They’re meant to help the kids use the skills when they’re playing the game. The more they do the drills, the less they’ll need to think about what to do when they start playing.
The routines kids learn from their chores will carry through to their adult life. When they start their working life, they’ll be well versed in processes and routines.
JohnK 9-10-2019
stick man learning routineOverheard: “Routine, in an intelligent man, is a sign of ambition.”
                                   ~W. H. Auden
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Get “There’s An Old Saying” Here






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Trust Yourself If You Want a Better Romantic Relationship

Trust is a word that makes us feel good, especially n a relationship.
GenuLines turns the idea inward for a look at relationships and self-trust.
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Trust Yourself If You Want a Better Romantic Relationship

One of the keys to a stable romantic relationship is self-trust.
Couple lacking trustWithout it your partner can lose confidence in you over time. You’ll have problems making decisions.
And there may be a few sexual problems, too.
Romantic relationships have a foundation of trust. You may have it for your partner but not yourself.
Let’s say you put yourself down in front of your partner. They may go along with you in the beginning, but that behavior will get old over time.
Contrast this behavior with trusting yourself.
You’ll be more confident. And your partner will pick up on this.
You’ll have both your emotional and physical needs met. That’s sure to spice up your relationship.
If you don’t trust yourself, it’s not likely you’ll share your feelings with your partner. Communication is another relationship building block.
Without it you could by headed for a break-up.
Trust issues can affect your attitude. You’ll send out negative energy toward those around you, including your partner.
Would you want to hang around someone who’s negative?
It’s very likely you won’t. Over time, you’ll look for ways to avoid that person.
Make sure that person isn’t you.
Sharing negative feelings with your partner is different from being negative. It’s pretty much impossible to be positive 100% of the time.
Aim for striking a balance and working towards being more positive than negative. That can’t happen if you doubt yourself.
A bit of effort and a healthy dose of self-trust gives your relationship a better chance to work.
Your partner will be happier and so will you. You have a choice.
Stay closed and lack trust in yourself. Or open up and gain the confidence to have the best possible relationship.
JohnK 9-3-2019
stick figure hearing about trustOverheard: “Tension is who you think you should be, relaxation is who you are”
                                          ~Chinese proverb
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Use Social Media To Show Your Appreciation

Do you ever think of social media as a vehicle for showing appreciation?
GenuLines asks you to consider your social media use as a means of appreciation. 
call to action for appreciation

Use Social Media to Show Your Appreciation

Is there anyplace social media isn’t? It’s everywhere, with people willing to share all aspects of their lives.
From cute cat pictures to complete details of what they had for breakfast.
Granted, not everyone appreciates these constant updates. But with smart management, social media can be a great way to give the world a look at the things you appreciate.
Let’s start with Pinterest. If you’ve never used it before start setting up boards about your favorite items. These could be podcasts that better the human condition. Or, if if you have healthy recipes you’ve tried and liked, create a board for that.
You can even structure your boards as group boards. Then you can invite others to post on your boards.
You’ll learn about things others enjoy. And you have control over who joins so you can keep spammers from infiltrating your boards.
If you insist on posting details of every meal on social media, consider using Twitter to do this. It’s a more forgiving platform since the messages pass through quicker.
And they only contain a small number of characters.
As for Facebook, your friends there might not be as receptive. Now you know.
Make it legal

thumbs up for social mediaIt’s great to show your appreciation for the small things using social media. But make sure you have the rights to post what you post.

People and companies take copyright infringement seriously. And posting any picture on a whim can get you into serious trouble.
The fines can be hefty. And there have been instances of criminal actions taken against perpetrators.
If you search on Google for images and you don’t know whether it’s okay to use them, likely it’s not. Don’t take this issue lightly.
You also want to make sure you have permission to post pictures of people. If they’re people you know, you can ask them through a verbal confirmation.
If you want to post people you don’t know, make sure you get a signed release showing that it’s okay to use their image.
Needless to say, never use people’s images in a negative light. Be respectful with your social media posting.
Some channels may allow you to post inappropriate material, such as nude pictures, etc. Not the best idea.
Would you show it to your mother? If not, your best bet is to keep it off of social media.
JohnK 8-20-2019
stick man on social mediaOverheard: “Appreciation is a wonderful thing; it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.”
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