Tag Archive for fulfilling life

Your Daily Routine Can Make Your Day

Is it time to make some changes to your daily routine? You want your day to get off to the best start possible. 

So, let this GenuLines list help you to tweak your routine. 

Your Daily Routine Can Make Your Day

When you were growing up you may have followed a strict routine. As an adult you tend to relax the rules.
This can lead to other problems.
To keep the issue count low create a daily routine. A structured life can yield many powerful benefits.
Develop good habits
One of the best reasons to create a daily routine is that it can help you change bad habits. The changes may be gradual.
clock as part of routine
But in time you’ll start seeing big improvements.
Boost your efficiency
Do you ever wish you could get more done and make the most of your time? A daily routine can add structure to your life and make you much more efficient.
You won’t waste as much time as you once did, and you day will be a whole lot more productive.
Improve your health
One of the most powerful reasons to create a daily routine is that it can help you improve your health. This goes for physical or mental health.
You’ll notice the changes in your mood and general wellbeing.
Sleep better
When you have a routine you tend to sleep better. If you go to bed at the same time each night, and awake at the same time each morning, you’ll feel much more refreshed.
Work in other habits like switching off screens and other gadgets an hour before bed.
Incorporate more structure
To reach your goals you need willpower and motivation. A daily routine can incorporate both.
Exercise is a good example. When you add it into your daily routine, it becomes an automatic habit.
And you won’t need willpower or rewards to keep it going.
Reduce and relieve stress
Knowing that you have a daily regimen can help you add even more healthy habits. This turns down the stress levels.
And it opens more possibilities for you to schedule time for relaxation each day.
So, there you have it, 6 reasons you should create daily routines. An effective routine can take time.
But once you have it in place you won’t regret taking the time to create it.
JohnK 8-2-2021

stick figure hears about daily routineOverheard:  “Either you run the day or the day runs you”

                                ~Jim Rohn
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Don’t Let Chronic Stress Be A Killer

On any given day life is at least somewhat stressful. Let it go on too long and something’s got to give.

Here GenuLines gives you a look at how the situation can turn deadly. 

Don’t Let Chronic Stress Be A Killer

Your body is hard-wired to react to stress. This protects you from potential threats.
The predators and aggressors of long ago are long gone. But you still face daily demands that make your body react in much the same way.

What Is It?

Some see stress as feeling overwhelmed, worried, run down, or anxious. It affects most everyone regardless of age, gender, socioeconomic standing, or circumstances.
Couple ffeels stress
Some stress is beneficial because it produces a boost of energy allowing us to get things done.
Healthy management skills can help. But this isn’t always the case.
And extreme and chronic pressure can have severe health consequences.

Chronic Defined?

Chronic stress is something that you deal with day after day for long periods of time.
This can be poverty or dysfunctional family dynamics. It could be an unhappy or abusive marriage, or a hated job.
It feels as though you have no way out of a miserable situation and you give up on searching for a solution.

How It Kills

Chronic stress can lead to a multitude of health problems including: addictions.


A University of Maryland Medical Center study found that chronic stress affects concentration. It hurts your ability to react to situations.
You may have more accidents and be more forgetful, too.

Digestive Disorders

Digestion is a lower body priority when you respond to stress. Because of this, chronic stress can contribute to many digestive disorders.
Think bloated stomach, cramping, constipation, acid reflux, ulcers, and inflammatory bowel disease.

Increased Risk Of Heart Problems

There’s more from that University of Maryland Medical Center, mentioned earlier. Links to chronic stress included higher heart attack risk, heart disease, and stroke.
Your heart rate increases and this can constrict your arteries. Your blood thickens, which affects heart rhythms.

Lowered Immune System

Stress lowers your body’s ability to fight an infection. When it’s chronic it leaves you more susceptible to infections and severe colds and flu, and it ramps up the tension even more..


Chronic stress affects sleep patterns, leaving you feeling irritable, fatigued, and over reactive. Depression is also a common occurrence. 
These negative emotions and mental health issues often lead to a lowered quality of life. And they make interacting with others a challenge.  

Skin, Hair And Teeth Problems

Coping with chronic stress also leads to hormonal imbalances. It’s linked to eczema, acne, hives, psoriasis, rosacea, hair loss, and gum disease.
Smaller amounts of distress are normal. You’re never going to be free of them..
But this doesn’t mean that you have to live a life feeling bogged down with constant concern. Identify what areas of your life are the culprits.
Then see what changes you can make.
JohnK 7-26-2021
stick figure hears about stressOverheard: “A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety.”


