Tag Archive for mental health

Why You’re Not Happy (And How to Change This)

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Why You’re Not Happy (And How to Change This)

So you’re reading this while you grapple with feelings of discontent in certain areas of life. Especially when it comes to being happy.

I get it.

Quick fixes and hacks don’t deliver and don’t help your mood. The changes they bring don’t last.

Their temporary highs don’t give you genuine fulfilment. Enter GenuLines and our ways to point your life toward fulfillment.

The truth is, your life isn’t a circumstance beyond your control. Your happiness and fulfillment are not accidents or the result of external factors.

happy smiling character

They/re a direct result of the choices you’ve made in the past.

The law of cause and effect is undeniable: every decision you’ve made has led to where you are today. Your thoughts, more than anything else, have shaped your life.

Your thought patterns and the way you choose to think have created the circumstances you’re in. And here’s the good news: you have the power to change your thoughts and, in turn, change your life.

As humans, we’re incredibly adaptable. We can thrive in most any environment, no matter how challenging.

But we often forget this power and allow our circumstances to define us.

We become victims of our own expectations and standards. We forget that we created those standards in the first place.

One key to happiness and fulfillment lies in recognizing that you have the power to choose. You can choose to focus on what you can control and scale up from there.

You don’t have to be held back by your current circumstances.

So, where do you start? Focus on the areas of your life where you’re doing reasonably well – the areas where you have control.

See if you can improve them, broaden them, or expand your area of control. From there, you can tackle the more challenging areas that may be holding you back.

Remember, your life isn’t a fixed landscape. It’s a dynamic, ever-changing environment that reflects your choices and decisions.

Choose to focus on what you can control and adapt to your circumstances and you can create a more fulfilling and happy life.

Don’t wait for external circumstances to change; change yourself by changing your mindset. You have the power to choose.

And with that power comes the ability to create a life that truly reflects genuine living.

JohnK 2-10-2025

stick man hears about being happyOverheard:  The habit of being happy enables one to be freed, or largely freed, from the domination of outward conditions”

~Robert Louis Stevenson

Article Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/yellow-cube-on-brown-pavement-208147/


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Is Your Money Mindset Setting You Up For Failure?

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Is Your Money Mindset Setting You Up For Failure?

Dreaming of getting rich? You can’t help but admire the extravagant lives of celebrities and influencers, right?

It’s easy to fantasize about living like them. But as you chase after riches, are you losing sight of the things that matter?

Today, GenuLines invites you to explore this crucial question.

Man showing money mindset

It’s often said that if you do something you love, the money will follow. This worked for me and it provided me with a good life (story for another time)

And after all, common sense says that you’ll approach something you love with passion.

But what if?

What if making money is your driving force? You’ll chase the dollar from one job to the next or from one opportunity to the next.

You’ll get seduced by false offers of riches. Over time, you’ll look back and see that you didn’t actually get real fulfillment.

The quick buck

You may be successful in the short term. You get that extra dollar from a new job.

Or you squeeze a quick buck from your business. But, you’ll be searching for more and more money.

You could even put yourself into a position where you can’t handle the new job due to lack of experience.

In other words, you didn’t give your previous level enough time to develop a foundation. You jumped ahead, and now you’re unclear what to do.

It’s a concept known as the Peter Principle, named after the person who came up with the idea, Peter Drucker.

Money isn’t as important as many try to make it out to be. For instance, what good is having a high-paying job when you have to work 80-90 hours a week?


Many people who do this look back at their lives and wonder why they did it. While they may have a lot of money when they get older, they likely don’t have fulfillment.

Another possibility is the heavy workload needed to get that wealth also gets them to an early grave. The money they earned is useless to them.

If you’re happy with what you’re doing, money becomes a less urgent priority. You do need money to live, and you shouldn’t settle for work that pays less than you’re worth.

So reach a balance between your paycheck and doing something that you enjoy. It can bring a whole bunch of fulfillment into your life.

JohnK 12-2-2024

Stick figure hears about money mindsetOverheard: “Wealth is largely the result of habit”

~John Jacob Astor


Image photo by Photo By: Kaboompics.com: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-man-in-gray-long-sleeve-shirt-5717843/


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What Is Information Overload?

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Information is an indispensable part of life. The problems show up when there’s way too much of it.

If it’s time to lighten up a bit then think about these GenuLines pointers and do some offloading.

What Is Information Overload?

Have you ever started something new – a new job, a new sport, even a new game and you’re trying to learn the information and it feels like your brain might explode? That’s an exaggerated symptom of information overload.

