Tag Archive for live your dreams

How Your Mental Attitude Helps You Prosper

Keeping a good attitude helps you stay on the road to realizing your dreams. Kinda hard to argue with that. 

Today GenuLines examines how your mental attitude can take some of the bumps out of that road. 

How Your Mental Attitude Helps You Prosper

You’ve heard the one about ‘The Power Of Positivity’ right? Yes, it’s a famous book that made someone famous.
And it’s become even more famous because other famous people agree with this famous saying. And they live by it, or at least that’s what they tell everyone that they do.
Let’s find out for ourselves.

Being Positive Helps You To Be More Positive

cat with attitude
Positivity has a wonderful characteristic. It’s a feedback loop of positivity.
When you’re more positive you feel better about yourself and your life. And that positivity builds on itself.
Unfortunately, negativity works in exactly the same way. But that’s for miserable people and we’re not going to be like them, are we?
To some, this will make complete sense immediately. But I can already hear some ‘Negative Nellies.’ They’re saying, “How can I be positive about my life when it’s so bad?” There’s a simple answer. It’s loved by children, and it’s called ‘Let’s Pretend’.

The Prosperity Of ‘Let’s Pretend’

Your brain doesn’t know the difference between what’s happening to you and what’s imagined. Think about spending all day imagining that everything was great.
You felt happy about yourself and your life. You would think that everything was great and that you were happy about yourself and your life.
Isn’t that great, and a positive thing to know?
But if things aren’t particularly great you can pretend and make your brain think that they actually are. But how does this apply to prosperity?
If you feel and think you’re prosperous, who on earth is there to say that you’re not. You might not have the biggest house or newest car.
Yet if you don’t need those things to be happy and peaceful in your life, then what do they have to do with true prosperity? If you’re in an internal state of happiness and peace, then you are more likely to be open to opportunities.
Your internal state influences your external state. Have a go at making yourself more prosperous by being more positive.
JohnK 11-21-2022
Stick figure hears about attitudeOverheard: “Two things define you: Your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything.”
                              ~George Bernard Shaw
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Why Do We Avoid Certain Tasks?

There’s no getting around some tasks. You can dodge them all you want and yet there they are. 

It’s a challenge that GenuLines is happy to take on with a look at why they happen. 

Why Do We Avoid Certain Tasks?

List of tasks to do
Do you find yourself dreading a particular task in your life every time you have to complete it? Do you often wonder why you avoid that task?
There are several reasons humans avoid completing specific tasks. These can vary from person to person.
You Don’t Think You’ll Have Fun
One of the main reasons people avoid certain tasks is that they don’t believe that they’ll enjoy them. Or it could be that they’ve performed the task before and didn’t have fun.
Humans generally want to avoid doing things that lead to unhappiness. This is especially true when they see the task at hand may be especially difficult or complex.
When you’re tired, you’ll generally avoid certain tasks. Even if you usually have fun doing them.
This is because you’re tired and need to get some rest.
If you find yourself avoiding a task because you feel exhausted, then it’s time to get some rest. Try to do it later. It’s tough to focus when fatigue sets in.
It could lead you to become distracted as an avoidance tactic for certain tasks.
You Don’t Think You’ll Do Well
Fear of failure is another big reason that people will avoid certain tasks. Often, they’re afraid of looking bad.
Or they want to avoid the embarrassment they might feel. This fear of failure is quite common but it’s one of the easier fears to overcome.
The remedy usually is the result of working on self-confidence and self-acceptance.
Medical Conditions
Several conditions such as anxiety and depression can lead you to avoid what you want to do. Although this may sound bad, treatment of the underlying condition is possible.
And this can help you find your motivation to follow through.
The reasons on this list may vary, but they all boil down to a shortage of motivation. If this is the case with you then start by realizing that you lack motivation.
Once you do, you can start paving your road to the future with real motivation.
JohnK 10-11-2021
Stick figure hears about tasksOverheard: “The hardest task needs the lightest hand or else its completion will not lead to freedom but to a tyranny much worse than the one it replaces”
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Be Relentless In Your Pursuit Of Change

You need to make a change in your life. You know you do, but it just seems so damn hard to do. 

Let GenuLines put some fuel into your intention to follow through toward that much-needed change 


Be Relentless in Your Pursuit of Change

For many people, change is a difficult thing. There’s so much to it that can make you uncomfortable.

