Tag Archive for positive thought

Do You Know Your Optimal Routine Zone?

Do you have a favorite time of day to do your work? Not everyone’s a “rise and shine” thinking dynamo.
Today GenuLines looks at different peak productivity times. Let’s see where you might fit into one of them.
banner helps find zone

Do You Know Your Optimal Routine Zone?

People have certain times of the day when they do their best work. They get more done and are more focused.
Some do better in the mornings. Others in the afternoons.
relaxing in the zoneThen there are the night owls, who can produce the most during the later hours. These are their optimal routine zones.
What is your optimal routine zone? Are you a morning person or do you cringe at the thought of getting up early?
Do you have vampire blood that lets you do your best work at night?
Match up with the zone
Whatever you find to be your optimal routine zone, set your tasks to work during these times. Do as much of your work as possible during this optimal zone.
Structure your day around it.
Working during your optimal time doesn’t mean you do nothing when you’re outside of those zones. Your boss will likely not take too kindly if you slack off.
Instead, you should use this time for activities that are not as taxing. These include making phone calls and other non-stressful activities.
Sometimes, you’ll have no choice but to do more of the heavy lifting during your “off times.” If this happens, you’ll have to make the best of it.
Zone out
Another problem is that you may be working in a job that does not coincide with your optimal zones. That’s a tough one. 
You may want to adjust or to move on to opportunities where you can work during your optimal times.
If your job involves being creative, this concept of optimal zones is going to work in your favor. For instance, if you are a writer, try to do most of your writing during these times.
You can use the other times to answer emails, post on social media, or check out forums related to your writing. If you’re writing for a blog, try writing several posts in your zone. 
Schedule them as if you’ve written one per day, etc.
Increasing your productivity is knowing your advantages. Find your optimal work zones and use them effectively
This way you’ll increase your productivity. Your manager will notice this, and it could help you when asking for a raise or getting a promotion.
It will also give you the satisfaction of a more fulfilling job.
JohnK 4-23-2019
stick figure hears about zoneOverheard: “It’s a hard thing to leave any deeply routine life, even if you hate it.”
                                          ~John Steinbeck, East of Eden
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Learn How to Make Mistakes

So you’re afraid to make mistakes. And that’s cutting into your self-trust.
GenuLines realizes that this could be standing in the way of your success. When you learn how to make mistakes, you’ll be ready to start trusting yourself.

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Learn How to Make Mistakes

I think you’ll agree that nobody is perfect. I make mistakes and you do, too..
When you make mistakes, you learn from them. That’s what makes them so valuable.
warning for mistakes
Of course, if you don’t learn from them, you can expect to make the same mistakes again and again. That’s why you have to do a post mortem of your actions and take stock of where you made your mistakes.

Mistakes will happen

If you try too hard to avoid mistakes, you end up making more of them. You can’t avoid mistakes and you shouldn’t try. Sometimes, your mistakes will make people angry with you.
It’s a part of life.
If this happens, you first have to determine if your mistakes truly affected those people. If it didn’t, they have no right to call you out on them.
If it turns out that your actions did affect them, do what you can to rectify the situation. A simple apology may be all that’s needed.
Be forgiving of people who make mistakes. You would want them to do the same if you slipped up.
It’s okay to get angry at someone in certain situations. But, open your heart and let them make amends.
Once you give in to making mistakes, you’ll find it a freeing experience. You will no longer need to put too much pressure on yourself to avoid them.

Sticky situations

Meanwhile, mistakes can lead to positive, unintended circumstances. Take Sticky Notes by 3M.
Researchers at the company set out to create a strong adhesive. Management was not impressed, but the idea was used to create a different product.
There have been many instances of mistakes that lead to alternative solutions. These wouldn’t have happened by way of mistake avoidance.
Let yourself make mistakes. They’ll help you trust yourself.
JohnK 4-16-2019
stick figure hears mistakesOverheard: “You make mistakes. Mistakes don’t make you.”
                              ~Maxwell Maltz
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Complainers Can Learn to Appreciate Small Things

Complainers complain. It’s what they do. Are you dealing with such a person? If you are, consider the points in this GenuLines post and apply them to your situation.
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Complainers Can Learn to Appreciate Small Things