But, most people are experiencing it daily from normal life due to fast access to information via the internet.

information overload books


Information overload can cause the following symptoms:
Cardiovascular issues
And more…



Plus, often it can cause problems in interpersonal relationships and work relationships. The reason is that most information overload is a choice you make.

You choose to be on social media all day; you choose to watch every single news station and every single pundit on TV talk about whatever is the topic of the day.

It’s Like Drinking Water from a Fire Hydrant

Anytime you want to learn something, it’s tempting to start gathering tons of information. And due to the net, it’s easy to get drawn down into the rabbit hole of unending information.

It becomes hard to determine what information is good and what information is bad.

It Leads to Poor Information Filtering

When you’re bombarded with so much information, your brain can’t filter it properly. Your brain does something called twigging, which means that instead of filtering information in terms of importance it just generalizes all information as being the same.

This is terrible for decision making.

It Leads to Bad Choices

If you can’t properly filter information to determine what is true, what is right and what is wrong, you’ll have a hard time making the right choices. The information overload causes you to choose wrongly on any number of issues, because with so much noise going on you can’t determine what is right.

It Harms Your Relationships

Information overload can harm your relationships. If you’re always reading your smartphone, looking at social media and not being present in your life, it can hurt intimacy.

If your partner and friends are complaining, take heed.

It Leads to Black and White Thinking

The world is not black and white. The world is colorful, black, white, gray and everything in between and more.

The same can be said for a lot of issues. There are very few issues that are either right or wrong, black or white.

If you have too much information at your fingertips and are rating everything the same, it’s easy to see things as black and white, which can make it hard to negotiate a happy life and successful business.

It Can Lead to Mental Issues Like Depression

When you get to the point of information overload, a lot of people experience mental problems such as short-term memory issues and even depression. If you find that you’re just feeling mixed up a lot, forget appointments and aren’t doing your best at home or work, consider information overload as a potential culprit.

Information overload can even lead to tragedy when texting mixes with driving.

Who knows how much money is lost in overall productivity due to information overload.. You can do your part by trying to limit information overload for yourself and your family.

You can also encourage co-workers and employees to avoid multitasking and focus training on smaller topics rather than broad ones.

JohnK 11-6-2023

stick man hears about information Overheard:  “…a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention…”

~Herbert A. Simon


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Anatomy Of A Great Day Of Wellness

Bringing you wellness practices and information has been a GenuLines hallmark for years. Today we’ll break down the idea of wellness into segments that can add up to wellness for you. 

Anatomy Of A Great Day Of Wellness

Living in difficult times doesn’t have to be joyless. You can know joy using the right mindset and a lifestyle that promotes robust wellness.
stethoscope for wellnessIn designing great days for the long run, there is a certain standard you’ll want to follow. Today your vital organs could be at their best but that may not hold tomorrow.
Wholesome health is more than good eating habits and a workout routine.




Sustainable Sleeping Patterns

Sleep cycles have to be a consistent contributor to your daily routine. Without enough sleep, your vital organs get into overdrive.
This leads to fatigue and loss of mental sharpness. This makes you ineffective in any work environment and a couple of hours end up feeling like a lifetime.
Poor sleeping patterns can lead to binge eating. This brings on complications like obesity, diabetes and heart disease.
And you could experience grogginess and premature aging.

Morning Stretches

Not everyone is a morning person. Many folks struggle to wake up and when they do, they’re like zombies around the house.
Stretching is beneficial for different muscle groups and joints. It also improves blood circulation to the entire body and stimulates a pleasant mood.
The American College of Sports Medicine looked at stretching to start your day. It found you get a burst of energy. more flexibility, and it enhances your coordination.
It’s great for your posture, too.

Wholesome Meals and Hydration

The food you eat makes a big difference in your day. Balance is key here,
Think proteins, fiber, nutritious carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins. These will sustain your energy levels all day.
Plan ahead for meals. You’ll avoid fumbling over menus or stuffing yourself with junk food.
There’s no nutritional value in eating processed food. And due to their high salt content, they leave you susceptible to high blood pressure.
While junk foods overwork your vital organs.
In little time you’ll feel hungry and fatigued. Your healthy diet should include proper hydration throughout the day.
Drinking 2-3 liters daily is not only refreshing but also elevates your moods. You depend on water to function and great days demand efficiency from your whole system.

Routine Exercise

Consistent movement is a key to a long healthy life. It also improves the quality of your lifestyle.
Having an exercise routine that you actually enjoy keeps you vigorous. You handle the challenges that come your way.
And you look good while doing it.
Exercising also increases your bone density and boosts your immunity. Breaking a sweat after a long day in the office is a great way to unwind and stay healthy.

