Reinvent Yourself: Remove All That’s In Your Way

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Reinvent Yourself: Remove All That’s In Your Way

The phrase “The quickest route from point A to point B is a straight line” is a familiar adage,. But this can be a challenging practice when you aim to reinvent yourself.

You might run into obstacles on this path that discourage you. The result may be that you’re taking longer to reach your goal.

man demonstrates reinvent yourself

Yes there are unavoidable barriers. Today GenuLines reminds you that you can remove some of the ones that stand in your way.

Don’t be Afraid to Let Go

Fear can affect you in a positive or negative way. It can help you achieve your goals.

On the downside it can hinder you from letting go of things that are holding you back.

The words “what if” can put a downslope on any thought process. Dwelling on the what if puts your focus on the obstacle in your way and not the goal you are moving towards.

The fear associated with “what if” only entrenches the thing that is in your way.

Don’t be afraid to let go of the “what ifs.” Focus instead on what you want.

For example, say you’re thinking “what if I start my own business and then get into financial trouble?” Switch to “what I want to achieve is independence in time, finances, and passion.

“So I’ll open my own business.”

Don’t be afraid to let go of the fear that’s littering your path to success. This is a necessary key to reinventing yourself.

Keep an Open Hand

You want to create an environment where your emotional hands are not clenched shut. When you’re holding onto things, you’re not able to use your hands for anything else.

Your hands need to be free and functioning. An open hand is free to move what needs moving.

Get A Pair of (non rose-colored) Glasses

Sometimes we need help to clear our vision. This is particularly true when it comes to seeing what’s in our way.

You might want to get the help of a friend, mentor, or advisor. They can often identify the things we are not able to see.

Your own eyes tend to identify the larger items in your path. But the small ones can slow you down every bit as much as one large boulder.

Do the Heavy Lifting

At the end of the day, moving the things that are in your way requires that you do some heavy lifting. There’s going to be sweat, effort, or even a little pain.

It’s part of the process. So, roll up your sleeves and get to it.

The fastest way from point A to point B is a straight line. Reinvent yourself and take the fast route to success.

John K. 9- 9- 2024


Ostick man hears about reinvent yourselfverheard: “You’re always free to change your mind and choose a different future, or a different past”

~Dale Carnegie

Article image by cottonbro studio:


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