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4 Easy Ways to Maintain Your Energy

You put your best energy into all you do, at least that’s your intention. But sometimes your energy tank level drops to “empty.” 

You need to re-fuel, and GenuLines has some ideas to keep you on the go. 

4 Easy Ways to Maintain Your Energy

You started the day ready to take on the world. From the moment you got out of bed, you’ve been thinking about all the things you’re going to get done today.
You can’t wait to get started! Then it all falls apart.
By the end of the day, you’re grumpy and out of sorts. The day somehow derailed.
running out of energy
Now here you are, feeling like you didn’t do half the things you wanted to today. What happened?
Well, sometimes it’s true that life does get in the way. The car won’t start, or the dog gets loose, and you spend half the morning chasing him around the neighborhood.
Life gets in the way. More often than not, though, you likely did what most people do: you crashed and burned.
You ran out of energy. So, how do you maintain your energy levels even on the toughest of days?
Check-in With Yourself
First of all, you need to be paying more attention to your body. Catch yourself right when your energy begins to waver.
You might be able to stave off a massive crash later on. When you’re lagging, it’s because you need something small, like a drink of water.
Or a little activity. Or even a small snack.
These are quick and easy fixes that only take a minute. Ignore them, though, and you’re liable to lose hours of your day before you know it.
Engage in a Routine (or Two)
We tend to burn out because we’re scrambling to sort out our day and find the things we need. If you have a morning routine, for example, you’ll have everything near at hand right when you need it.
Getting out of the door will take half the energy, giving you reserves for where you need it most.
Ask yourself what parts of your day you can streamline. Set up a routine and make sure to follow through with those routines as often as possible.

Become More Intentional

Too often, our day becomes filled with little nonsense tasks which take up energy and time. What is it you need to do?
What actions will leave the biggest impact on the day?
Put your energy where it counts most by being more intentional in what you’re doing. Remember, you don’t have to be the one to do everything.
Delegate the non-essential items to keep yourself focused on what matters.

Get to Bed!

While a bedtime routine is a great start, pay more attention to your sleep. Create a sleep environment that is free from noise and distraction.
Make sure your room is at an optimal temperature, and yes, if need be, invest in a better mattress or new pillows.
Getting a good night’s sleep will keep you more energetic throughout the day.
JohnK 7-19-2021
Stick figure hears about energyOverheard: “Wealth flows from energy and ideas.”
                                 ~William Feather
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5 Reasons To Be Grateful For Struggle

Life’s struggles usually don’t move us to feeling grateful that we have them. But GenuLines iinvites you to re-examine this idea.

You may be surprised at the results!

5 Reasons To Be Grateful For Struggle

Have you ever asked yourself why you always want more? You want to make yourself better.
Get that promotion. Earn more money.
man needs to be grateful
Win the lottery, a new car, a bigger house, another pet, to travel more often. It’s natural to pine for new things and to aim your sights higher.
But there’s a problem here. We often take our eye off the ball.
And instead of living in the present, we become obsessed with the future. We figure everything will be better there.
But you can’t make everything better there without first putting in the work here.
The struggles that we face now do serve a purpose.
It isn’t something we enjoy or look forward to, but we may be able to find reasons to be grateful for those struggles.
Here’s why:
1. It Could Be Worse
This might not sound like a reason to be grateful for struggle, but… do you have the food you need to survive and a roof over your head? You have the basics down and while that isn’t everything, for right now it is.
Sometimes coming back to that thought is enough to remind you of your life achievements. You’re building the strength to handle what you’re facing now.
2. You Can See Through People
When you’re struggling, you learn who your real friends are. Friends can offer a great shoulder to lean on. But false friends can make their way into your life. They’re the first ones to run for the hills when things get tough.
3. You Rediscover Who You Are
You might wonder how this could be true, but it is. Think about the darkest days you’ve ever experienced. Now realize that you’re still here and you’re still standing. This speaks to your ability to be strong..
4. You Learn To Appreciate The Little Things
Sometimes we take these things for granted. Pause to savor your morning cup of coffee.
Carry this attitude with you through the day. Share your good energy with other people.
An act of kindness can change your day – and help others to change theirs.  
5. Struggle is Building You Up
It might feel like your struggles are trying to tear you down. But like working a muscle they’re building you back up.
It’s difficult to think of struggles as being a blessing. But the blessing comes from your response to those struggles.
What’s the most difficult type of struggle to cope with? One that you have no control over.
You learn to cope and when you know how to cope, you learn how to succeed.
JohnK 5-17-2021
stick man being gratefulOverheard: “If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.”
                             ~Meister Eckhart
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What To Do When You Don’t Get What You Really Want

You want it badly. But somehow it doesn’t show up. This happens to most of us, but GenuLines has some action steps for you if you’re struggling with this. 