Managing Stress

An active life is often characterized by stress. This might take a toll on you if you lack functional coping mechanisms.
There are lots of ways of dealing with stress as it happens.
Remember to breathe and stay composed. A clear mind can solve problems rather than escalating the situation.
A great day is the sum of all the little efforts that create the right environment for you to thrive. It’s vital to maintain a positive self-image.
Treating yourself well helps make life worth living.
JohnK 1-24-2022
Stick figure hears about wellnessOverheard: “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”
                          ~Mahatma Gandhi
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Why Mental Focus Is Crucial For Success

Focus can become a casualty during times like these we’re living in. Important things can fall through the cracks. 

So with that said GenuLines reminds you that focus is key to getting the results you want in life. 

Why Mental Focus Is Crucial For Success

Mental focus is one of the most important skills when it comes to success in any area of your life. To focus means to concentrate on a particular task or problem for a period of time.
picture of brain focus
It’s something you can get better at with practice. For now, let’s look at exactly why mental focus is crucial for success and how it can help you get things done.
Focus Keeps Distractions At Bay
Distractions are all around us. You sit down at your desk and end up checking email.
You browse through Facebook. Or you get lost on YouTube watching video after video.
We get distracted by new projects. Or things that need to be taken care of around the house or the office, and of course by family members and coworkers.
With all these distractions it’s a wonder we get anything done. There’s always something else that demands our attention, or a fun new project we’d rather be working on.
This is where your focus can make a huge difference and help you get things done. Focus is like a pair of blinders.
It helps you concentrate on the task at hand until it’s done.
Focus Keeps You From Making Mistakes
You make fewer mistakes when you’re not always distracted. You give full attention to whatever you’re working on.
The mistakes come when you’re not engaged and immersed in the task you’re working on.
To turn this around, concentrate on your work. If you do make mistakes you’re more likely to catch and fix them.
The end result is a better quality product, no matter what you’re working on.
Focus Helps You Get More Done Faster
Have you ever worked on a tight deadline? Let’s say you have to finish a report or write a blog post before you can head out to lunch to meet a friend.
You become dialed in (thanks to that looming deadline). Now tasks that would usually take you half a day you’re doing in 30 minutes.
Best of all, the end result is often better than your usual work. Now you’re focused and are getting into the flow.
And things seem to come together with almost no effort.
JohnK 10-18-2021
Stick figure hears about focusOverheard: “If you want to live a long life, focus on making contributions.”
                              ~Hans Selye
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You Can Cure Your Mental Fog

Mental fog is not just unsettling, it can hold you back in many ways. There are ways to come out of this fog.
GenuLines invites you to read on to find out how. 

You Can Cure Your Mental Fog 

We’ve all experienced mental fog. Its symptoms include:
• Difficulty concentrating
• Diminished memory
• Focusing problems
• A drop in communication skills
• Low motivation
• Easily distracted
man with mental fog 



Mental fog is due to any type of imbalance in the control center of the brain. This area is the hypothalamus. The imbalance can be a result of inflammation or free radicals. Or any type of stress brought on by several factors, such as:

• Multi-tasking
• Exhaustion
• Anxiety
• Imbalanced hormones
• Infections
• Not getting enough sun exposure
• Substance abuse
Mental fog is natural given our busy, nonstop lifestyles. But it can become frequent. If this is the case with you there are some simple changes you can make that will help.
• Eat right
It’s amazing how much power our food has over us. Processed foods, foods high in saturated fats, and gluten all have a negative effect on the brain.
In fact, research links gluten sensitivity to low concentration and focus abilities. Also, not getting enough water into your system can lead to brain freeze.
• Take your vitamins
Your diet is lacking in antioxidants. You want vitamins, such as D and B complex, and minerals, such as calcium, zinc, and magnesium. Supplements could help you here.
• Get better sleep
We all sleep, but it’s the quality of our sleep that can either make us or break us. High quality sleep improves brain function as a whole.
While it’s ideal to get the full 8 hours each night, some people only need 6 for optimal effectiveness. Find what works best for you.
Regulate your sleep using a relaxing bedtime routine and a comfortable sleeping area.
• Work out
When you exercise, you send fresh, oxygenated blood to your entire body, mainly your brain. This boosts its cognitive functions and diminishes brain fog.
Studies have shown how exercise can improve learning and study skills. It helps with concentration and memory ability, too.
• Find a hobby
It may seem like there aren’t enough hours in the day to do to get things done. And it could be tough to squeeze in a hobby.
But there are ways to incorporate fun, relaxing activities into your weekly schedule. The first step is to carve out some “me” time and stop thinking it’s selfish, like many of us do.
The second step is to find something you enjoy doing. It could be meditating by yourself in a quiet room, or a class or club where you’ll meet new people.
The final step is to decompress and enjoy.
Brain fog is reversible. You need to do the work and find out what works for you.
Each one of us is unique, so it may be a bit challenging at first to find that perfect fit. But you’ll be glad you put in the effort once you regain clarity and you’re able to perform at your best.
JohnK 10-5-2020
Stick figure hears about mental fogOverheard: “Derive happiness in oneself from a good day’s work, from illuminating the fog that surrounds us”
                                                           ~Henri Matisse
Article image by Tyler Sturos from Pixabay 
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Are You Wasting Your Energy on Meaningless Things?

