Being a Perfectionist May Be a Sign of Low Self Trust

Are you a perfectionist? If so, your expectations may be set too high. GenuLines takes a look at this tendency, flaws and all.
So you’re a perfectionist
target for perfectionistIt’s natural to want everything to be perfect. The trouble is there’s no time for it.
You’ll be disappointed to find that most people aren’t perfectionists.
You need to learn how to manage expectations.
It’s a delicate balance, and you have to know when you’ve done as much as you should. You can always do more, but you need to move on.
You snooze you lose
Another problem with perfectionism is that you may miss opportunities. Suppose you decide to hold off releasing a product because you want to put more features into it.
You delay the release of the product by several months. But you see that your competitors are finished releasing their versions.
The product you would have released was better than your competitors. Customers would have likely bought your products over your competitors.
Try explaining that one to management or shareholders!
Spreading the news
Good customer experiences with products get shared with friends and family. This sharing also occurs on social media channels, which in turn, can go viral.
It’s more challenging to build up a product that’s not yet released than it is to build up one that is.
When perfectionism is okay
There are cases that call for perfectionism. Medical techniques and technologies come to mind.
In most other fields, though, perfectionism will hold you back. It’s not necessary, and it only leads to frustration and delays.
Of course, you should never release products that have a sloppy design. Or are dangerous to the consumer.
That’s where this delicate balance comes into play. The product needs to meet safety guidelines.
Your reputation is at stake, and you don’t want customers bashing your product or your brand. In this case, it may be necessary to delay the release of products until they are safe, etc.
In self we trust
How is being a perfectionist a sign that you don’t trust yourself? You think that nothing is ever good enough and that you have to keep striving to be better.
When you trust yourself, you can reel in expectations to manageable levels.
JohnK 2-4-2019
perfectionist stick figure

Overheard: “If you look for perfection, you’ll never be content”

                             ~ Leo Tolstoy   

disclaimer for the perfectionist

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