When you believe in yourself, good things happen. GenuLines reminds you that the benefits extend to your business success.
Read on to find out more.
Believe In Yourself, Believe In Your Business

You’re on your own. You’re the boss.
Your spouse is excited knowing that you’re doing something you’ve wanted to do. Then, a few months pass, and you haven’t made a dime in your business.
Suddenly, you feel the stress of business ownership.
Suppliers are calling asking for their money. You’ve already sent a lot of of your savings into setting up your business.
Your spouse becomes less confident, and your friends are all telling you to throw in the towel.
They’re saying that you gave it your best shot, but it’s time to find a regular job.
Many would follow this advice and let the business fold.
But, people who make it in business stick it out for one reason – they believe in what they’re doing.
They know that in time the concept will work. They just need to stick it out.
It’s this resolve that allows them to succeed.
Of course, just putting in the time and doing busy work is not going to advance your business. You need to have a solid foundation at the start.
You could set up a roadmap or business plan. This will answer questions about how you will make your business work.
Treat this process as though you’re going to raise venture capital funds, even if you aren’t.
Try to put yourself in the position of a venture capital entrepreneur. Ask tough questions of yourself for your business.
Your Plan B
Consider making an alternate plan in case your main plan falls short of your goals. You might fail for any number of reasons and having a backup plan is a wise move to counter any problems.
Once your foundation is in place, you only need to take a leap of faith and believe that you can make it work.
You may face challenges. They’ll come from any and all directions- spouse, friends, family.
But you’ll have the conviction to see it through because you believe in yourself.
Now, there’s no guarantee that you’ll succeed. What’s guaranteed is that you won’t succeed if you give up too soon.
Often, success is right around the corner for those who have that conviction. And for those willing to continue despite all the challenges they face.
You can be one of the few who makes it if you choose to take this route.
JohnK 10-1-2019

~A.A. Milne