Tag Archive for trust yourself

Trust Your Choices To Work For You

You trust others, but in yourself, you’re not so sure. Are you in this camp?
Today GenuLines offers some ideas to help you turn this around.

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Trust Your Choices To Work For You

alligator and man with trustYou may have a difficult time trusting yourself. If so, you’re not alone.
Often, when you lose trust in others, you start to lose trust in yourself.
To help you overcome this problem, you need to focus on key aspects of trust. The first is to be mindful of your accomplishments.
Pass off your accomplishments as unimportant and they won’t be there to draw on when you need them. That’s sure to interrupt the process of trusting yourself. 

Trust your instincts

This feeling will put you on target if it comes from the deepest part of you. An instinct is something you feel strongly about and does not come only from experiences.
It comes from something internal that defies explanation. It’s part of that inner voice that is telling you what to do.
You need only listen. How many times have you said to yourself that you should have listened to your instincts?

Opening up to others

A funny thing happens when you let others into your life. You find that you become more trusting of yourself.
Don’t be afraid to need other people.
Draw from the strength of others to supplement what you know. It’ll unburden you from feeling as though you have to do everything yourself.
And it will open you to the possibilities of trusting yourself.

Filter out negative information

You’re bombarded with negativity throughout your life. You get it every day in the news, at work, and too often, at home.
The more you learn to focus on positivity in your life, the easier it will be to trust yourself. A good first step towards this goal is to avoid negative people.
Trusting yourself sometimes requires a leap of faith. Take some chances.


Sure, you want to take calculated risks. But you don’t want to over-analyze every decision you make.
That will only cause you to stagnate.
It’s true that not everything will work out the way you plan. But you’ll never know unless you try.
The good news is that when you’re ready to try, many of your decisions will work for you.
JohnK 11-12-2019
stick figure talking about trustOverheard: “The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.”
                                 ~Ernest Hemingway

Article image by skeeze from Pixabay

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Trust Yourself If You Want a Better Romantic Relationship

Trust is a word that makes us feel good, especially n a relationship.
GenuLines turns the idea inward for a look at relationships and self-trust.
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Trust Yourself If You Want a Better Romantic Relationship

One of the keys to a stable romantic relationship is self-trust.
Couple lacking trustWithout it your partner can lose confidence in you over time. You’ll have problems making decisions.
And there may be a few sexual problems, too.
Romantic relationships have a foundation of trust. You may have it for your partner but not yourself.
Let’s say you put yourself down in front of your partner. They may go along with you in the beginning, but that behavior will get old over time.
Contrast this behavior with trusting yourself.
You’ll be more confident. And your partner will pick up on this.
You’ll have both your emotional and physical needs met. That’s sure to spice up your relationship.
If you don’t trust yourself, it’s not likely you’ll share your feelings with your partner. Communication is another relationship building block.
Without it you could by headed for a break-up.
Trust issues can affect your attitude. You’ll send out negative energy toward those around you, including your partner.
Would you want to hang around someone who’s negative?
It’s very likely you won’t. Over time, you’ll look for ways to avoid that person.
Make sure that person isn’t you.
Sharing negative feelings with your partner is different from being negative. It’s pretty much impossible to be positive 100% of the time.
Aim for striking a balance and working towards being more positive than negative. That can’t happen if you doubt yourself.
A bit of effort and a healthy dose of self-trust gives your relationship a better chance to work.
Your partner will be happier and so will you. You have a choice.
Stay closed and lack trust in yourself. Or open up and gain the confidence to have the best possible relationship.
JohnK 9-3-2019
stick figure hearing about trustOverheard: “Tension is who you think you should be, relaxation is who you are”
                                          ~Chinese proverb
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Knowledge, Trust and Being a Know-It-All

man increasing his knowledgeQuestion: When is knowledge not a good thing?
Answer: when it goes to your head!
This GenuLines offering is aimed at keeping you grounded while acquiring and using your knowledge.


(Image by Tumisu from Pixabay)


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Knowledge, Trust and Being a Know-It-All