 So you might start to give up on it, even if the end goal is a positive one.
You don’t want to spend that time being uncomfortable. You’d rather live with the mediocrity and stay where they’re used to being.
This kind of mindset is not one built for success.
picture of change
Even if it’s hard for you to process, you still need to be relentless when going through change. Go into it knowing that it won’t be easy, but it’s something that you have to do.
Without change, you’re not going to make the switch from a mediocre life to a successful one. If you don’t do enough to stick with the changes you’re making, you’re going to spin your wheels.
You might stay stuck in the same place for years to come.

Tough Love

Sometimes, this mindset requires you to be strict with yourself and others. If you want to see that change, you can’t let those who don’t want you to succeed hold you back.
There will always be life obstacles you need to overcome.
Input from toxic family members who don’t agree with your life choices.
Or your current employer would try to steer you away from quitting. Especially if you’re a vital part of the company.
By being firm with your dedication to change, you’ll be able to remove these roadblocks.
You can’t let people talk you out of what you want to do. Only you know what’s best.
You need to limit contact with those who try to steer you away from your goals. Remind yourself that no matter what anyone else tells you, the goals you want to achieve are possible.
Don’t let someone talk you out of your pursuit of success and change. If you do you’re not ready to become successful.
You have to be adamant about fulfilling your dreams and not let anyone or anything limit you.
JohnK 8-16-2021
stick figure hears about change
Overheard:  “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”
                          ~Leo Tolstoy
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7 Ways to Overcome Self-Defeating Behavior

Your behavior can carry you a long way, or it can hold you back. And you may be the one keeping it on the negative side. 

Here’s a list of points that GenuLines wants you to consider during your behavior review.

7 Ways to Overcome Self-Defeating Behavior
We tend to think that most opposition comes from around us. A complaining spouse, a controlling boss, a road-raging driver.
child's bad behavior
But something we rarely acknowledge is that we’re often our own worst enemies. Here are a few ways to stop self-defeating behavior.

#1: Let go of victory

It’s nice to win, but you don’t have to win all the time. The lust for victory can keep you chugging along a reckless path.
Then again, sometimes it’s good to cut your losses and win a lesson instead.

#2: Stop trying to please everyone

You can’t make everyone happy every time. Rushing around to do this is a huge self-defeating behavior.
And it can cost you your health and peace of mind.

#3: Accept imperfection

If you seek perfection, you will never find completion. Can you imagine Michelangelo stressing over the Sistine Chapel details?
Nothing would ever get done! Imperfection is part of being human, and most of the time, you’re the only one who will notice your mistakes anyway.

#4: End bad habits

These days, most people have bad habits that relate to technology. Like obsessive email or social media checking.
Take stock of how you spend your time. Make a detailed log of the minutes and hours, and see how much time you might be wasting with various pursuits.

#5: Overcome fear

Fear is something that holds most people back from living a higher purpose. It doesn’t have to be a direct sense of trepidation.
It might come disguised as laziness or avoidance.

#6: Stop being a lone wolf

Everybody needs help sometimes, even the lone wolf. Ask for help when you need it.
Whether it’s in business or personal life, make friends, accept help, and seek help when it’s needed.

#7: Drop the guilt

People can change and grow, so you don’t have to let your past hold you back. Most of us grow up with a mentality that we have to slave away for someone else.
We cram our enjoyment into the weekend, But you can break free from this thought prison.
JohnK 8-9-2021
Stick figure hears about behaviorOverheard: ” If you want to change attitudes, start with a change in behavior”
                                 ~William Glasser
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Are You a Prisoner of Procrastination?

We don’t like to admit to our procrastination. We say and do things that make us feel that we’re not doing it. 

It’s a habit that GenuLines wants to help you break. 

Are You a Prisoner of Procrastination?

Procrastination is a thief. It robs you of precious minutes and hours, before you realize they’re gone.
procrastination spelled outYou wonder where the time went but it’s too late.
You intended to complete al task today but put it off until tomorrow. And there was good reason to do so, or so you thought.

False Faces

Procrastination comes in many disguises. Sometimes it’s called rationalization.
You say, “I didn’t get started on that project because the weather was too hot or I didn’t have all the parts.” You can always come up with good reasons to delay a project.
Procrastination can become a habit. Put off forming new habits and it will be your constant companion.


We find ways to delay a task because there are other things more important to do. These are usually excuses.
Like checking your email. Or playing an on-line game.
Or surfing the TV to see if you’re missing something interesting.

Decisions Decisions

You must recognize a real reason to delay as opposed to an excuse not to do something you don’t want to do. Ask yourself if you need to do that job.
If so then get it done and then reward yourself for a victory over procrastination. When the job is complete, step back and assess what you’ve done to see if it was worth the time and effort.
It could be you were procrastinating for good reason, but that’s rarely the case. Lack of direction can cause you to procrastinate because you’re not sure what to do next.