What To Do When You Don’t Get What You Really Want

man who wantsIt sucks to know that life isn’t fair. But knowing this fact alone still doesn’t make us feel better when something that we really want seems to elude us.
Here are a couple of key things to consider when you don’t get what your heart desires.

Appreciate The Needs You DO Have

Being able to separate the things you need from those you want is extremely important in life. People worldwide go without even the most basic things many of us take for granted.
While it’s in no way wrong to pursue things other than the basic needs, try to avoid getting these things mixed up.
Think about each situation where you didn’t get something you wanted. Each of those is likely balanced by getting something you did want.
If you always got what you wanted do you think you’d be grateful?

Be Honest About Why You Didn’t Get It

When something doesn’t pan out it feels like a tragedy. But sometimes not getting something serves as a fork in the road.
It can point the way to something much better.
Whatever you’re feeling like you missed out on, give it a second look. You might realize that this failure could very well be for your benefit.
Even if it wasn’t a major disappointment the fact that you fell short can provide the motivation. you need to go after something even better!
banner to talk want
You Covered The Bases And Still Want It? Try Again!
So you slipped up but believe you still should have whatever avoided you. Regroup and try again!
Rest assured, most of the things worth having are not going to fall into your lap. If this were the case, they wouldn’t be nearly as fulfilling when we you get them.
If whatever you missed out on keeps bugging you it could be a sign that you’re meant to have it.
But not right now
If you’ve decided that it is, be ready to go after it! I could insert any number of motivational quotes such as “fall seven times, stand up eight.”
Or “fail forward.”
But the fact is, the life of a successful individual will include failures. How you deal with failure separates winning from living with self-pity and resentment.
Never allow yourself to give up in the pursuit of anything you believe to be yours.
JohnK 4-26-2021
Stick figure hears about wantOverheard: “Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.”
                             ~Dale Carnegie
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For Better Health Spend Time In The Sun

Fun in the sun is something a lot of us live for. It feels great, helps you look good, and more.

But if you’re not so keen on the sun GenuLines shows you ways you can benefit, too, 

Spend Time In The Sun For Better Health

Being out in the sun does great things to your mind and body. If you live in an area where there is plenty of sun, it shouldn’t be hard to get out into the sunshine.
If not, you should be able to find at least a few days where you can some sunshine.
(Click on this image to listen to the post)
flower in sunshine
Here are five health benefits of spending time in the sun:
1. Getting your Vitamin D intake
The major source of vitamin D is being out in the sun. The UV rays will help build up vitamin D in your body so you won’t have to take a vitamin D supplement.
Research has shown that most people don’t get enough vitamin D. It’s essential for many body functions.
And always wear the appropriate rating of sunscreen to protect your skin.
2. Spending time in nature
If possible spend time outdoors. It can be a neighborhood park or other wooded area.
Communing with nature helps reduce stress. Even a lunch break spent in the sun can improve your productivity and can help you have less stress at work.
3. Spending time in the sun reduces stress
You’ll likely find that you’re less stressed and happier when the day is sunny. You can sit on a park bench in the sunshine and meditate a bit or take a walk in a sunny area.
Try getting out in the sun every day for at least a half an hour. You’ll cut through the stress while enjoying the activity.
4. Sunlight can reduce cancer risk
It’s true that you’re at an increased risk of skin cancer if you burn yourself in the sun. But sunshine can actually help reduce your risk of developing other cancers.
This is especially true if you choose to exercise in the sunshine.
5. Sunshine can help you sleep better
Relaxing or exercising in the sunshine affects your sleep later in the day. A half hour of sunshine per day has been found to help you get to sleep easier and stay asleep longer.
It really doesn’t matter what you do in the sunshine as long as you get out there and get some rays.
JohnK 4-12-2021
Stick figure hears about the sunOverheard: “The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do”
                                    ~ Galileo Galilei
get sun disclaimer

How To Get Into The Habit Of Walking More

Was a walking regimen one of your New Year resolutions? Has that resolution gone down the memory hole? 

Check out these GenuLines suggestions for taking the “steps” to get up and going. 