It’s said that knowledge is power. It gives you the power to make decisions and even keeps you from making the wrong ones.
people gathering for knowledge
But, trouble comes into play when you get to the place where you believe you know everything. That can hurt your ability to make those decisions.
At that point, you’ll lose trust in your abilities.
You’re one smart cookie. After all, you went to a respected college.
You landed a great job after graduation.
But once you start working, you come to believe that you know everything there is to know. That’s when you’re in danger of losing your edge.
You’ll start to make bad decisions which could end up costing you a job or two.
It’s important to trust yourself with the knowledge you’ve learned. Just remember, times and technologies change, and you need to be ready for those changes.
Too many people get left behind by getting comfortable in their current positions.
Companies have been trying to help by offering training or tuition reimbursement. It’s a step in the right direction.
But without appropriate corporate or college training it’s a waste of money.
There’s another danger with companies that offer internal training. They can blame employees when those employees don’t learn from the offerings.
Even if employees learn their knowledge may not boost the bottom line.
These companies don’t rate the effectiveness of their programs.
What’s worse are broad claims that their training makes them leading-edge firms.
There are some great training programs online. These include websites such as Udemy.com, SkillShare.com, and others.
Keep in mind, though, that anyone can submit training modules. This can make your selection process hit or miss.
There are good offerings with these programs. But, you’ll want to get feedback from others.
Expired knowledge
No matter where you find training there’s a chance it will be out-of-date.
And sometimes courses get high ratings based on the fact that they’re well-presented. That gives you a false sense of security.
Be selective when choosing training for the current work environment. Be critical, but don’t let it stop you from seeking training.
Good training exists. Ask people you know for suggestions.
Stay in learning mode, no matter where you went to school or how much knowledge you think you have. In a world that keeps on changing, you’ll be way ahead of the curve.
And you’ll have the tools you need to trust your decisions.
JohnK 6-25-2019
stick figure gains knowledgeOverheard:  “Time, as it grows old, teaches all things.” 
                               ~Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound
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Stop Relying Too Much on Others

If you have difficulty trusting yourself, you may be too dependent on others. The situation can grow and you become dependent on more and more people.

GenuLines knows that can present problems when called upon to handle situations on your own, so read for some helpful ideas. 

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Stop Relying Too Much on Others

Have you ever let someone else take over a part of your job? You may feel relief when this happens.

But you could be setting yourself up for future failure. The reason this happens is that you didn’t trust that you could do the job yourself.


character explaining to others


In the above scenario, you’re taking on something outside of your comfort zone. It may be that your boss wants to test how you will handle a new situation.

He or she gives you an assignment knowing that you have never dealt with it before.

It’s natural to ask others for help when you find yourself in unfamiliar territory. There’s nothing wrong with doing this.

But there’s little growth in letting others solve problems for you. You won’t develop the self-trust for handling new situations.

And your manager will see that you, for the most part, passed the assignment to someone else.

Positivity helps
Face your new challenges with positivity. Be willing to make an attempt even if you make mistakes.

The mistakes are the tools for you to learn. When you do make those mistakes, ask what you did wrong.

Over time, those mistakes will get less and less, and you’ll begin to trust that you can handle the situations.

There’s a subtle result of trying something new. You’ll prove that you can handle new tasks and develop new skills.

That’s enlightening and it’s a big factor in developing trust in yourself.

Every skill you are now good at and find easy you probably struggled with at the start. If you keep this in mind, you will give yourself over to trusting that you can handle anything that comes your way.

You’ll need less reliance on others. But you still should ask questions when you are unsure about something.

That’s another part of learning.

Some people may give you a hard time because it’s inconvenient. But, you’ll find most people want to help you succeed.

It helps them when you get up to speed with new skills.

JohnK 5-21-2019
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stickman listening to othersOverheard: “Trust but verify”
                           ~Ronald Reagan





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Being a Perfectionist May Be a Sign of Low Self Trust

Are you a perfectionist? If so, your expectations may be set too high. GenuLines takes a look at this tendency, flaws and all.
So you’re a perfectionist
target for perfectionistIt’s natural to want everything to be perfect. The trouble is there’s no time for it.
You’ll be disappointed to find that most people aren’t perfectionists.
You need to learn how to manage expectations.
It’s a delicate balance, and you have to know when you’ve done as much as you should. You can always do more, but you need to move on.
You snooze you lose
Another problem with perfectionism is that you may miss opportunities. Suppose you decide to hold off releasing a product because you want to put more features into it.
You delay the release of the product by several months. But you see that your competitors are finished releasing their versions.
The product you would have released was better than your competitors. Customers would have likely bought your products over your competitors.
Try explaining that one to management or shareholders!
Spreading the news
Good customer experiences with products get shared with friends and family. This sharing also occurs on social media channels, which in turn, can go viral.
It’s more challenging to build up a product that’s not yet released than it is to build up one that is.
When perfectionism is okay
There are cases that call for perfectionism. Medical techniques and technologies come to mind.
In most other fields, though, perfectionism will hold you back. It’s not necessary, and it only leads to frustration and delays.
Of course, you should never release products that have a sloppy design. Or are dangerous to the consumer.
That’s where this delicate balance comes into play. The product needs to meet safety guidelines.
Your reputation is at stake, and you don’t want customers bashing your product or your brand. In this case, it may be necessary to delay the release of products until they are safe, etc.
In self we trust
How is being a perfectionist a sign that you don’t trust yourself? You think that nothing is ever good enough and that you have to keep striving to be better.
When you trust yourself, you can reel in expectations to manageable levels.
JohnK 2-4-2019
perfectionist stick figure

Overheard: “If you look for perfection, you’ll never be content”

                             ~ Leo Tolstoy   

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