Be Excellent by Taking Ownership

Your most excellent life begins with your taking agency for it. Simply stated, it’s all up to you. 

Start with these GenuLines tips to head you in the right direction. 

Be Excellent by Taking Ownershipman displays excellent

Are you trying to lead a life of commitment to displaying excellence in everything that you do? One way to do this is by taking ownership and responsibility for all your actions. 
Once you ‘own’ your choices and accept the consequences you’ll gain others’ respect. They’ll see you as someone they can count on. 




Take It Easy

The easiest way to display ownership is by not making excuses. If you were late for an appointment don’t come up with a ridiculous excuse.
Tell the other person why you were late, then apologize for not calling to let them know. 

Stay Inside

It’s easy to blame outside influences for your mistakes or oversights. No-one can control one hundred percent of what happens.
But you can control how you respond to certain situations. This reaction can change your life. 
Take ownership for your relationships, your education, your fitness and your social life. As you start this process you’ll find that you feel more confident and have a purpose in life.


Along with ownership you need to learn how to be flexible. Are you willing to do things in a different way?
This means not being stubborn when something isn’t working.
Take advice and attempt to change what you’re doing. If you do you will begin to excel at more tasks and this helps increase your confidence and self-esteem. 
Becoming a flexible person means that you’re happy to respond to a situation in a different way. When you’re flexible you’re not rigid and set in your ways.

Balancing Act

There’s another important factor in your move toward excellence in everything you do. This is the step of adding balance to your life. 
When you live a balanced life you’re focusing on those things that hold meaning for you. At the same time, though, you’re still mindful of those around you.
You make choices related to the way you feel and what you’re thinking.

Add It All Up

Balancing your life includes knowing not go out with friends when you need to finish up an important project. You recognize the importance of staying healthy and fit and you follow through.
Combine taking ownership, being flexible, and balance, into your life. You’ll be well on your way to leading a life that’s committed to excellence.
JohnK 6-20-2022
stick figure hears about excellentOverheard: Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
                                  ~ Vince Lombardi
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