It Starts Here

Disorganization is a kind of father of procrastination. Get organized with a to-do list with the most urgent at the top.
Make a deal with yourself that you won’t do anything else until you do at least one thing on the list. You can make giant strides with tiny steps.
Huge projects can be daunting whether you’re writing a book or building a house. You can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel because the elephant is standing in the way.
Cut a slice out of that elephant one day at a time and soon it’ll be gone.

Be Decisive

Make a decision on what needs to done and do it. Even if it’s wrong at least you’ve done something.
Indecision can cause major delays in both your business and personal live. It’s easier to make a decision if you create a list of the pros and cons of what you must do.
Once you have a clear direction, your mind clears and the path opens up.


Fear of failure can cause procrastination. The failure lies in never getting started.
Difficult and dreaded tasks are rarely as bad as they seem at the beginning. Stop procrastinating today.
Don’t put it off until tomorrow.
JohnK 7-12-2021
stick man hears about procrastinationOverheard: “Procrastination is opportunity’s assassin”
                                ~Victor Kiam
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Stop Focusing on Your Past Mistakes and Failures

Reminiscing and thinking about the past can be a great exercise. It’s always good to have a healthy respect for things that have come and gone.

But you don’t want to live in the past, and GenuLines can help you adjust your view of days gone by.

Stop Focusing on Your Past Mistakes and Failures

They say that learning from history is how you best ensure a good future. That said, if you’re living in the past you’re doing more harm than good.
And if you’re replaying negative events in your mind it’s even worse.
It’s also a surefire way to temper your boldness. And it lessens your resolve when you face future challenges.
picture of past mistakes
So how do you stop doing that?
Learn to Value Your Mistakes
The first thing to do is to value your mistakes. Remember that mistakes teach you things.
They make you stronger and wiser. And they give your personal narratives a more interesting and more unique bent.
It’s not our successes that cause us to grow and develop but our mistakes. And each failure brings you one step closer to being the person you want to be.
Realize that your mistake has merit and value in itself. Then you can be a little more comfortable accepting it as part of your story.
Looking Forward
The next thing to do is to look forward and to remember that things are going to get better now. You’ve had your mistake, so how are you going to learn from that and use it to drive you in the future?
Don’t think about how your last relationship was a failure, Focus on how you’re going to make the next one a success.
Forgive Yourself
Many of us focus on our failures. We obsess over them because we’re frustrated with ourselves or we even feel guilty.
The key then is to stop aiming for perfection. Remember: you’re only human and mistakes are par for the course.
They’re acceptable and in fact, you can expect them. Know this and let your missteps go.
Ask yourself: would you beat someone else up if they had the same failure?
Learn to Let Go
Letting go in itself is something of an art form. If you’re an obsessive personality this is a skill that’s well worth learning.
You might consider seeing a cognitive-behavioral therapist. Besides learning to let go you’ll re-work your thoughts in a more positive way.
JohnK 6-14-2021

Stick figure hears about the pastOverheard: “The past is never dead. It’s not even past”                                ~William Faulkner

disclaimer for the past

5 Reasons To Be Grateful For Struggle

Life’s struggles usually don’t move us to feeling grateful that we have them. But GenuLines iinvites you to re-examine this idea.

You may be surprised at the results!

5 Reasons To Be Grateful For Struggle

Have you ever asked yourself why you always want more? You want to make yourself better.
Get that promotion. Earn more money.
man needs to be grateful
Win the lottery, a new car, a bigger house, another pet, to travel more often. It’s natural to pine for new things and to aim your sights higher.
But there’s a problem here. We often take our eye off the ball.
And instead of living in the present, we become obsessed with the future. We figure everything will be better there.
But you can’t make everything better there without first putting in the work here.
The struggles that we face now do serve a purpose.
It isn’t something we enjoy or look forward to, but we may be able to find reasons to be grateful for those struggles.
Here’s why:
1. It Could Be Worse
This might not sound like a reason to be grateful for struggle, but… do you have the food you need to survive and a roof over your head? You have the basics down and while that isn’t everything, for right now it is.
Sometimes coming back to that thought is enough to remind you of your life achievements. You’re building the strength to handle what you’re facing now.
2. You Can See Through People
When you’re struggling, you learn who your real friends are. Friends can offer a great shoulder to lean on. But false friends can make their way into your life. They’re the first ones to run for the hills when things get tough.
3. You Rediscover Who You Are
You might wonder how this could be true, but it is. Think about the darkest days you’ve ever experienced. Now realize that you’re still here and you’re still standing. This speaks to your ability to be strong..
4. You Learn To Appreciate The Little Things
Sometimes we take these things for granted. Pause to savor your morning cup of coffee.
Carry this attitude with you through the day. Share your good energy with other people.
An act of kindness can change your day – and help others to change theirs.  
5. Struggle is Building You Up
It might feel like your struggles are trying to tear you down. But like working a muscle they’re building you back up.
It’s difficult to think of struggles as being a blessing. But the blessing comes from your response to those struggles.
What’s the most difficult type of struggle to cope with? One that you have no control over.
You learn to cope and when you know how to cope, you learn how to succeed.
JohnK 5-17-2021
stick man being gratefulOverheard: “If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.”
                             ~Meister Eckhart
disclaimer for being grateful