woman complainingDo you know a chronic complainer? Someone who never seems to be happy about anything.
They find everything wrong with what others do. If there’s a new idea, they’ll knock it down.
They’re also the type of person who will interrupt others to make their point. They’ll do that because they know best.
But at some point, people start to ignore them. And they’re high on the list if cutbacks should ever hit the company, too.
Complainers have forgotten how to appreciate the small things in life.
They don’t realize that it’s difficult to get a new job and it takes much more time than it used to.
They don’t appreciate that they have a job.
Sometimes, chronic complaining can be a result of complacency. Since no one is listening to what the person says, it’s just easier to complain.
No company or situation is perfect, and sometimes it’s best when problems are out in the open. But there is a time and place for complaints and a correct way to air them.
If you have to complain offer up several solutions to the problem. That’s a productive use of complaining energy.
Call it problem recognition with applicable solutions.
There’s a critical difference between you and a chronic complainer. You appreciate your job or your situation.
Help the complainer
If you want to help a chronic complainer, point out the problem using a subtle approach. Instead of telling the person they complain too much, show them how to be grateful for the little things in life.
Remind them that you feel appreciative of the fact you have a job, etc.
Relate a story- may be about how your last job search was difficult. It took you months, and it made you realize that jobs are not easy to find.
Also, talk about how you appreciate your home life and your family and what it means to you. That’s a subtle approach.
The person may start to understand there is much to appreciate in everyday life. You can show that complaining is ineffective and may lead to problems down the road.
Aim to get friends and colleagues to relate to the same gratitude for work and family.
The chronic complainer may start to see it pays to be appreciative.
JohnK 4-2-2019
stick figure hears complainersOverheard: “Instead of complaining that the rosebush is full of thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.”
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Action Steps For When You Don’t Trust Yourself

Many people don’t trust themselves for one reason or another. If you include yourself in this group ask yourself why.
Today GenuLines helps you break the issue down and begin to change. Once you discover the problem, you will be well on your way to learning how to trust yourself.
Call to trust yourself

Action Steps For When You Don’t Trust Yourself

Start with your childhood. No, this doesn’t mean you have to spill your guts to a shrink while lying on a couch.
Baby learns to trustThose early years can give you some clues into why you don’t trust yourself. Could be your parents were distrustful of themselves.
Siblings or other relatives might play a part. The purpose isn’t to blame them.
Recognize that it happened and use it to move forward.
Not trusting others can be habitual. It isn’t too much of a stretch for that mode to extend to you.
Start putting trust in other people and they’ll likely appreciate you for it.
Are you an overly sensitive person? If so, this could cause you to be mistrustful of yourself.
A sensitive nature can cause you to take others’ remarks out of context.
It’s not wrong to be sensitive. You only have to realize that it can cause you to misread what others are saying or feeling.
When trust doesn’t work
Putting your trust in others is going to backfire sometimes. Some people aren’t trustworthy.
They may even put on a front that they are. You should accept this as a part of life, and try not to project experiences from a few onto other people.
Otherwise, you are going to continue to maintain your wall.
This wall will make it difficult for you to trust others as well as yourself.
Another reason for not trusting yourself is that others don’t trust you. If you are not trustworthy, how can you expect to trust yourself?
You may not even realize this is happening.
You may think you are doing right by others when in fact, you aren’t. Ask friends and family to assess whether you’re trustworthy.
That can be a hard pill to swallow, but you’ll get great insight. Try not to get upset if people tell you that you aren’t trustworthy.
It’s a learning experience.
JohnK 3-12-2019
stick figure shows trustOverheard: ” Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow”
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New Year Greetings and Gratitude From GenuLines and Chi For Yourself

The new year of 2019 is here!

A good time to thank you for choosing GenuLines and Chi For Yourself.
Also a good time to send you “good chi” toward living your Genuine Life.
All the best!
Happy New Year graphic
JohnK 1-1-2019

Good Thanksgiving “Chi” from GenuLines to You!


On this Thanksgiving Day, I am incredibly thankful that you are a part of the Chi For Yourself and GenuLines communities!

Rather than sending you wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving, I’m sending you all the best energies– in other words: good “chi.’

Use this time to rest and recharge with your family and friends. And keep in mind that what you think about is what you bring about!

Be well


JohnK 11-22-2018

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graphic for thanksgiving




man on thanksgivingOverheard:  “If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.” 
                             ~Meister Eckhart





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Depression and “Feeling Better” With Cindy Stulberg

Our latest Chi For Yourself topic was depression. But it centered on a different kind of treatment. 

Woman talks depressionCindy Stulberg is the author of Feeling Better: Beat Depression and Improve Your Relationships with Interpersonal Psychotherapy.

Her message is that depression can be treated by getting a better handle on your relationships. 


Here are some of the talking points from the show:


  • Interpersonal Psychotherapy or IPT
  • Four depression problem areas 
  • Social media’s effect on isolation
  • 13 signs you might be depressed
  • Step 1 you can take right away


If you missed the show, you can hear it by clicking on this logo:


radio logo for depression show


Be well!



JohnK 11-20-2018

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Depression And a Different Way of Dealing With It

For years, the first line of defense for depression has been pharmaceuticals.


Woman talks depressionBut on our next edition of Chi For Yourself, we’ll look at relationships as a path to healing.

Our guest will be Cindy Goodman Stulberg, co-author with Ronald Frey of Feeling Better: Beat Depression and Improve Your Relationships with Interpersonal Psychotherapy.



