Tag Archive for self-care

Why You’re Not Happy (And How to Change This)

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Why You’re Not Happy (And How to Change This)

So you’re reading this while you grapple with feelings of discontent in certain areas of life. Especially when it comes to being happy.

I get it.

Quick fixes and hacks don’t deliver and don’t help your mood. The changes they bring don’t last.

Their temporary highs don’t give you genuine fulfilment. Enter GenuLines and our ways to point your life toward fulfillment.

The truth is, your life isn’t a circumstance beyond your control. Your happiness and fulfillment are not accidents or the result of external factors.

happy smiling character

They/re a direct result of the choices you’ve made in the past.

The law of cause and effect is undeniable: every decision you’ve made has led to where you are today. Your thoughts, more than anything else, have shaped your life.

Your thought patterns and the way you choose to think have created the circumstances you’re in. And here’s the good news: you have the power to change your thoughts and, in turn, change your life.

As humans, we’re incredibly adaptable. We can thrive in most any environment, no matter how challenging.

But we often forget this power and allow our circumstances to define us.

We become victims of our own expectations and standards. We forget that we created those standards in the first place.

One key to happiness and fulfillment lies in recognizing that you have the power to choose. You can choose to focus on what you can control and scale up from there.

You don’t have to be held back by your current circumstances.

So, where do you start? Focus on the areas of your life where you’re doing reasonably well – the areas where you have control.

See if you can improve them, broaden them, or expand your area of control. From there, you can tackle the more challenging areas that may be holding you back.

Remember, your life isn’t a fixed landscape. It’s a dynamic, ever-changing environment that reflects your choices and decisions.

Choose to focus on what you can control and adapt to your circumstances and you can create a more fulfilling and happy life.

Don’t wait for external circumstances to change; change yourself by changing your mindset. You have the power to choose.

And with that power comes the ability to create a life that truly reflects genuine living.

JohnK 2-10-2025

stick man hears about being happyOverheard:  The habit of being happy enables one to be freed, or largely freed, from the domination of outward conditions”

~Robert Louis Stevenson

Article Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/yellow-cube-on-brown-pavement-208147/


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How to Deal With People Who Drive You Crazy

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How to Deal With People Who Drive You Crazy 

There’s one in every office, every family and every group you’ve ever been a part of. A person who drives you up the wall and makes your blood boil.

They seem to have a cheat sheet on what pushes your buttons. And GenuLines knows they can get under your skin.

So how do we deal with these people who frustrate us and make us impatient? Try these  tips during your next work meeting, family reunion or carpool.

man upset with people

We all have different priorities

What you think is a must-do isn’t always everyone else’s. This thinking has been the cause of many spousal disagreements and work resignations.

Keep this in mind when it seems someone isn’t taking action that you think is important. They might not be trying to drive you nuts; they might only have a different priority than yours.

Put yourself in their shoes

Sometimes, all you need to throttle down your impatience is empathy. Someone could be dealing with major life events or be under a great deal of stress.

And they aren’t thinking about the fact that they might be driving you nuts. Put yourself in their situation and see if you can offer them a little empathy.

Ask yourself why they bother you so much

Could it be that they mirror a fault of your own that drives you to distraction? Are they always late and that habit holds everything up?

Look at your own habits

How often are you late? How often do you keep people waiting or expect them to wait for you?

You might actually be responding more to something you see as a character flaw in yourself, but can’t admit to.

Remember that everyone has a different natural rhythm

We don’t all march to the same drummer, and we don’t all have the same internal pace. Some people are more easy going and have a slower rhythm, even when they’re in a hurry.

This can be frustrating. But keeping in mind that we all have a different pace can ratchet down your anger.

People move at the rate that feels right to them.

Focus on their best qualities

It’s easy to focus on the little things that irritate us, but when we do, that’s all we are able to notice. Rather than get impatient with someone, think about what you like or respect about them.

This helps put those little irritations in perspective.

JohnK 12-16-2024


stick man hears about peopleOverheard: “I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him”

~Booker T. Washington


Article image by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/upset-male-with-headache-taking-break-after-intensive-work-3974785/



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How to Stay Organized When the Going Gets Tough

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How to Stay Organized When the Going Gets Tough

You’re an organized person for the most part. You have plans and schedules but sometimes life happens. Then your well planned life seems to crumble around you.

But there are things you can do to prevent that from happening. And GenuLines is here to help you stay in control.

Be Prepared

This is most important. By planning ahead you will know what to do when you’re snowed under. Like those everyday challenges from work and the family.

Get as much ready as you can for the next day before you go to bed. That includes clothes, work and school bags, your to do list and, if possible, breakfast and lunch.

Plan for the week ahead on a Sunday so that you know what the schedule is and have a meal plan in place.

Plan Your Meals

Meal planning may sound boring but it’ll save you time, stress and money. Plan meals in advance and do as much prep work as possible.

You’ll be less likely to head for the take out eateries.

Keep a selection of pre-prepared meals in your freezer. Freezer meals don’t have to be a chore. There are plenty of make it ahead dishes that can pop into a slow cooker.