Listen to this post by clicking the link below:

How To Get Into The Habit Of Walking More


How To Get Into The Habit Of Walking More

The human body is capable of miles and miles of walking. Yet, in modern society, we spend most of our time sitting down.

 That’s not good for our bodies. It leads to a range of health issues.
A daily walk might head off these problems. Of course, that’s easier said than done.
walking path sign
Give up your seat
Most of us sit for our work. We eat sitting down.
And to be honest all we want to do when we come home from work is plop down on the couch for a Netflix marathon until bedtime.
This presents a challenge. But a walking habit is a good one.
Kind of like the habit of brushing our teeth twice a day or taking out the trash on Tuesdays. Once it’s a well-ingrained habit, it won’t be as much of a challenge to make sure we go for a walk each day.
Your path
You can start by finding a walking route you enjoy. Your favorite walk may offer beautiful vistas.
But if it’s a 30-minute drive there and back, you’ll be less likely to do it every single day. Instead, save that particular walk for the weekends.
Then come up with something convenient and pleasant for your everyday walking routine. If you can, find a route in your own neighborhood so you can leave right from your front door.
Taking the same route every day helps form that habit. It’s also encouraging to notice that you can walk the same loop faster or with less effort over time.
You’re steadily getting stronger and fitter.
Listening to your favorite music, podcast, or audiobooks is also helpful. It’ll make the time go by faster and give you something else to look forward to.
You can even use your favorite media as a way to bribe yourself to go for your daily walk. Let’s say you have a couple of podcasts you enjoy.
Save them for your walks and only let yourself listen to them while you’re walking. It’s a great incentive to get out there even on days when you’re not feeling it.
Group Walks
Finally, consider walking with other people. Find a walking group in your area, or talk a friend or neighbor into becoming your walking buddy.
Not only is it more fun to walk when you have someone to talk to, it also has some built-in accountability. You won’t want to skip a walking workout when you know that other people are waiting for you to join them.
Give these tips a try. They’ll help you make your daily walk an integral part of your health, your fitness, and your life.
JohnK 3-15-2021
stick figure man hears about walkingOverheard: “All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking”
                             ~Friedrich Nietzsche
walking disclaimer

Can a Pessimist Become An Optimist?

If you’re an optimist you may live by the old “glass is half-full” theory. But if you’re a pessimist and your glass is “half-empty” you may not be okay with this. 

You can work on switching mindsets, and GenuLines has some suggestions on making your mental “U-turn.”

(Listen to this post by clicking here)

Can a Pessimist Become An Optimist?

Optimist Smiley Face BallSome of us are born with sunny dispositions. Others are prone to negativity.

Many factors come into play:
*Childhood experiences
*Economic status
*Genetic predisposition
These can play into a pessimistic attitude. But there is one factor that may have the power to transform those reasons – the power of choice.
Optimism as a Choice
Someone with a negative mindset might view negative circumstances as all or nothing. A catastrophic event,
But those in the positive camp look at the negatives and assess their choices. They then go on to make the best decision in their control.
Plus, their positive mindset can bring them a more constructive and useful attitude.
How a Pessimist can become More Optimistic
Brain Training
While changing any part of our personality is never easy, it is doable. An individual must want it though.
Try telling a pessimist their attitude can change their outlook and thus change their life. Now expect a cynical response.
But if their decision is their own there’s more chance of success. Especially if the person is trying to find purpose or more joy in life.
What you focus on expands. Always focusing on what is wrong and what does not work is a surefire way to get more of the same.
Most everything can and does go wrong. There are plenty of positive circumstances in life to focus on:
What does go right in your life?
Counting your blessings
What do you have to be grateful for?
What does work?
Can adversity can contain some semblance of a silver lining? Will a pessimist view an ending as a beginning or as a lesson learned?
Can a pessimist find the deeper meaning instead of looking through a negative lens?
It’s best not to make the circumstances personal. In other words, what if something happened only because it happened and not because of “bad luck?”
Moving away from the woe-is-me way of thinking opens the door to a broader view.
Another way to subdue negative thinking is through stories. A pessimist will say they have no luck.
Everything always happens to them. Everybody else gets to get what they want.
Something happened because something happened – no story attached.
Changing your focus and perception. Don’t internalize.
Tell yourself a new story. See the glass as half-full and bring more optimism into your life.
JohnK 2-23-2021
stick man hears about optimistsOverheard: “Optimism is the madness of insisting that all is well when we are miserable”
disclaimer for talking to an optimist

Is Your Money Mindset Setting You Up for Failure?

