Tag Archive for achieve goals

Can Minimizing Your Life Boost Your Productivity?

Tough times can be tough on your productivity. You feel like something is missing from even your best efforts. 

Today GenuLines pitches in with a suggestion that you do some ‘addition by subtraction.”

microphone for talking productivity





Can Minimizing Your Life Boost Your Productivity?

Productivity is an essential part of achieving success. You can’t go very far in life or excel past your position in your career or in your life without being productive.
Staying productive can be difficult. This is especially true when clutter distracts you from the tasks at hand.
Minimizing your life can be most effective in helping you be more productive..
 What Does Minimizing Your Life Mean?
Clutter hurting productivityBy “minimizing your life,” we’re talking about de-cluttering it. Cutting out unnecessary obligations and activities.
Removing unneeded or unnecessary items. And de-cluttering your home and workplace.
This can mean refusing or delegating responsibilities when you’re already loaded down.
Throwing out things you no longer use or need. And keeping your priorities in order so you handle them in a reasonable time.
This may be easier said than done. All this letting go can do a number on your emotions.
Be patient and allow yourself time to let go and process the loss.
How Could Minimizing Life Help?
Clutter’s very existence can cause anxiety and stress. Much like the way junk clutters up your home, it clutters your mind and your life.
This makes it hard to get things done, decreasing your productivity.
Your mind gyrates in many different directions. There’s cleaning that needs done.
Events and work you have to plan, stuff you need to organize, and the task you’re trying to complete. Because your mind is so bogged down by all the clutter, your productivity worsens as you work slower.
You lose valuable time you could be spending with your loved ones. Or you could be nurturing existing or even building new relationships.
What Can Improved Productivity Do for You?
You need productivity to ensure you meet all the steps necessary to reach your goals. When you work toward a goal you want to get it done within the ideal time
Productivity helps to ensure that you stick to your schedule. You do all your work and still have time for your family and others you love 
Productivity helps you have a full and happy life.
Minimizing your life can bring big improvement to your productivity. It’s essential to your success in both your career and in life.
To reach and maintain productivity limit the distractions and clutter in your life. This will free up time to complete your tasks.
And, achieve your goals.
JohnK 6-10-2020
Stick figure hears about productivityOverheard: “Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before”
                                           ~Franz Kafka
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Powerful Goals Are Yours If They’re S.M.A.R.T.

The lockdown gives you time to make plans and set goals. When it’s over you’ll want to resume your life with a full head of steam.
GenuLines offers a list of steps to make sure your goals are powerful- and genuine!
microphone for speaking about goals





Powerful Goals Are Yours If They’re S.M.A.R.T.

There are smart goals and then there are S.M.A.R.T. goals. The acronym S.M.A.R.T. can help you set better goals.
The letters stand for Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Reasonable, and Timely. Let.s take a look at each one.
Rubik's Cube toward goals



Stands for specific. Be precise.

Use language that spells out what the goal is. 

Why you want to reach it. And how you will get there.
Detail is important here. Take the time to do this part right.


Stands for measurable. For example, you want to add 100 dollars a week to your income. So you decide to write 5 articles a week for buyers that will pay you for them,


“A” can stand for several things, like actionable, assignable, or achievable. Actionable goals give you daily activity to get you closer to them.
Goals should also be achievable or you will only get frustrated. Be accurate about the time it takes to reach a goal, and what actions it takes to get there.
Also, know who will be responsible for doing it.

This can stand for realistic or relevant, and either or both are important and are true. If you want your goal to succeed, it should be something that is realistic or you’ll fail.
It should also be relevant to your life’s vision and match with your values.


Various authors refer to the “T” in the S.M.A.R.T. acronym as time-bound, timely or trackable. These are all important parts of the goal creating and setting process.
If you don’t set a time limit and you can’t track what’s happening, your goal will be hard to count as achieved.
There are plenty of words you can use to help you craft your goals. The important thing is that you need to have a process to help you set smart goals.
The ones you know you’ll follow through on and know when you’ve met them.
JohnK 5-18-2020
Stick figure hears about goalsOverheard: “A goal properly set is halfway reached”
                                       ~Zig Ziglar
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How to Set Powerful Goals You Can Achieve (pt 2)

Your goals are important to you. That’s why GenuLines used two days to cover the topic. 

