Tag Archive for make life changes

Signs It’s Time to Change Your Mindset

Your life can change when you change your mindset. But it’s not always easy to see how this is so. 

Today GenuLines opens your eyes to some of the indicators.

Signs It’s Time to Change Your Mindset

“The key to abundance is to stop needing more, and to start appreciating what you already have.” – Anonymous
Everyone is talking about changing your mindset to attract what you desire. How do you know when it’s time to change your mindset?
After all, you’ve been thinking the same way for as long as you can remember.
Or maybe you’ve had a rough patch and your attitude has gotten out of whack.

The Good and The Bad

pocket watch signals change
When you start having more bad days than good ones, then it’s time to change your mindset. These are some of the reasons you may want to change your mindset.
Our mindset is what produces the thoughts we have. It shapes our thinking, which controls our actions and how we process things.
If you have a negative attitude, then you start blaming and thinking the worst. Positive or healthy thoughts create a better environment.
For you and those around you.

Six Signs It’s Time to Change Your Mindset

1. You’re always focused on failure
You get angry and disappointed over every failure without celebrating your success. You see yourself as a failure.
This sends messages to your mind that you’ll fail at whatever you try to do. Instead: Keep a success diary.
Acknowledge every success every day, no matter how small.
2. You have a victim mentality
You’ve had bad experiences or others you love hurt you. It could be an event that traumatized you and you’re still holding onto those moments.
Instead: Forgive and let go of the past.

3. You have social media envy

You’re see glamorous lifestyles of people online, and it makes you feel worse about yourself. You devalue what you have.
You focus on what you don’t have or aren’t doing.
Instead: Think about what you do have and show gratitude for it.
There are billions of people on this planet and at least a billion would love to have your life.

4. You see work as a chore

You dread going to work, complain about doing the work, or think it’s a burden. Instead, see your job as a way of providing value to others and having an impact on you and others around you.
Being able to work gives you the opportunity to contribute to society.
5. You obsess about things you can’t control or change
You complain about what you can’t control. Things like the weather, government, traffic and other people.
Your mind fills with everything you don’t like, rather than what you can control, which is yourself. Identify ways to change and control your own actions and thoughts.
You’ll make your experiences more positive.
Stop complaining. Start taking action that will bring you a greater sense of accomplishment and plenty.
6. You lack gratitude for what you have
You focus on what is wrong with things or the world, or the inadequacies in yourself and others. Instead, acknowledge that no one is perfect, and everyone learns lessons as they go.
Focus on identifying the positive things you’re grateful for every day.
Know that the reason you rarely feel happy and content is because of a negative mindset.
Know that it’s time to change your mindset to feel better about yourself.
Then be ready to attract more of the good stuff into your life. 
JohnK 4-24-2023
stick man hears about changeOverheard: ‘Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.’
                                           ~Leo Tolstoy
Article image by hapekla



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How Changing Your Mindset Can Improve Your Life

Is it time to re-consider your mindset? The beginning of the year is a good time to give it some thought. 

While you think it over keep these GenuLines tips close at hand.

How Changing Your Mindset Can Improve Your Life

“See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It always works, it works every time, with every person.” – Bob Proctor
I’m guessing that you don’t often think about how your mindset affects your life. You’ve always thought this way.
Either because of your upbringing or other circumstances.
This in fact does affect your life. By changing how you think you can improve your life.
boy changes his mindset
Abundance mindset, scarcity mindset, fear mindset, fixed mindset, growth mindset, and confident mindset. These of some of the different types of mindsets we have.
Each unconscious and conscious belief affects our lives every moment.

Self Improvement

Here are some ways changing your mindset to an abundance or growth mindset can improve your life.
You aren’t afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Changing to a growth mindset allows you to see the many paths available to you in whatever you’re seeking.
These can include job advancement, creative outlets or something more personal. This allows you to move forward rather than being stuck in the same place.
When you make these changes, you see there are plenty of resources to go around. Now, there will be competition, but you’ll see the opportunities in every aspect of your life.
You become comfortable sharing ideas without feeling threatened or intimidated. This leads to better choices, environments and relationships.
You aren’t afraid of being a part of a team and participating in group situations.


