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5 Ways To Sharpen Your Motivation Skills

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5 Ways To Sharpen Your Motivation Skills

Motivation is a very useful tool . And GenuLines will help you produce it on your own by using physical and mental techniques.

It can come from a thought process that encourages positive energy.

You can do this in many different ways. But motivation can be a difficult thing to muster up if your physical body and mind are not in the right place.

picture inspiring motivation

We’ll start by looking at ways to sharpen motivational skills.

Get Your Mind In The Right Place

Your mind has a lot to do with how you feel about any situation. And you can think your way into a motivational mindset. So here are a few tips for getting your mind on the right path::

Write down your negative thoughts and the things that you need to improve

If you experience depression or anxiety, get it under control by seeking help

Feed your mind on a daily basis by reading or listening to positive content

Take Action!

You’ve got to take action if you expect to feel motivated to do anything.

Why, you ask?

In your body dopamine triggers feelings of motivation to do something. When you feel pleasurable sensations it kicks up your energy.

This means that when you do things, you feel a certain way about them. And you have this release of dopamine that contributes to your actions.

This can cause problems from motivation and energy to addiction to a feeling.

Know What You Really Want

Sometimes you feel as though you have to do something. But things change when your focus is on what you feel you must do.

This is the thinking that can power your life with more energy.

It’s crucial for motivation. You’ll motivate yourself and those around you.

Take Care Of Your Body

Without a healthy body, you’ll find it very difficult to have a healthy mind. Your actions and energy will determine whether your motivational habits will be sustainable.

A healthy diet and enough exercise are very important. Body and mind health work together to promote general health.

Find Someone Who Has The Same Goals

You can feed off of the energy of others. And it works both ways.

You can provide them with the tools to motivate themselves.

Are You Ready To Get Motivated?

Take action today. Be in control of your motivation.

Remember “perfect practice makes perfect.”

You won’t always feel motivated. But habits are the deciding factor in whether you can get things done even when you’re not motivated.

Motivation is something that we learn to develop over time. And over time you’ll see the benefits of sharpening your motivational skills.

JohnK 4-22-2024

stick man hears about motivationOverheard:  If you must have motivation, think of your paycheck on Friday.

                                                   ~Noel Coward

Article photo by Ihsan Adityawarman: https://www.pexels.com/photo/multicolored-bontainer-2045600/

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Stop Focusing on Your Past Mistakes and Failures

Reminiscing and thinking about the past can be a great exercise. It’s always good to have a healthy respect for things that have come and gone.

But you don’t want to live in the past, and GenuLines can help you adjust your view of days gone by.

Stop Focusing on Your Past Mistakes and Failures

They say that learning from history is how you best ensure a good future. That said, if you’re living in the past you’re doing more harm than good.
And if you’re replaying negative events in your mind it’s even worse.
It’s also a surefire way to temper your boldness. And it lessens your resolve when you face future challenges.
picture of past mistakes
So how do you stop doing that?
Learn to Value Your Mistakes
The first thing to do is to value your mistakes. Remember that mistakes teach you things.
They make you stronger and wiser. And they give your personal narratives a more interesting and more unique bent.
It’s not our successes that cause us to grow and develop but our mistakes. And each failure brings you one step closer to being the person you want to be.
Realize that your mistake has merit and value in itself. Then you can be a little more comfortable accepting it as part of your story.
Looking Forward
The next thing to do is to look forward and to remember that things are going to get better now. You’ve had your mistake, so how are you going to learn from that and use it to drive you in the future?
Don’t think about how your last relationship was a failure, Focus on how you’re going to make the next one a success.
Forgive Yourself
Many of us focus on our failures. We obsess over them because we’re frustrated with ourselves or we even feel guilty.
The key then is to stop aiming for perfection. Remember: you’re only human and mistakes are par for the course.
They’re acceptable and in fact, you can expect them. Know this and let your missteps go.
Ask yourself: would you beat someone else up if they had the same failure?
Learn to Let Go
Letting go in itself is something of an art form. If you’re an obsessive personality this is a skill that’s well worth learning.
You might consider seeing a cognitive-behavioral therapist. Besides learning to let go you’ll re-work your thoughts in a more positive way.
JohnK 6-14-2021

Stick figure hears about the pastOverheard: “The past is never dead. It’s not even past”                                ~William Faulkner

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How Meditation Can Benefit Your Motivation

Meditation might not be your first thought when your motivation is on the wane. But GenuLines knows that it can be a go-to tool for those times when you lose your spark, 
How Meditation Can Benefit Your Motivation

meditation momentThe downward spiral of low motivation can seem like an impossible cycle to break. During those times productivity and accomplishment can seem like unattainable goals. 

There is one simple tool you may not have considered before that can get you back on track, and that’s meditation. It’s an exercise that goes well beyond providing relaxation.

Focus and Concentration

Focus and concentration are by-products of meditation. But don’t force the issue.
This could have a negative effect on your motivation.

Increased Happiness

More and more of us are being diagnosed with depression. It’s no surprise that happy people tend to have more energy and higher self-confidence.
And motivation raises happiness by helping release the brain’s “happiness hormones.” When you’re feeling more positive, you’re likely to have more desire to get things done.

Less Stress

Meditation leads to a more relaxed state. This is due to the way it allows the brain to slow down as it receives sensory input.
This relaxation and improved processing leads to reduced feelings of stress and overwhelm. With less stress comes a feeling of more control, which then fuels your motivation.

Positive Thinking

One of the biggest killers of motivation is negative thinking. A pessimistic view can come from many sources.
Think depression, poor habits, or general life difficulties.
The beauty of meditation is that it “rewires” brain patterns. This process encourages more positive thought patterns.
The result is a reset that helps you become more motivated.

