Today’s guest on Chi For Yourself is Tina Gilbertson. She says pushing bad feelings away never works, and she’ll offer us a practical approach to the more liberating alternative of allowing yourself to feel them. Chi For Yourself – at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time. Hear the interview
Tina Gilbertson is the author of Constructive Wallowing: How to Beat Bad Feelings by Letting Yourself Have Them.
Tina Gilbertson
“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love an affection”
We finally caught up with author Matthew Fox, and last week’s long-awaited interview didn’t disappoint. As you probably know, Matthew Fox became an Episcopal priest after being expelled from the Catholic Church by Cardinal Ratzinger, who later became Pope Benedict XVI. He discussed his latest book “Meister Eckhart: A Mystic Warrior for Our Times, and he gave us some examples of the controversial viewpoints that put him at odds with the church hierarchy. You can hear the show by clicking on the BlogTalkRadio logo below.
Here are some of the talking points from the show:
The meaning of Christian Spirituality
Christian Spirituality and the scriptural story of creation
Meister Eckhart on the women’s movement of his time (the Beguines)
Matthew Fox’s expulsion from the Catholic Church
On the new Pope and chances of change in the church
The Matthew Fox interview on CHI FOR YOURSELF that was planned for August 21st has been re-scheduled. You’ll be able to hear the interview this Thursday, August 28th at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time at A problem in Matthew’s phone connection forced the change, so we’re looking forward to getting him back with us. Thank’s so much for your understanding!
Though he lived in the thirteenth century, Meister Eckhart’s deeply ecumenical teachings were in many ways modern. He taught about what we call ecology, championed artistic creativity, and advocated for social, economic, and gender justice. All these elements have inspired spiritual maverick Matthew Fox and influenced his Creation Spirituality. You can hear Matthew Fox on Chi For Yourself today at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific at
“Constructive wallowing” seems like an oxymoron. Constructive is a good thing, but wallowing is bad. Right?
But wait a minute; is it really so terrible to give ourselves a time-out to feel our feelings? Or is it possible that wallowing is an act of loving kindness, right when we need it most?
We’ll look at these questions and more on Chi For Yourself when we’re visited by Tina Gilbertson, author of Constructive Wallowing:How to Beat Bad Feelings by Letting Yourself Have Them.
Tina will be the guest on Thursday, September 11th at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time. You’ll be able to hear the interview at
No doubt you’ve noticed that Chi For Yourself has been rather quiet lately. That’s due to the fact that I’m spending some time on the East Coast (USA) helping my mother get through some difficult transitions in her life.
As a care-giver “newbie” I’ve got a lot to learn, and my patience can at times be tested. For that reason I’ve reached back to a past Chi For Yourself episode with Suzanne Scurlock-Durana for help. I thought I’d share that episode with you. Here’s a little background:
Many teachers stress the importance of living in the present moment. Few give the actual practices to make it attainable. This book teaches you how to return to the incredible navigational system of the body and more fully inhabit each moment.
For over twenty-five years, Suzanne Scurlock-Durana has taught her step-by-step practice of present moment awareness through her own combination of bodywork and CranioSacral therapy. The practices of her book Full Body Presence: Learning to Listen to Your Body’s Wisdom are intended to help you find a deeper awareness in the moment, even in the midst of chaos, family and work demands, or the pressure to perform. This deeper awareness also brings a fuller sense of trust and confidence in yourself and in the world.
Before I forget I want to tell you that in August Chi For Yourself will welcome back Matthew Fox. He’s bringing a new book and his always fresh approach to the old teachings! I’ll have details and dates later..
Listen to Suzanne Scurlock-Durana by clicking on the player:
When Zen teacher Karen Maezen Miller and her family land in a house with a hundred-year-old Japanese garden, she uses the paradise in her backyard to glean the living wisdom of our natural world. Through her eyes, rocks convey faith, ponds preach stillness, flowers give love, and leaves express the effortless ease of letting go.