Setting your sights on growth helps you build better personal and romantic relationships. You realize people will always have differences.
You find that a relationship involves learning about and from each other. And you grow together and develop skills to work well together.
You’ll begin to judge yourself and others less. You won’t have time to waste on judging what others are saying or doing. Instead you’ll be focusing on making progress in your life.
The growth mindset has you accepting constructive criticism for what it is and using it for growth. It helps you be more confident because you won’t need validation to reassure you that you’re doing it right.

You Can Change 

And it will improve your life. You can cultivate, learn, practice and grow new skills.
You no longer worry about what will happen. Instead you’ll commit to the process of doing, finishing and learning along the way.
Your growth will help you become a better person. Your skills will grow and you’ll build relationships.
You’ll step out of your comfort zone to go after what you want and believe you’ll get it.
JohnK 1-2-2023
stick man hears about mindsetOverheard: “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other”
                                  ~Audrey Hepburn

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What to Do When You Feel Stuck or Trapped in Life

You’ve heard the saying “life is tough, then you die.” It’s like you’ve been bound and gagged all your life.

Let GenuLines help you get un-stuck with this look at some countermeasures.

What to Do When You Feel Stuck or Trapped in Life

When you feel stuck or trapped in your life, it becomes almost impossible to be happy. You tend to feel depressed, frustrated and dissatisfied.
man trapped by life
The truth is life is full of ups and downs. There will be times of great change, and times where nothing changes at all.
Feeling stuck at some point in your life is normal, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay that way. Here, we’ll look at some of the best things you can do when you feel stuck or trapped in life.





Make That Tough Choice

There’s a reason why you feel stuck or trapped in life, and it’s often down to avoiding making a tough decision. For example, if you feel trapped in a job you hate, the tough choice would be to leave that job.
If you’re in a relationship that isn’t working, the hard choice would be to walk away.
What choice are you avoiding changing? Sometimes, the only way to move forward and be happy is to have the courage to make the difficult decisions.
You deserve to be happy, so never be afraid to do what’s right for you, no matter how hard it is.

Begin With Small Changes

Making changes in your life can be overwhelming. So if you want to get out of your current situation, start with small changes. Do this until you feel comfortable and confident that you’re making good decisions.
Think about the things you want to change and then figure out the steps you’ll need to get there. Working on change one step at a time prevents it from becoming overwhelming.
You’ll see steady progress as you make smaller changes. And you’ll gain the motivation to carry on making bigger ones.

Work On Self-Improvement

How you feel about yourself can hold you back. If you do feel stuck or trapped, could it be due to a lack of confidence or self-belief?
Working on self-improvement can help you to view your life in a more positive way. You’ll be able to recognize opportunities.
You’ll be more likely to work through any challenges keeping you from your dream life.
Think about your current flaws. What can you improve about yourself to be a better person?

Commit To Being Yourself

The problem could be that you aren’t being yourself in life. Many people find they struggle to be themselves around other people.
If you’re trying to present a fake version of yourself to others, you’ll never be happy. Only by being your true self will you be able to live a fulfilled and happy life.
Feeling stuck or trapped in life is common, but it doesn’t mean you need to stay stuck. The above tips and advice can help you to start moving forward and living the life you deserve.
You may feel trapped, but this is an illusion. You know what you need to do.
Now build up the courage to do it.
JohnK 9-26-2022
Stick figure hears about lifeOverheard: “Life isn’t a matter of milestones, but of moments”
                                     ~Rose Kennedy
Article image by Zachary DeBottis: https://www.pexels.com/photo/silhuoette-of-a-person-2953863/
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Make Better Personal Decisions

You never know when one of your everyday decisions will turn out to be a life changer. It’s best to be prepared for whatever you face. 

So GenuLines has prepared some pointers to guide you in the decision making process.

Make Better Personal Decisions

man facing decisionYou’ll make countless decisions in your life. Some of these decisions are small. (What should I watch on TV?) and some of these decisions are big. (Should I take that job overseas?)
But, the outcome of a vast majority of these decisions, big or small, affects us in a very personal way.
These outcomes can have both a positive and negative effect on your life. So it makes sense that you take the time to learn how to make better personal decisions.