Clarified Goals and Purpose

Taking time each day for meditation can give you a great deal of insight. This helps with reassessing what’s most important in your life.
When you have a better picture of your priorities, your goals and life’s purpose become clearer. Knowing where you want to go kicks your motivation into high gear.
And you’ll feel a greater urgency to take the necessary steps on the path to your dreams.
The benefits of meditation for increased motivation are many. There are various types of meditation.
You can begin to research on your own or find a teacher who can help you develop a practice that works for you. What’s most important is that you get started.
And maintain consistency in your meditation practice to get the most effective results. Soon you’ll be tackling your to-do list and pursuing the life goals that matter with renewed vigor.
JohnK 11-16-2020
stick figure man hears about meditationOverheard: “When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace”
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Hard Times And Their Important Lessons

Hard times are a breeding ground for hopelessness. You can slip into a feeling that you can’t win.

But today’s GenuLines message asks some important questions to help you prevail.

(You can listen to this article by clicking on HERE)


Hard Times And Their Important Lessons

symbol of hard timesThese days hopelessness is a common feeling. There’s bad news in the media every day.

On top of that, our lives can bring personal challenges and negativity.





Everyone faces these situations in a different way, though. Some find comfort in religion and spirituality; others turn to meditation or therapy.

Unfortunately, others adopt unhealthy coping mechanisms,. Things like drinking to manage their grief, anguish, and sadness.

But if you look at hard times in a different light you can come up with more positive coping mechanisms.

One good way to reinterpret hardships is to find meaning in them.

And how can you do this?

When you’re facing a negative event, pause, and ask yourself how you can make the event meaningful.

For example, let’s say you get fired from your job. It’s a distressing situation that can leave you feeling afraid, angry, and ashamed.

Especially if you have a family, debt, or you don’t like your chances of finding a new job.

For example, ask yourself questions such as:

• Did I really like that job? Often, we’re stuck in a job that no longer makes us fulfilled, but we’re too scared to quit.

• Is this situation freeing my time for better opportunities? A job you no longer enjoyed could have been a roadblock in your professional development.

• What did I learn from that experience? The skills you learned at that job can be a launching point toward better opportunities.

• What went wrong? In this case, be honest with yourself — why were you fired? Look at the causes and don’t be judgemental.

• Are there any areas for growth? Regardless of what caused the negative situation, think of how you can use the experience to grow.

When you ask yourself these questions you give meaning to a negative situation. And you also take back control of it.

You re-frame the negative as an opportunity to grow and thrive in unexplored areas.

Look at it this way. A lost job is a chance for new growth. A new business, a trip, time off for family and friends, continued education, and more.

It’s healthy to feel down when you have a bad day. But it’s also important to take complete responsibility and be proactive.

Only then, can we find meaning in our lives and reduce uncertainty.

Luckily, this isn’t the only way to find meaning in difficult times.
When hardships come, it’s easy to over-think the situation.

But, dedicating at least some time to others helps put life into perspective.

When you give away your time and energy to help others, you create a connection with them. Life is no longer something that happens to you.

Instead, it becomes a network that you can influence in a positive way.

Finally, difficulties are part of life. Trying to avoid them keeps you from focusing your energy in purposeful, selfless directions.

So face tough times with patience and compassion toward yourself and others.

Every situation leaves its mark. That means you’re growing,

You’re building your own path of self-acceptance and compassion. You have the power to take control of your life by reflecting without judgment.

Accept each situation as an opportunity, and work with and for others.

JohnK 9-14-2020
chiforyourself.com home

stick figure man hears about hard timesOverheard: “Fall seven times, stand up eight”
                             ~Japanese proverb





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Become a “Turnaround Factory” for Negative Thinking

Negative images bombard your life. They’re all over the television news and your favorite TV shows.
You see it online, at work and even at home. But, GenuLines suggests some out of the box thinking to turn things around 
call to fight negative

Become a “Turnaround Factory” for Negative Thinking

What if you could picture your brain as a factory? One that takes in negative thinking and processes it to churn out positive thoughts.
negative picture of factorySeems a bit odd since, of course, you’re not a factory. But, if you can think in these terms, you may be able to combat negative thinking.
Switching to factory status means you need to stop overreacting to what people say. When someone says something you don’t agree with, take a moment to consider what they’re saying.
When you get annoyed at others, you stop listening to them and only want to get your point across. You want to prove why they’re wrong.
Instead, after he or she speaks, take a moment and consider what the message is.
The next step is to try and see the other person’s point of view. If you have a difficult time doing this, calmly ask questions of the person making the statement.
You can say that you don’t understand the reason for the statement and would like to know more about why they said it.
You don’t have to agree with the other person, even after you start to process what they say. But, the act of listening and considering their point of view will transform you.
You may start to challenge your belief system. Sometimes you can get so focused on a belief, even when the reason why you feel that way has changed.
When you start to question your beliefs, you’ll be more open in considering what others have to say. The process will help you turn negative thoughts into positive ones.
Negative thoughts seldom lead to believing in oneself. You will end up challenging what everyone says as wrong if they don’t agree with your way of thinking.
You’ll become bitter towards others and at some point towards yourself. You won’t believe that anything is possible because you shoot down every suggestion.
This type of thinking doesn’t make people happy.
When you start to open yourself to others, you will learn more and be accepting of different beliefs. You’ll become enlightened when this happens.
JohnK 5-14-2019
stick figure hears negative talkOverheard: ” Negativity can only feed on negativity”
                                ~ Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
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