Change Your Beliefs – AND Your Behaviors, Too

sign that changes belief

Your beliefs can and sometimes do change. The process of living has a way of forcing us to see things with new eyes. 

If so, remember to consider these GenuLines points to bring your behavior in line with your beliefs. 


microphone for stating beliefs







Change Your Beliefs – AND Your Behaviors, Too

A powerful enough event can change even your closest held beliefs. It could have been something traumatizing.
Or something minor, like reading a blog post.
But a change in thinking doesn’t mean you’ll change your behaviors to match your beliefs. For example, you read how successful entrepreneurs master time management.
It sounds great, but you don’t act to change your disorganized behavior.
Or you might find a new way of dieting, and you start noticing the many unhealthy things people eat. Then again, you might not actually be eating the healthiest yourself.
And you might want better treatment, while still being a bit unpleasant to those around you.This kind of behavior can hurt your relationships with your friends and family.
And it can kick up your stress, too.
sign that changes belief
Practice what you preach or those around you will see you as a hypocrite. They’ll only accept your beliefs if you reflect them in an accurate way.
It can be difficult, though, to make these changes. When you realize that you’re not behaving as you believe you should be, it can be hard to change your actual behavior.
Spend time every day thinking about what changes you want to make. Then dedicate time to following through with those changes.
It won’t happen right away – it’ll take a few weeks for you to get used to changing your behavior.
In the meantime, ask a friend or family member to help you focus on this change and keep you on track.
When you start acting as you believe you should, you’ll find that you’re happier with who you are as a person. You’ll feel better about the quality of your personality.
And your social life will improve.
The accurate display of your beliefs will make you seem more trustworthy. Folks then show you more respect.
You did the hard yards. And now you’re actually following through on what you say.
JohnK 8-17-2020
stick figure man hears about beliefsOverheard: “Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is”
                                    ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Article image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 
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