Under Construction

You use your brain to make decisions. That brain is the product of millions of years of development and evolution.
And it continues today.
Think of this development as the remodeling of an old house.
In the beginning, there was the original house.
Over time, you might add a garage.
Then, a family room. Then a second story.
Follow that up with a fireplace. The point is the skeleton of the old house is still there.
Over time it’s surrounded by all the new additions.

The Old and The New

Our brains evolve this way. Parts that developed a million years ago work alongside newer parts.
Newer as in those that developed ten thousand years ago.
It’s like the light sockets in the older part of the house. They’re designed for a different era, so to the older parts of our brains.
Yet, today the whole brain works to make decisions that have a direct affect on us.
Studies show that the average person makes a decision in less than ten seconds. When confronted by a life and death situation, you don’t have time to think about your next move.
Otherwise in less critical situations your best move is to take some time to think.

Easy Does It

A primary step in learning how to become a better personal decision maker is to teach yourself to slow down. Then think about the decision that’s facing you.
With any decision, big or small, you need to take the appropriate amount of time. You want to assess and weigh all the choices involved.
Look at all the angles and all the possible outcomes. Start making choices that increase you chances for positive results.
JohnK 5-30-2022
Stick figure hears about decisionsOverheard: “The risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision”
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Signs Your Current Routine Needs an Update

Your daily routine can be so hum-drum that you don’t even notice. This can leave you feeling that you’re sort of stuck in “neutral.” 

Get your life back in high gear with this GenuLines look at how you can get back up to speed, 

Signs Your Current Routine Needs an Update

Daily routines can be invaluable for improving our lives. But they aren’t all equal.
When you’re creating your first routine, there are several things you may miss out on or get wrong. At first, it may have worked for you.
But now you’ve stopped seeing the progress you wanted.
As humans, we change and evolve over time. Where you are now and how you feel willDull routine look completely different from how it did a year ago.
This means, what works for us, in the beginning, may not work for us further down the line.
Not sure whether your routine is working for you? Examine the issues, situations, and signs below.
They can help you decide if you need to hit the “refresh” button.
You find the routine is difficult to stick to
The right routine will become easy to follow over time. But, all routines need effort in the beginning.
When you’re making changes, the mind needs time to adjust. It has to re-learn different patterns of behavior.
It’s often said that it takes around 21 days to build up consistent habits. If you’re still struggling after 21 days, it could be a sign you need to change it.
You don’t see the value in it anymore
When you first start following a routine, it adds a lot of value to your life. It can boost energy levels, reduce stress, and make you feel happier.
You’ll have few problems identifying the value in the things you’re doing.
If you’re struggling to see the value in your routine, changing it up can help. Over time, you change and the things that once helped you are no longer relevant.
This means it’s important to make changes as you and your circumstances change.
There is no room for spontaneity
Daily routines create structure. Yet you want to leave some room for flexibility.
Life is unpredictable and it needs factoring into your routine. If you make it too strict, you’ll find it’s much harder to follow.
Stick to including the most important tasks in your routine. These include habits to improve your mornings.
Don’t aim to create a strict timeline of how your day should go.
You find change more difficult now
One of the great things about a daily routine is that it gives you structure. And it should leave room for change, too.
If you use your daily routine to avoid change, it’s time to stop.
Many people find that change is a lot tougher if they’ve been following a strict routine. Such as adjusting to a rigid new schedule.
Any change can leave you feeling stressed out and overwhelmed. But it’s important to be open to change so re-doing your routine may be necessary.
These are some of the top signs you may need to update your current routine. Remember, over time you may need to alter your routines.
You’ll be making room for any lifestyle and personal changes.
JohnK 2-21-2022
stick figure hears about routineOverheard:  “The fixity of a habit is generally in direct proportion to its absurdity”
                                      ~Marcel Proust
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Personal Growth: Find Things You Need To Work On

Life’s ups and downs move you through a process known as personal growth. There’s a lot to keep track of while you make this journey.