Today we offer some takeaway thoughts toward reaching your goals and building your genuine life! 

banner to help you set goals

How to Set Powerful Goals You Can Achieve (pt 2)

Be Measurable
At which point have you achieved the goal? If you can’t come up with a number or something that’s measurable, then you won’t have a real goal.
Let’s say you want your business to earn x number of dollars each week by a certain date. You would work out the how and why you’re going to do it.
Computers show goals
Be Actionable
To achieve any goal there have to be steps you can take to get there. It’s like using a map to reach a vacation destination.
You need to draw a map to your vision of success with the steps and paths you’ll take along the way. Put not only what but when, and how you’ll reach your endpoint.
Be Realistic
You don’t want to work toward a goal that’s too hard to achieve or worse, impossible. Make sure to do thorough research and be realistic about your expectations.
For example, you’re not likely going to start a business today and earn six figures by tomorrow. Or even your first year in business.
Look at the research and determine what is doable and how you’ll do it.
Be Timely
Every goal has to have a time limit otherwise you may never achieve it. Start at the end and work your way back to today.
Create a list of things to do each day to finally reach the end result. But, do set a time limit. You can adjust as you get into the project if it works to be more realistic.
But resist the urge to change the time because you’re not sticking to your task lists.
Now Create!
Keep these points in mind to create powerful goals that you can achieve.
You’ll reduce your failure chances because:
  • you can always adjust your timeline and your goals
  • you’ll learn as you move along in the process

The important thing is to give each goal a lot of thought, consideration, and study before setting it.

JohnK 1-8-2020

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stick figure talking about goalsOverheard: “All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and what he wants to be or do”

                                                    ~Norman Vincent Peale


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Article Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay



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How to Set Powerful Goals You Can Achieve

Goals are a sort-of road map on your life’s journey. You want them to be satisfying, yes. But you don’t want them to be too challenging. 

In this first of a two part post GenuLines offers a map to guide you on a comfortable and rewarding trip!

Banner helps with goals

How to Set Powerful Goals You Can Achieve

Say you need a fresh start? O.K., you want to challenge yourself, but you don’t want to make things so tough that you fail.
target for goal reachingFirst we’ll look inside, at the things that are important to you. And we’ll make sure that these goals are even doable.
Match Your Core Values
Start with four main areas in your life. 
  • Family
  • Financial
  • Physical
  • Personal
The better you goal fits into one or more of these the more likely your goal is achievable.
If for some reason a goal doesn’t fit into one of your core values, it’s not likely you’ll experience much success.
Be 100 Percent in Control
Goals that rely on others are not necessarily wrong. But they can be harder to achieve.
A goal you control 100 percent is one that you can reach.
Make sure fear isn’t getting in your way. Be realistic about whether you do have control or not and give yourself more credit. And, don’t blame fate for your setbacks.
Don’t think you lack control over your financial future because “that’s just how it is,”
Be Able to Envision the Goal
If you can’t see the end result, it will be very difficult to move forward toward achieving the goal. If you need to draw a picture, make a vision board.
Or take a day off to fantasize about your big dreams. Imagine how it all fits together in the big picture of your life. You need to see the end to be able to achieve it.
Be Specific-Spell It Out
Every goal you set needs to be very exact in nature. If you want to be sure to reach the goal, you have to know when you’ve actually reached it. Instead of saying “I want to start a business,” state exactly what type of business you want to start.
Know who you want as your clients. Know all you can to make the goal more concrete.
JohnK 1-7-2020
stick figure talking about goalsOverheard: “If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favorable.”
                                                          ~Seneca the Younger
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Is True Happiness Possible?

Happiness has a reputation for being elusive. Some would say it’s not even possible.

GenuLines offers you some points to consider as you do your own evaluation. 

Banner helps with happiess

Is True Happiness Possible?

When your struggles get to be too much it’s easy to think that happiness is not even possible. The truth is there are different levels of happiness that you can experience in your life.
The process doesn’t move in a straight line. Your attitude is the difference maker.
Look Around You
happy personIt’s one thing to say that people can’t be happy unless they have their basic needs met. But there are people all around you who don’t have their needs met yet are very happy.
Studies of affluent people tend to show find they’re not happier than poor people in general.
It’s Not About Stuff
If you look at a list of the happiest countries in the world, you tend to find that being happy isn’t about owning things. Often the happiest people live in the poorest countries.
It’s common to find that the USA ranks in the teens on these lists. Stuff doesn’t guarantee happiness.
It’s Not Even About Goals
You may insist that it’s all about about reaching your goals. If you often say things like “I’ll be happy when…” then happiness may elude you.
You can be happy now, before you reach your goals.
It’s Not About Your Circumstances
Now, of course, some things in life can really get you down. But a happy disposition can serve you well.
You’ll be better able to navigate the murky water.
*Dr. Gillian Mandich is a well known name in this area. She believes that our circumstances account for only 10 percent of our happiness.
Happiness is about accepting that you can experience it and understanding it’s meaning. A happy person isn’t going to be the same level of happy 24/7, 365 days a year.
Think about cancer sufferers who manage to have a happy attitude. Or children around the world who don’t get enough to eat.
Be in that state of mind and you can be happy, too.
JohnK 12-26-2019
stick figure talking about happinessOverheard: “It’s a helluva start, being able to recognize what makes you happy.”
                                             ~Lucille Ball
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Does Your To-Do List Work For You?