Be here for the interview on Thursday, November 15th at 1 pm Pacific, 4 pm Eastern time at chiforyourself.com


JohnK 11-14-2018

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Do You Have A Financial Safety Net? (And How To Build One)

Movement in the financial markets lately can make you seasick! If you manage your own finances as I do the market ups and downs will make you wonder if you should make changes or stand pat. 
The GenuLines post below offers some ideas on getting your financial house in order. Read it and “reap”
financial remedy

Do You Have A Financial Safety Net? (And How To Build One)

Do you have a financial safety net? It’s something worth thinking about and setting up.
If not, now is the time to get started.
You can begin by putting away three to six months of living expenses.
Keep this money in an interest-bearing account. Know what your family needs to live on in the event your income stops.
Then start saving as much money as you can until you have built up this safety net.
You can shave your spending, too.
Do More With Less
Do a little less eating out. Think twice about buying the newest TV and tech gadgets.
To make the process go faster add any bonuses, tax refunds, etc.
But don’t stop there. Make it your goal to add to your cushion as often as possible.
Then come back and revise your numbers from time to time.
Your living expenses may go up or down over time. You can quickly adjust the amount you need in readily accessible cash.
Life and disability insurance are two more important parts of your financial strategy. Do you have a plan in place to continue to cover your living expenses (or those of your family) if you can no longer work?
Call your insurance agent and go over your current coverage. Make sure the insurance you’re paying for will pay out what you need and if not, make adjustments.
Now you have two legs of your plan firmly in place. Next, think about investing any additional savings in higher interest-bearing accounts.
Do your best to forget about accessing any of this money in the near term. Think about how handy it will be to have it when you’re dealing with an emergency.
Or, when you’re ready to retire.
And, don’t let your money sit in a bank or, worse yet, in a drawer in your house. There are lots of investment vehicles that will get you a much better return than a savings account.
Talk to your financial adviser. You’ll come up with a plan that’s right for you, your family, and whatever the future may hold. 
JohnK 10-16-2018
man talks financialOverheard: No wealth can ever make a bad man at peace with himself” 
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6 Life Hacks For Better Aging

As we age, we look for things we can do to prevent wrinkles, diseases, and cognitive function. The good news is that there are hundreds of things that you can do to help you age An aging couplein the best way possible.
GenuLines looks at six life hacks you can apply to your life today to help you age better.
1 – Stay Active:
It’s no secret that as you age your metabolism slows down. Getting at least thirty minutes of activity a day increases your metabolism. But can also help to increase bone density, putting you at a lower risk of bone injuries as you age.
2 – Invest In Large Sunglasses:
The skin around your eyes is the most delicate and thin skin you own. It’s also the place where wrinkles tend to appear first.
By wearing over-sized sunglasses you’re preventing sun damage from occurring around your eyes. And you’re also squinting less.
You’ll have fewer eye wrinkles as well as fewer forehead wrinkles.
3 – Make Time For Your Friends:
Often your schedule can be so hectic that you neglect to make time for a social life. But having a social life can help you age better in many ways.
Most important is lowering your stress level. Studies have shown that stress damages your skin cells, causing premature lines.
Stress can also lower your immune system, making it more likely you’ll become ill. As a bonus, making time for your friends also means that you’re more active both physically and mentally.
4 – Take Fish Oil:
Fish oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids. An Ohio State University study found Omega 3’s are good for joints, eyesight, and hair growth.
They make skin supple. And they improve your heart and immune functions.
If fish oil isn’t for you, you can also increase your intake of seeds, nuts, sardines, or salmon.
5 – Keep Your Diet Colorful:
There are foods that speed up the aging process. What you may not know is that there are also some foods that can do the opposite.
The list includes kale, broccoli, blueberries, strawberries, oranges, and plums. All are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can promote healthy aging.
(***Some of these nutrients include alpha lipoic acid, carotenoids- including vitamin A, ß-carotene, lycopene, astaxanthin, and retinol- CoQ10, glutathione, polyphenols, and vitamins C, D, and E) 
6 – Change Your Opinion Of Old:
This one’s my personal favorite. There is no formal definition of what old means.
The word can have many different meanings depending on the context.
Don’t degrade yourself by talking about your “senior moments” or the things you can no longer do. Having a positive attitude and a good mental outlook is half the battle.
When you tell yourself that you’re old and can’t do things, it becomes the truth. Instead, focus on all the things you can do.
And though it’s a cliche’, age IS only a number.
In today’s busy society we tend to forget to take care of ourselves. We ignore our own needs because we’re so busy taking care of everyone else.
Make yourself a priority. For now, begin implementing at least one of the above suggestions.
Practice and stick to these six. Make them part of your normal routine.
Take care of yourself now so you can ensure that you’ll age in a positive way.
JohnK 10-9-2018
man talks agingOverheard: “I suppose real old age begins when one looks backward rather than forward.”
                    ~ Mary Sarton
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* Photo by Matthew Bennett on Unsplash