You feel you can trust your mindset when you begin a new endeavor. But is there a devil in the details?
We’re looking down the road in this GenuLines report on how your money attitude might set you up for a crash. 

Is Your Money Mindset Setting You Up for Failure?

dollars for money mindsetYou want to make more money. You see the lavish lifestyles of celebrities and other famous people.
You’d like to have some of that for yourself. But, is your drive for money blinding you to the important things in your life?
It’s often said that if you do something you love, the money will follow. That can happen if you approach whatever you love with passion.
Then again, if making money is your driving force, how will you do that? You’re likely to chase the dollar from one job to the next or from one opportunity to the next.
You’ll get seduced by false offers of riches. Over time, you’ll look back and see how little you accomplished.
You may be successful in the short term. You’ll get that extra dollar from a new job or you’ll squeeze a quick buck from your business.
But, you’ll keep searching for more money.
image about money mindset



It’s possible that if you lack the experience at your new job you won’t be able to handle it. In other words, you didn’t give your previous level enough time to develop a foundation.
You jumped ahead, and now you’re unclear what to do. It’s a concept known as the Peter Principle, named after the person who came up with the idea, Peter Drucker.
Money isn’t as important as a lot of folks believe. For instance, what good is having a high-paying job when you have to work 80-90 hours a week?
What kind of life is that?
Many people who do this, look back at their lives and wonder why they did it. While they may have a lot of money when they get older, they might end up quite unhappy.
Or the workload needed to reach your goal gets you to an early grave. In that case the money they earned is useless.
If you are happy with what you are doing, money becomes a secondary priority. People do need money to live, and you shouldn’t settle for working for less than you’re worth.
Get to the point where you can balance a decent amount of money with doing something that you enjoy. Then expect to live a more satisfying life.
JohnK 2-15-2021
Stick figure hears about motneyOverheard: There is a gigantic difference between earning a great deal of money and being rich.
                                ~Marlene Dietrich
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Find the Source of Your Motivation

Lack of motivation can throw cold water on the best of plans. So let GenuLines help keep you on the path toward realizing exactly what you want in life. 

(Listen to this article by clicking here)

Find the Source of Your Motivation

You get your work assignment. You know what you have to do.
You’ve got to get started – but somehow, you lack the motivation to get off square one.
Success won’t be had without motivation.

Where’s the source of your motivation?

man thinking about motivationWhere can you turn for the inspiration that will propel you forward? We’re all different and we’re all motivated by different things.
You may get motivated by visualizing completion of the task and reaching the goal. There may be a job promotion in it for you and a bigger paycheck.
Or you want to finish another chapter in the book you’re writing, or you look to lose five pounds by the end of the week. Seeing the goal in your mind could motivate you toward success.

Visualize completion

Never lose sight of your ultimate goal. Know you’re going to get what you deserve and push forward with renewed motivation.
You know that success is not only an option but is a real fact. Keep this in mind and motivation comes easier.
Motivation without the skills to achieve your goals is not enough. If you know you’re lacking something to move forward motivation is hard to summon.
Knowledge fuels motivation, and to a lesser extent, so does persistence.
Change your environment
New surroundings often give you a renewed outlook on your life. It can be something simple.
Put a new plant in your home or office, hang a new picture or open the curtains and let in the light.
This also includes surrounding yourself with positive people. When you’re around positive and successful friends their attitude rubs off on you.
You absorb their energy. But you’ll also absorb the energy of negative people or depressing surroundings.
Other methods
Find the source of your motivation and re-evaluate your tasks. Brainstorm and look for new information.
You can do this by taking a break. Go for a walk, exercise, work in the yard or relax with an inspirational book.
Using your brain in different ways will stimulate it. And stimulation leads to motivation.
Do something for others
When we do for others we find motivation within ourselves. Many times the way to achieve your goal is to assist others in reaching theirs.
Seek to serve and you’ll become energized and motivated when people rely on you. Disappoint them and you disappoint yourself – and you’re not going to let that happen, are you?
Some find a motivational source by talking or reading aloud to themselves. Keep an inspirational book handy at all times.
When you actually hear the positive affirmations they become more effective.
Motivation comes from many different sources. Look within and find what works for you.
Believe in yourself. Look forward to the good that will come into your life.
Do these things and expect motivation to come your way..
JohnK 2-1-2021
Stick figure hears about motivationOverheard: “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great”
                                    ~Zig Ziglar
disclaimer for talking about motivation