This “road map” from GenuLines can help make your sailing a little smoother. 

Personal Growth: Find Things You Need To Work On

Personal growth is the process of developing and bettering yourself. You can work on this throughout your life.
How does a person figure out what parts of their life they need to work on? Everyone has some part of like they need or want to improve.
It’s one thing to want to improve some part of life. It’s another thing to actually do it.
How do you go about making a change in your life? Especially if you’ve spent most of your life up to this point living day-to-day?
Thinking of personal growth
Do you ever think about the things in your life that you’re sure you’d like to change? Finding things, you need to work on is not as complicated as we make it.
Start where you are.
Project You
An important skill for life success is self-development. But self-mastery and general competence in daily life are only the beginning.
Tap into your own motivation and drive to find the path to elevate yourself beyond the status quo. You are your own self-development project.
You are the boss, the architect, and the quality control team.
Start With A-List
Make a list of what YOU think you need to work on. Then pick one and create a plan of tasks to take on one at a time.
Do this once a month.
Some of your goals will change. Others won’t matter anymore.
Some new items will pop up. There is nothing more satisfying than marking off a goal you have accomplished.
Treat Yourself
Making progress is motivating. Reaching milestones lights the fire to keep going.
Reward yourself for progress along the way. Rewards don’t have to be extravagant.
They could be as simple as watching a favorite movie or treating yourself to a favorite take-out meal. A small treat after hard work, and reaching a goal is a great way to motivate yourself to stay on track and keep going.
Celebrate that progress.
Share your goals and vision with like-minded individuals. This can be friends, supportive family, or even social media groups.
You don’t have to all be in the same physical location to support each other. You’re not alone in your desire for change.
Revise, Regroup, And Reframe
If it’s broke, fix it. Don’t be inflexible about your methods.
When you are working on personal growth you have to be open-minded and a little flexible. Sometimes the best plans fail.
It’s ok.
Nothing has to be perfect. You have a lifetime to work on improving yourself and reaching goals.
If a plan needs adjusting make the change. Then get started again right away.
Expand Your Mind
Personal improvement doesn’t happen in a single day. This journey is a process.
The change is gradual.
There are many ways to create a growth mindset in your life. Browse social media, read self-help books, or psychology books.
Consider studying goal setting, attending conferences, and listening to podcasts. to open your mind up to new ways of personal growth.
Final Thoughts
These are only some of the tips and tools to help you on the journey to personal growth. Life is an ever-changing journey.
At different stages in life, your goals and perspectives may change. Keep going in the process for self-knowledge, self-mastery, and personal improvement.
This is one aspect of living a fulfilling and balanced life.
JohnK 2-7-2022
Stick figure hears about personal growthOverheard: “The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live”
                                       ~Mortimer Adler
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Be Relentless In Your Pursuit Of Change

You need to make a change in your life. You know you do, but it just seems so damn hard to do. 

Let GenuLines put some fuel into your intention to follow through toward that much-needed change 


Be Relentless in Your Pursuit of Change

For many people, change is a difficult thing. There’s so much to it that can make you uncomfortable.

 So you might start to give up on it, even if the end goal is a positive one.
You don’t want to spend that time being uncomfortable. You’d rather live with the mediocrity and stay where they’re used to being.
This kind of mindset is not one built for success.
picture of change
Even if it’s hard for you to process, you still need to be relentless when going through change. Go into it knowing that it won’t be easy, but it’s something that you have to do.
Without change, you’re not going to make the switch from a mediocre life to a successful one. If you don’t do enough to stick with the changes you’re making, you’re going to spin your wheels.
You might stay stuck in the same place for years to come.