Challenging times demand that you maintain a state of peak energy. But that peak condition can wear down in ways you’re not aware of.  

Today GenuLines looks at ways you might be squandering your energy.


microphone for speaking about energy







Are You Wasting Your Energy on Meaningless Things?

When you get too caught up in the things you don’t like, it’s easy to lose sight of your goals and the path to achieving them. When you begin to indulge in your anger, you feel worse each day.
You end up fueling all the wrong emotions.
light bulb uses energyLet’s say you wake up in the morning angry and disheartened over things you don’t like. You’ll live much of your life in a negative energy mindset.
And that’s bad for your mental and physical health.
Staying in a constant state of anger or sadness is bad for your health in many ways. You might find yourself experiencing more frequent headaches, fatigue, and stomach problems.
These are all side effects of stress, which goes hand in hand with negative emotions.
Mentally, you’ll be more irritable and upset, which can affect your loved ones, too.
What’s more, you won’t have the focus you need to work on your dreams.
If you dread seeing a certain coworker each day change your thinking. Be grateful that you have a stable job.
Focus on the things that you love and the things that you need to do.
Complaining about your coworkers is useless, and it only causes you issues, not them. Instead of complaining about things that’ are wrong, focus your efforts on fixing what you can fix.
Energy Re-direction
Put your attention on the things that you enjoy. Spending your energy working on things that you want and enjoy cuts into your stress.
You wake up feeling energized and excited to start your day.
Doesn’t that beat dreading another useless day of getting nothing done?
Get on a good sleep schedule if you’re not already on one so that you can spend more time doing the things that you love. You’ll find that your mind is more at ease and you feel much healthier.
You’ll gain a sense of satisfaction by knowing that you’re taking control of your path. And that you’re living life on your terms,
JohnK 6-28-2020
stick man hears about energyOverheard: “The energy of the mind is the essence of life”


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Action Steps For When You Don’t Trust Yourself

Many people don’t trust themselves for one reason or another. If you include yourself in this group ask yourself why.
Today GenuLines helps you break the issue down and begin to change. Once you discover the problem, you will be well on your way to learning how to trust yourself.
Call to trust yourself

Action Steps For When You Don’t Trust Yourself

Start with your childhood. No, this doesn’t mean you have to spill your guts to a shrink while lying on a couch.
Baby learns to trustThose early years can give you some clues into why you don’t trust yourself. Could be your parents were distrustful of themselves.
Siblings or other relatives might play a part. The purpose isn’t to blame them.
Recognize that it happened and use it to move forward.
Not trusting others can be habitual. It isn’t too much of a stretch for that mode to extend to you.
Start putting trust in other people and they’ll likely appreciate you for it.
Are you an overly sensitive person? If so, this could cause you to be mistrustful of yourself.
A sensitive nature can cause you to take others’ remarks out of context.
It’s not wrong to be sensitive. You only have to realize that it can cause you to misread what others are saying or feeling.
When trust doesn’t work
Putting your trust in others is going to backfire sometimes. Some people aren’t trustworthy.
They may even put on a front that they are. You should accept this as a part of life, and try not to project experiences from a few onto other people.
Otherwise, you are going to continue to maintain your wall.
This wall will make it difficult for you to trust others as well as yourself.
Another reason for not trusting yourself is that others don’t trust you. If you are not trustworthy, how can you expect to trust yourself?
You may not even realize this is happening.
You may think you are doing right by others when in fact, you aren’t. Ask friends and family to assess whether you’re trustworthy.
That can be a hard pill to swallow, but you’ll get great insight. Try not to get upset if people tell you that you aren’t trustworthy.
It’s a learning experience.
JohnK 3-12-2019
stick figure shows trustOverheard: ” Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow”
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Feeling Down- Your First Step Toward Feeling Better



“Constructive wallowing” seems like an oxymoron. Constructive is a good thing, but wallowing is bad. Right?