A to-do list can help keep order in your life. But does your list make the grade?
This GenuLines overview will help you get up to speed.
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Does Your To-Do List Work For You?

picture of to-do list
The to-do list is a helpful tool. Something is satisfying about checking off an item when completed.
It can also be a reference when a boss wants to know employees’ progress. But, are you doing the right tasks to meet your longer-term goals?
That can leave you feeling as though you aren’t progressing.
Worse, you’ll be going through the motions of “doing something.” This will make the process of not getting anywhere that much more frustrating.
To-do lists are a good idea. But, you need to make sure they’re in-line with your goals.
You should consider taking a top-down approach to your tasks rather than bottom-up.

Start with your long-term goals

picture of to-do listWhere do you see yourself in a few years from now? If you can’t answer that question, you need to do some soul-searching.
Find what you want to accomplish at a high-level. Then, you can use that to break it down into granular tasks.
Finally, you use the mid-level tasks to help define the to-do list that you use daily. People put off setting long-term goals because the time frame seems so far in the future.
How can you be expected to know what’s going to happen five to ten years from now? It’s much easier to choose the shorter-term time frames.
You can measure what happens two weeks from now as it’s going to happen soon.


picture of to-do listSome people believe that declaring a long term goal and chiseling it in stone commits them to it. Remember that circumstances can change, and goal adjusting may be called for.
Don’t be afraid to commit to your goals. You may want to create a few long-term goals.
As you’re working on what it will take to reach those goals, you can decide which path makes the most sense. You can take into account both feasibility and costs.
Some goals become unattainable for one reason or another, so prepare to change course. In fact, if you can project these possibilities, you can put them on your list of goals.
Set your goals and break them down into sub-tasks. Creating your to-do lists will become easier.
And, they’ll get you closer to accomplishing your goals.
JohnK 11-19-2019
stick figure talking about to-do listsOverheard:  “The best cure for a sluggish mind is to disturb its routine”
                                             ~William H. Danforth





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Tips To Help You Start (or maintain) A Healthy Relationship

picture of john kobik talking relationshipsSpring is a time that tends to be associated with relationships. (Love is in the air, etc) And maybe it’s time for you to think about your relationship. Naturally, CHI FOR YOURSELF doesn’t look at relationships in the usual, greeting card kind of way.


Bringing a special person into your life (or keeping someone in your life) involves mindfulness. 

There are some simple but important points to keep your attention on when a relationship is on your mind. So CHI FOR YOURSELF has put together a brief report on relationships. It’s free and you can get it by clicking on this FREE STUFF link. 


Free Stuff

And watch for more helpful offerings from ChiForYourself.com! 

Problems with FREE STUFF button? Copy & paste link– https://www.payhip.com/b/jsmb


JohnK 4-11-2017



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Your Relationship and Your SELF: And We Welcome Tatiana Jerome

picture of john kobik talking relationshipsYou may have noticed that our latest CHI FOR YOURSELF episode and recent GenuLines blog posts have been stressing relationships. Particular emphasis has been put on nurturing the “self.” 

CHI FOR YOURSELF wants you to have a special report on bringing love into your life. You can find the first chapter if you scroll down this page. You’ll get free access to the rest of the report in a coming GenuLines blog post. 

As for our latest episode of CHI FOR YOURSELF with Tatiana Jerome, you can hear it by clicking on the player–




picture of relationship author Tatiana Jerome

Tatiana Jerome

Tatiana Jerome is the author of LOVE LOSE, LOVE FOUND: A Woman’s Guide to Letting Go of the Past and Finding New Love.




Here’s a look at some of the takeaway points from the program:

  • Tatiana thought her relationship was fine
  • Knowing when it’s time to go
  • The relationship with your “self”
  • Actions are less important that patterns
  • Looking for love online
  • Attract rather than pursue



Chapter 1: 
Basics of Attracting Love
LoversSilhouette and relationships
For most people having a relationship that contains both respect for the other’s feelings and the ability to freely express affection would be important concerns.  
But with so many external pressures it’s often very hard to focus on creating the ideal relationship based on these two vital aspects.  
Making the intention to include this respect as part of your lives will give you the opportunity to maintain your relationship as one of meaning and purpose.  
 – # – 
The Basics 
Understand that making a conscious effort to create a healthy partnership is a good starting point. This helps each person involved to do their best to ensure the relationship has the potential for strength and longevity.  
This may at times leave you feeling that you’re going “the extra mile” for your partner. Consider it a good opportunity to sharpen your giving skills. 
Attracting love may require some initial physical and spiritual contributions on your part. The reassurance of compassion or empathy or a well-timed touch (tasteful, of course!) can go a long way toward tilling the soil of a fertile relationship.  
JohnK 4-3-2017
Clipart image of overheard man and relationshipsOverheard: “No road is long with good company.”
                      ~Turkish Proverb



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Introverts And Extroverts: Who’s More Confident?

