Tag Archive for healing heartbreak

Happy August! Recipes for Good Food and Good Mood

picture of john kobikWe’re into a new month, and I don’t want to let too much time slip by without touching base with you. When I was growing up people used to call August the “dog days”. Not very flattering to dogs (who are some of MY favorite people!) Hot, humid days usually meant less activity at the kitchen stove. I want to kick off this month of August by calling on Jo Eager to bring us a quick and simple recipe that’s tasty and doesn’t require turning on the stove!

Dividing line
The next edition of CHI FOR YOURSELF is in the planning stages. I’ll only say that it deals with healing from heartbreak, loss, and abandonment. Details to come.


Dividing line


Some points to keep in mind with the start of the new month:

steps to happiness

Now, let’s eat!



Be well!!


JohnK 8-1-2016

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clip art of manOverheard:   “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.”