Dreams do come true, for some of us. And you want to be among those who realize their dreams.
Start with this GenuLines look at how your dreams can become reality.
Dreams do come true, for some of us. And you want to be among those who realize their dreams.
Start with this GenuLines look at how your dreams can become reality.
Excellence is a quality we admire wherever we see it. And with a bit of work you can see it every day in your own life.
Use this GenuLines look at excellence to ramp up your efforts.
Living life is something we all do. But we don’t all live it in a meaningful way.
Life does leave clues, and GenuLines is on the case to show you if you fit the description..
You know that disappointment is part of life, and we hope you accept that fact. But it can be heavy, you say.
Well, GenuLines has some tips to help you lighten the load.
Overheard: “Lucky that man whose children make his happiness in life and not his grief, the anguished disappointment of his hopes”
Article Photo by Anna Shvets: https://www.pexels.com/photo/sad-child-sitting-on-a-white-chair-3771681/
Along with all the stress you face in today’s world you’re hearing about lots of ways you can deal with it. But have you ever thought of looking toward personal mastery for relief?
Come along with us for today’s GenuLines look at personal mastery.
If failing is scary, why would you want to do it quickly? Seems counterintuitive, no?
There is method to this seeming madness, and GenuLines brings the usual sanity to explain in more detail.
It’s been said that thoughts are things. And things aren’t so good when your thoughts turn against you.
We go deeper as GenuLines takes a closer look at this thoughts thing.
You’re capable of great things and people have been telling you that for a long time. But deep down you’re not sure you believe it’s true.
Let’s unpack this with a GenuLines look at a perplexing question.
Do You Believe in Your Own Potential?
Sometimes your loudest critic is the one inside you. It can take a bit of work, but it’s doable.
Let GenuLines help you get started on the project.
Article image from Mahdi Bafande on Unsplash