Tough Love

Sometimes, this mindset requires you to be strict with yourself and others. If you want to see that change, you can’t let those who don’t want you to succeed hold you back.
There will always be life obstacles you need to overcome.
Input from toxic family members who don’t agree with your life choices.
Or your current employer would try to steer you away from quitting. Especially if you’re a vital part of the company.
By being firm with your dedication to change, you’ll be able to remove these roadblocks.
You can’t let people talk you out of what you want to do. Only you know what’s best.
You need to limit contact with those who try to steer you away from your goals. Remind yourself that no matter what anyone else tells you, the goals you want to achieve are possible.
Don’t let someone talk you out of your pursuit of success and change. If you do you’re not ready to become successful.
You have to be adamant about fulfilling your dreams and not let anyone or anything limit you.
JohnK 8-16-2021
stick figure hears about change
Overheard:  “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”
                          ~Leo Tolstoy
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Change Your Beliefs – AND Your Behaviors, Too

sign that changes belief

Your beliefs can and sometimes do change. The process of living has a way of forcing us to see things with new eyes. 

If so, remember to consider these GenuLines points to bring your behavior in line with your beliefs. 


microphone for stating beliefs







Change Your Beliefs – AND Your Behaviors, Too

A powerful enough event can change even your closest held beliefs. It could have been something traumatizing.
Or something minor, like reading a blog post.
But a change in thinking doesn’t mean you’ll change your behaviors to match your beliefs. For example, you read how successful entrepreneurs master time management.
It sounds great, but you don’t act to change your disorganized behavior.
Or you might find a new way of dieting, and you start noticing the many unhealthy things people eat. Then again, you might not actually be eating the healthiest yourself.
And you might want better treatment, while still being a bit unpleasant to those around you.This kind of behavior can hurt your relationships with your friends and family.
And it can kick up your stress, too.
sign that changes belief
Practice what you preach or those around you will see you as a hypocrite. They’ll only accept your beliefs if you reflect them in an accurate way.
It can be difficult, though, to make these changes. When you realize that you’re not behaving as you believe you should be, it can be hard to change your actual behavior.
Spend time every day thinking about what changes you want to make. Then dedicate time to following through with those changes.
It won’t happen right away – it’ll take a few weeks for you to get used to changing your behavior.
In the meantime, ask a friend or family member to help you focus on this change and keep you on track.
When you start acting as you believe you should, you’ll find that you’re happier with who you are as a person. You’ll feel better about the quality of your personality.
And your social life will improve.
The accurate display of your beliefs will make you seem more trustworthy. Folks then show you more respect.
You did the hard yards. And now you’re actually following through on what you say.
JohnK 8-17-2020
stick figure man hears about beliefsOverheard: “Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is”
                                    ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Article image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 
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Get Better Sleep The Easy Way

These days good sleep seems like, well, a dream. But  GenuLines wants you to “sleep tight.”

Rest assured that the following suggestions are designed to let you do just that. 


microphone for speaking about sleep





Get Better Sleep The Easy Way

baby going to sleepIf getting good sleep is a challenge for you you’re not alone. It’s a common complaint of working people.
And stress due to lockdown and constant negative news reports doesn’t help either.
If you’re in one or more of these categories, here are some of the ways that can help make positive changes:
Develop better sleeping habits
Good sleep habits help you complete tasks. If you’re falling down in this area get to working on those habits.
You might start with daytime routines that include eating smarter. Avoid food that contains stimulants such as caffeine.
An afternoon nap can work, but don’t “over nap” and affect your sleep at night.
Daily exercise can help 
Aside from health benefits, regular exercise also helps you get better sleep. This is because it lets the body do enough work to want to rest at night.
Consider simple exercises like brisk walking or light yoga.
Come up with your own personal sleeping plan
More than anyone you know your own body. If you’re having trouble sleeping, analyze what may be the problem.
If it’s something that you can handle, try to do the things that will help you overcome it. You can do this by coming up with a personal sleeping plan.
Decide on what you’ll do each night. If the specific plan doesn’t work today, try another the next night and then another one the next. By doing this, you can find the techniques that will work for you.

Create a good sleeping environment

An easy way to get good sleep is to create a comfortable, and cozy sleeping environment. Take a look at your bedroom.
Is there something there that keeps you awake? It could be time to re-arrange the space.
Check to see if your bed still suits the needs of your body and if not, try replacing it. Look for smaller items that catch your attention and make it hard for you to close your eyes.
If there are, try removing them for a while until you’re able to sleep better.
JohnK 6-30-2020
stick figure man hears about sleepOverheard: “There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep”
                                     ~Homer, The Odyssey
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