When we think of introverts and extroverts, we might describe introverts as shy or antisocial and extroverts as outgoing. But this is not entirely accurate. Yes, some introverts may be shy, but being an introvert does not necessarily make you shy.
The real difference between introverts and extroverts is the location from which they get their energy. In other words, introverts draw their energy from and recharge by spending time alone in their thoughts. They still enjoy people. But they can find this draining and prefer quieter environments. Introverts prefer being with a few close friends. Extroverts, on the other hand, get their energy from being around others and often with large groups of people.
Extroverts tend to jump into things and talk out loud to problem solve while performing an activity. Introverts, however, think and reflect before taking action.
Although it would seem that extroverts are more confident than introverts, this is not necessarily the case. In fact, many extroverts and introverts feel the same way – apprehensive when in a new situation. Therefore, you cannot assume that just because someone is introverted, that he has less confidence than the extroverted person in the room.
Unfortunately, the outside world gives the impression that it’s better to be extroverted than introverted. We might even encourage this in young children. Most people have a combination of characteristics but are predominately one or the other.
So how can introverts demonstrate their confidence in a world that reveres extroversion?
1. Socialize for short periods
First of all, remember that there is nothing wrong with being introverted. However, there are times when you may find it’s necessary to get together with large groups of people.
An example of a situation where this might be necessary is your spouse’s holiday work party. You prefer quiet, small get-togethers with a few friends or a quiet evening of watching a movie. However, it means a lot to your spouse to have you attend, so the two of you decide to compromise – you will go, but only for a few hours. This means mingling and socializing with more people than usual. If you think it sounds like you have to be phony, that is not the case.
Consider this. If you’re feeling grumpy and you start smiling at everyone (the action), you soon start feeling happy (the feeling). It’s the same with this. Although it will feel weird at first, act like you enjoy mingling and socializing with a large group of people, and you will feel like you do.
Because you’re likely to be drained after several hours of interactions with others, plan to be there only for a short amount of time (ex. no more than three hours). Then you can go home where it’s quiet and you can recharge.
2. Don’t ignore people
Maybe you work as an accountant. It’s the type of position which might minimize interaction with others. However, parts of your workday may still involve human contact, as you have to interact with your receptionist or other employees. It would be a drain on your energy to act like an extrovert all the time when you’re at work. No one expects that, and it’s not realistic. But be a friendly and interactive introvert. Say “hello” to people you work with.
Ask them about their families, and offer information about yours. This allows your confidence to shine through too. People will respect you more and respond better to you if they feel that you’re interested in them. They’ll also see you as more approachable and they’re less likely to consider it weird when you say that you need to work alone or need some quiet time.
Another idea is related to lunchtime at work. You may not enjoy eating lunch in a group because you find that mentally draining. However, you may be able to compromise by spending ten minutes with the group, and the other 20 minutes on your own recharging. That way, people get to know the real you – the friendly, but introverted, person – and you still get quiet time to yourself to recharge before returning to work.
JohnK 3-27-2017

Lost Love, Found Creativity, and the Next CHI FOR YOURSELF

picture of john kobik on being happierRelationship break-up. You’ve probably faced it somewhere along the line. Maybe you’re going through it now. Our next scheduled CHI FOR YOURSELF guest had a bad experience with a relationship breakup.


But she faced her pain and challenges, even acknowledging what she did to contribute to the relationship’s failure.

Tatiana Jerome began to heal and move beyond a broken heart to a better understanding of what would make her happy, and, most of all, of the type of love she deserved.

Tatiana Jerome is the author of LOVE LOST, LOVE FOUND: A Woman’s Guide to Letting Go of the Past and Finding New Love.


picture of Tatiana Jerome

CHI FOR YOURSELF with guest Tatiana Jerome- Thursday March 30th at 4 pm Eastern, 1 pm Pacific time at chiforyourself.com.

Dividing line

Many people seem to have the mistaken idea that only a select few are able to unleash a steady flow of creative genius. This probably comes from the idea of ‘personality types’ that leads us to think our personality and style of working are set in stone.
That is not true at all. Our so-called personality type is simply a set of behavior patterns that we adopted in order to meet the different challenges of our early lives. Those behavior patterns can be changed.


JohnK 3-21-2017

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