Possessions: Do They Have a Hold On Your Life?

Collecting possessions is a part of life. It’s hard to deny.
Or, avoid for that matter.
GenuLines invites you to read on and to gauge the importance of your possessions.
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Possessions: Do They Have a Hold On Your Life?

You spend a good chunk of your time protecting your possessions. You worked hard for them, so you want to make sure no one takes them from you.
picture of possessionsThe problem is, you may be putting too much emphasis on them.
Consider that when you take your last breath those articles are no longer yours.
So you could say they never really belonged to you anyway.
You may be thinking of passing on your possessions to your offspring. But consider the cost of acquiring those material items.
And I’m not just talking about financial costs.
Ask yourself if you’re stepping on other peoples’ toes while chasing those things. Your relationships are much more important than your possessions.
Suppose you somehow lost some material item you valued.
Let’s say you misplaced it, or it was stolen. Most likely you can replace it.
Inconvenient? Yes. But it’s not the end of the world.
The death of a family member is something else again. Don’t take loved ones for granted.
The memories they give you are possessions of the priceless type.
There are other ways to lose those close to you. Your busy work schedule can alienate family members.
Your spouse may decide to move on. And your kids may grow to resent you.
Focusing on material possessions can affect your friendships, too. Many of these friendships took a long time to develop.
But, you can lose them in no time if you prioritize your possessions.
Your attitude about money calls for the same kind of mindfulness. But, you don’t want to make it your life’s purpose
You can always make money somehow.
Friendships? Not always the case.
If you find you’re too focused on obtaining money and possessions, take a step back. Think about what your family and friends mean to you.
You’ll find they’re priceless.
JohnK 10-29-2019
stick figure talking about possessionsOverheard:  “An object in possession seldom retains the same charms which it had when it was longed for”

                                            ~Pliny The Younger


Image by C.M. Zijderveld from Pixabay

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