Turn Off Technology

This includes the television, internet, Facebook, email or any other messaging service. You can chat with friends or catch your favorite show when you finish the work.


Don’t run yourself ragged trying to be a superhero and getting it all done. Instead take a look at your to do list and prioritize each item.

Cross off or move to another day anything that isn’t essential. Check off anything that you’ve already completed.

Delegate whatever tasks you can. Only do the things that need to be done and you’ll find you’ll feel more in control.

Remember: if it’s not important, ignore it.


Clutter happens. Don’t let it become a problem.

Instead take a few minutes each day to put things away and toss the junk. Put the dishes into the dishwasher instead of leaving them on the counter.

Deal with the mail right away instead of letting it piling up.

Get Up Earlier

While getting up early may seem pointless it can provide a focused way to start your day. You’ll get going feeling both energized and organized.

Finish essential tasks to make sure that you and your family are ready for the day ahead.

Take Care of Yourself

Your good mental, physical, and emotional health will pay off when things don’t go as planned. And don’t forget to get enough sleep.

No matter how organized and well planned you are, you might worry that you won’t get everything done. Following these tips will help you to stay organized and in control.

JohnK 2-12-2024


man gets organizedOverheard: “Organize your life around your dreams, and watch them come true”



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4 Key Ways to Regain Control of Your Life

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These tough times may leave you thinking you’re out of control of your life. GenuLines respectfully disagrees.

And we’re offering some tips on putting you back in the driver’s seat.

4 Key Ways to Regain Control of Your Life
power switch control

There are times when it seems our lives are spiraling out of control. Nothing seems to go right, and you feel like you can’t get a grip on reality and a foothold on stability.

Reasons for this include overwork, stress, trauma, or depression.

There are a lot of ways you can work toward getting control of your life. GenuLines narrows it down to four key steps.



1) Use the power of no
Part of how we become overworked and overstressed is by agreeing to take on far more than we can handle. You often want to please everyone or you don’t want to let those that are close to you down.

You’re taking on more responsibilities than you could ever handle.

You can’t allow yourself to feel guilty for saying no to something you can’t do. If the person who asked you to do it cares about you, they’ll understand.

Don’t bite off more than you can chew and say no when necessary.

2) Don’t be afraid to break the mold
You can’t let others dictate what you do. Same for the choices you make, or what makes you happy; you have to do things your own way for yourself.

At times what you want to do will line up with something someone else has done in the past. At other times, the path you’re walking will be unconventional.

Don’t be afraid to step into uncharted territory. Take the path less traveled, or make your own path in life; do what makes you happy.

3) Take care of yourself
One of the most important steps to regaining control of your life is taking good care of yourself. Your mental and physical health are more important than anything.

Make sure you give yourself a few days to unwind each week. And what’s most important, make at least one of those days is set aside for yourself.

Use that day to do what makes you happy, relaxes you, and allows you to recharge your battery.

4) Turn this into a learning experience
There are two ways to look at trying times in your life. You can mope and look for pity, or you can learn from your mistakes and turn those times into a learning experience.

You can learn a lot from your errors and failures and with each one, you become more resilient. .You’re optimistic approach helps you power through the hardship. You come out on the other side a better and stronger person.

When you feel like your life is spiraling out of control, your situation can seem hopeless. You can and should work to regain control.

There are many ways in which you can work to better yourself, regain stability, and regain control, but we focused on the top four reasons we find absolutely essential to regaining control of your life.

If you find yourself still struggling or feeling hopeless, seek help. A professional can help guide you through it and offer you support.

JohnK 9-18-2023

stick man hears about controlOverheard: “Only you can control your future”.

~Dr. Seuss


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Why You Might Be Failing at Self-care

Are you falling down in the area of self-care? If so you’ve got a lot of company.

Time for a gentle reminder from GenuLines 

Why You Might Be Failing at Self-care  

picture of self care
You might know how important self-care is to your well-being. But it isn’t always easy to work it into your daily routine.
Here, we’ll look at why you often fail at this.
And we’ll look at the things that are holding you back.

It’s often perceived as selfish

One of the main reasons people fail to take care of themselves is because they feel it’s selfish. It could be that you feel guilty when you take time to focus on yourself.
Or, you may worry about what other people think.
It’s a total myth that self-care is selfish. In fact, it can help you to be a better parent, friend, spouse, and relative.
The more you take care of yourself, the easier you’ll find it to take care of others.
You’ll also show your children how important this is. Teaching them to take care of their own needs is a crucial life skill.
One that’s going to help them to grow up to be happier adults.

It requires effort

There’s no getting away from the fact that self-care does take some level of effort in the beginning. When you aren’t used to making self-care a priority, you’re going to need to make quite a few changes to your routine.
Coming up with a self-care plan can feel like a chore, making it easy to put off. But there are ways to reduce the effort.
For example, focusing on one thing you want to improve at a time can help. Would you like to start working out more?
Scheduling time to exercise as soon as you wake up, for example, can be a great start. Or, if you’re looking to drink more water, focus on that goal first.
If you break down your self-care tasks, it makes them much easier, reducing a lot of the effort involved.