Karen Maezen Miller is the author of Paradise in Plain Sight: Lessons from a Zen Garden.The book welcomes readers into the garden for Zen lessons in fearlessness, forgiveness, presence, acceptance, and contentment. Miller gathers inspiration from the ground beneath her feet to remind us that paradise is always here and now.
Karen Maezen Miller is our guest on Chi For Yourself. Hear the interview today at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific at
In yoga practice, mantra and kirtan (call-and-response devotional chanting) get short shrift in the West because they aren’t well understood, though they are an integral part of almost every Eastern spiritual practice. They are designed to provide access into the psyche while their underlying mythology helps us understand how our psychology affects daily life. Our guest on this show has written a book dealing with the myths behind the mantras and kirtans Alanna Kaivalya is the author of SACRED SOUND: Discovering the Myth & Meaning of Mantra & Kirtan, Her intention is to illuminate their meaning and to put their power and practicality within reach of every reader.
Alanna Kaivalya
Join us for today’s interview at 4pm Eastern..1pm Pacific at
Be with us for today’s Chi For Yourself and guest Daniel Parmeggiani. Daniel is the author of The Magnificent Truths of Our Existence: Unlocking the Deeper Reality of Permanent Happiness.
” Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared”
Article: The Simplicity of Choosing Happiness
In our new age of spirituality, where east meets west in the modern labyrinth of mental and spiritual healing, two clear definitions to happiness remain; (1) that happiness is a value synonymous with well-being and thriving, and (2) as opposed to depression, it is something we as humans seek. In essence happiness itself remaining the primary goal – and more elusive.
Psychological research suggests that each individual has what is called a ‘Happiness Set-point’ (HSP) determining overall well-being; happier when things balance our inner HSP and quite unhappy (even miserable), when things go against us, or fall short of it. We alone draw that line and in so doing compound our intrinsic belief, that sentience has a right to happiness, no matter what. Even an animal (and our basic survival instincts) will seek comfort against pain, to find it.
Evidence from research shows that 40% of our happiness is within our control and a voluntary choice we make. Psychologist William James, adds that it is our attitude that hinders or helps us reach our HSP. It seems that it is a natural human reflex to alter our attitude to achieve it. We want to maintain our HSP at all costs. Ironically, the indifference of the depressed, is a matter of ongoing research on lower HSP levels as per socio-economic standards, environmental and chemical imbalance.
Biblical and Buddhist philosophy maintain that all happiness comes from seeking it, yet ironically, a principle point of Buddhism is that all striving is suffering. This would explain why realistic goals are paramount, as true happiness may only be achieved through the balance of effort and suffering, and not the eternal ‘good-time’ that modern pop-psychology would have us believe. Being happier takes effort, especially if it’s a choice we make and maintain with mindfulness. Without effort, one can argue that happiness is hollow and not happiness at all.
Transformation might well be as simple as ‘Seek and ye shall find’ and no matter your labour to your HSP (health, diet, supplements; yoga and exercise; meditation, gratitude, education, journals, self-help, new-age, and/or new-thought mindfulness); the bottom line is that you are still only partaking in the most natural human birth-right of our species. Best to keep it simple.
Growing up in a household traumatized by the violent death of his older brother, and caught between two radically different parental worldviews, young Daniel Parmeggiani often felt guilty, isolated and depressed. After years of trying to find freedom from this torment, Daniel had an epiphany. He realized that every human being shared the same desire – the desire to feel better. All the lofty, complex philosophies he had read boiled down to a simple, single Truth:
Our ONLY motivation in life is to be happy.
Seeing how this shift in understanding completely changed his own life from one of unhappiness to one filled with joy, Daniel Parmeggiani felt called to write his book, The Magnificent Truths of Our Existence: Unlocking the Deeper Reality of Permanent Happiness. Daniel’s book offers a new perspective for rational people looking for simple, clear and logical explanations for life’s most elusive mysteries.
Daniel will be the guest on Chi For Yourself this Thursday (May 29th) at 1pm Pacific time. Hear the interview at