But wait a minute; is it really so terrible to give ourselves a time-out to feel our feelings? Or is it possible that wallowing is an act of loving kindness, right when we need it most?

We’ll look at these questions and more on Chi For Yourself when we’re visited by Tina Gilbertson, author of Constructive Wallowing:How to Beat Bad Feelings by Letting Yourself Have Them.

Tina will be the guest on Thursday, September 11th at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time. You’ll be able to hear the interview at chiforyourself.com


Picture of Tina Gilbertson

Tina Gilbertson



JohnK 8-12-2014

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The Sandy Hook Shootings- Who Really Pulled the Trigger?

While we don’t usually offer an opinion or take a stand on news items I thought it necessary to make a comment or two on the shootings in Newtown, Conn. Our thoughts are with the family and friends whose loved ones died in the shootings. By now you’ve been more than inundated with news coverage from the scene. As a 30+ year member of the journalism community I know the kind of energy that this type of story sends through the newsroom. Careers can be made in these moments. Eyeballs are delivered to sponsors. Sophisticated gear is pressed into service to bring you “the whole story.” But speaking as someone who doesn’t have to please his news director or take the wants of the advertisers into account I submit my own take on the shooting spree.

Talking Points

There is more than enough speculation as to why these killings happened. There is the obligatory investigation. The background of the shooter is being viewed and reviewed. And of course television pundits are weighing in with their take, very often politically shaded, as to cause and possible prevention of such events in the future. What I’m offering here is not a reason for what happened. Rather, I ask that you consider some unavoidable realities that are being glossed over by your news agencies- and that practice could be tilling the soil for more of these outbreaks in the future.

Pumped Up Kids

First, the shooter was said to be on medication. This is hardly news. Consider this from Conscious Life News:
Fact: At least fourteen recent school shootings were committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs resulting in 109 wounded and 58 killed (in other school shootings, information about their drug use was never made public—neither confirming or refuting if they were under the influence of prescribed drugs.

Eye-Missed-It News

Now tell me the last time you saw your favorite network television coverage concentrated on the testing and administration of psychiatric drugs, or in any area of the pharmaceutical realm. Oh sure, wide-eyed anchors will give lip service to this practice but any news official with his or her head screwed on knows that going down that road could lead to loss of advertising dollars. And, that is a career KILLER in any news organization. Years ago I was approached by my editor at a Group W radio station to do a story on parent company Westinghouse. It seems that Westy was being tied to the delivery of some faulty goods to a Middle Eastern country. The Westinghouse corporate offices were located directly accross the street from where I was working- I could stare into the building’s lobby while sitting at my keyboard. Do ya’ think I jumped at doing that story? Americans like to be plugged into the news and advertisers know that. They are dictating much of the country’s thought in subtle and not so subtle ways.

Take One of These

Another missing talking point is the possiblity of a mis-diagnosis in the shooter’s (or any killer’s) condition. Every situation is dealt with on a prescription pad. And why not? The old paradigm suggests that there’s nothing that a pill can’t cure. Like the broadcast industry there’s plenty of pressure here too since the society seems to buy into the “medicate to eliminate” line of thought.

Death Becomes Us

Finally, there’s no shortage of arguments on guns- should they be banned? Should there be tighter restrictions? These lines are not meant to discuss guns or gun control. In fact, guns themselves don’t lie at the heart of what’s happened here. Look at statistics, and go back as far as you like. The USA is a very violent society. But, murderous rampages are an outgrowth of a violent collective consciousness. We worship combat in every form, from games to movies to wardrobe. We condone perpetual war with the knowledge that our technology can “kick anyone’s butt.” I live in one of the military airshow hotbeds, and I’m often made uneasy by people’s salivating over the display of the latest airborne killing machines. This is not to say that there isn’t a place for vigilance and preparedness. But we seem to have cultivated a casual approach to the possiblity of death on a mass scale. This seems especially true when we turn our eyes to other areas of the world. How do we prepare our children for admission to this world? We get them hyped up on sugar, then bring them down on drugs.

Bless Us, EVERY One

So, do send your best energy to the people of Newtown. Take a moment to remember the dead of Newtown. And, do a consciousness search as you remember the dead children and mourning parents in:







JohnK 12-18-2012