Different approaches work for different people

Every one of us is different, and we enjoy different things. You might find more feel-good in going for a run than you do in yoga or meditation.
So you would list running as a self-care task.
If you find one approach isn’t working, try something else. Your decision should be personal and fit your own needs.
These are some of the most common reasons people fail to take good care of themselves. It can be difficult overcoming the initial barriers.
But when you understand what and how important it is, you’ll find it much easier to stick to a self-care routine.
JohnK 11-29-2021
stick man hears about self careOverheard: “When you say ‘yes’ to others make sure you are not saying ‘no’ to yourself”
                            ~Paolo Coehlo
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4 Self-Care Tips For Extra Busy People

Even in a time of downtime you can find yourself short on time.Here are some GenuLines tips for making sure that self care is one of your priorities.  
microphone for speaking self-care





4 Self-Care Tips For Extra Busy People

Living in challenging times can leave little time to take care of yourself. The constant wail of news and social media take a toll on your physical, mental and emotional health.
If you’re struggling to find time for self-care, try these four tips. They’ll help you work good self-care habits into your schedule.
banner to boost self care

1. Establish a morning routine                                                       

Starting the day right is a good way to maintain your mental and physical health. This might include a healthy breakfast, daily exercise or meditation.self care means breathe
Figure out what works for you and do it every day.
Over time this will become a habit, helping you to take some time for self-care every day.
2. Schedule time off
It’s easy to find yourself in a cycle of continuous activity. You move from one activity to the next until it seems you’re just going through the motions.
Schedule some time off so you don’t get lost in the chaos.
It might be an afternoon away from your normal routine. Then again it could be something more extravagant like a weekend away or a vacation.
Whatever you choose, taking a break will allow you to relax and rejuvenate.

3. Get enough sleep

Don’t underestimate the importance of sleep.Good quality sleep allows your body to heal and re-energize.
Proper sleep helps you maintain good lifestyle habits, too. You’ll be less likely to make bad diet choices and avoid exercise when you’re rested.
Sleep is critical for physical and mental health. Make sure it’s one of your priorities.
4. Set realistic goals
Manage your mental health by setting realistic goals. Why let your commitment to something unachievable cause you to feel like a failure?
Spend some time considering your aspirations.
Make goals that are challenging, but possible for you to reach. You also need to set realistic goals when it comes to your self-care commitments.
Add things to your routine that will work long term with your lifestyle.
We all get 24 hours in a day. Make sure yours include time for self-care.
JohnK 6-24-2020
stick man hears about self-careOverheard: “Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop”
Article image by Tim Goedhart on Unsplash
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Making a (Genuine) Living: Putting Who You Are Into What You Do

Jennifer Louden PictureThe Chi For Yourself guest this week is Jennifer Louden, author of The Life Organizer. Jennifer is a personal growth pioneer who helped launch the self-care movement. She’s written five books on well-being and whole living, a national magazine column, and she can say that she sat on Oprah’s couch.

You can hear the interview with Jennifer Louden this Thursday March 6th at 4pm Eastern time, 1pm Pacific at chiforyourself.com.

dividing line


Making a (Genuine) Living: Putting Who You Are Into What You Do

Workman PictureI just returned from Central America.  I’m considering moving to a home outside my native United States.  I am grateful to be able to make surch a trip, and for the reasons I made it. Doing print and audio/video related work allows a person to live just about anywhere in the world while doing the things he or she feels inspired to do. One of the areas of my life where the small “inner voice” becomes my navigator is the type of work I do. I’ve felt this way since I was a small boy, but I’ve learned that what I do and who I am are two distinctly different things. I would advise anyone to make that important separation. And I’ve also felt the satisfaction of knowing that what I’m doing is what I must do- kind of taking a page from Maslow’s idea of Self Actualization.

So many of us feel that to present who we are to the world means to point to our occupation. But society puts different professions on different levels and it’s easy for a person to feel “less than”. Less than for holding what others see as a menial job. Less for being in a not very glamorous position. But history is full of the names of people who have been able to give us their skills and talents while holding down jobs seen as ordinary. Whether you’re in real estate or retail, a business person or a bus driver, your worth is folded into who you are an not what you do for a living.

Doing something that you enjoy and lets you meet your needs while allowing you to live in line with your values will always be more fulfilling that being in a high-status job you dislike. But it’s possible to find happiness in most any line of work. That’s because what you are doing is often not as important as how you you’re doing it. There’s much to be said for a good attitude. Couple that with good intentions and you can turn a so-so working situation into one that fulfills you because of your attitude.

If your efforts are benefiting others you’re adding value to the world. And if you’ve found happiness in your work and you feel that you’re living genuinely while also getting your emotional and physical needs met then you are are adding value to your life. If you’re sweeping streets then be the best street sweeper you can be. Know that you can bring your ability and skill to us no matter what work you do. Choose to be of service and your choice will be a wise one.


John K 3/3/2014

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