What To Do When You Don’t Get What You Really Want

You want it badly. But somehow it doesn’t show up. This happens to most of us, but GenuLines has some action steps for you if you’re struggling with this. 

What To Do When You Don’t Get What You Really Want

man who wantsIt sucks to know that life isn’t fair. But knowing this fact alone still doesn’t make us feel better when something that we really want seems to elude us.
Here are a couple of key things to consider when you don’t get what your heart desires.

Appreciate The Needs You DO Have

Being able to separate the things you need from those you want is extremely important in life. People worldwide go without even the most basic things many of us take for granted.
While it’s in no way wrong to pursue things other than the basic needs, try to avoid getting these things mixed up.
Think about each situation where you didn’t get something you wanted. Each of those is likely balanced by getting something you did want.
If you always got what you wanted do you think you’d be grateful?

Be Honest About Why You Didn’t Get It

When something doesn’t pan out it feels like a tragedy. But sometimes not getting something serves as a fork in the road.
It can point the way to something much better.
Whatever you’re feeling like you missed out on, give it a second look. You might realize that this failure could very well be for your benefit.
Even if it wasn’t a major disappointment the fact that you fell short can provide the motivation. you need to go after something even better!
banner to talk want
You Covered The Bases And Still Want It? Try Again!
So you slipped up but believe you still should have whatever avoided you. Regroup and try again!
Rest assured, most of the things worth having are not going to fall into your lap. If this were the case, they wouldn’t be nearly as fulfilling when we you get them.
If whatever you missed out on keeps bugging you it could be a sign that you’re meant to have it.
But not right now
If you’ve decided that it is, be ready to go after it! I could insert any number of motivational quotes such as “fall seven times, stand up eight.”
Or “fail forward.”
But the fact is, the life of a successful individual will include failures. How you deal with failure separates winning from living with self-pity and resentment.
Never allow yourself to give up in the pursuit of anything you believe to be yours.
JohnK 4-26-2021
Stick figure hears about wantOverheard: “Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.”
                             ~Dale Carnegie
disclaimer for want

How To Get Into The Habit Of Walking More

Was a walking regimen one of your New Year resolutions? Has that resolution gone down the memory hole? 

Check out these GenuLines suggestions for taking the “steps” to get up and going. 

Listen to this post by clicking the link below:

How To Get Into The Habit Of Walking More


How To Get Into The Habit Of Walking More

The human body is capable of miles and miles of walking. Yet, in modern society, we spend most of our time sitting down.

 That’s not good for our bodies. It leads to a range of health issues.
A daily walk might head off these problems. Of course, that’s easier said than done.
walking path sign
Give up your seat
Most of us sit for our work. We eat sitting down.
And to be honest all we want to do when we come home from work is plop down on the couch for a Netflix marathon until bedtime.
This presents a challenge. But a walking habit is a good one.
Kind of like the habit of brushing our teeth twice a day or taking out the trash on Tuesdays. Once it’s a well-ingrained habit, it won’t be as much of a challenge to make sure we go for a walk each day.
Your path
You can start by finding a walking route you enjoy. Your favorite walk may offer beautiful vistas.
But if it’s a 30-minute drive there and back, you’ll be less likely to do it every single day. Instead, save that particular walk for the weekends.
Then come up with something convenient and pleasant for your everyday walking routine. If you can, find a route in your own neighborhood so you can leave right from your front door.
Taking the same route every day helps form that habit. It’s also encouraging to notice that you can walk the same loop faster or with less effort over time.
You’re steadily getting stronger and fitter.
Listening to your favorite music, podcast, or audiobooks is also helpful. It’ll make the time go by faster and give you something else to look forward to.
You can even use your favorite media as a way to bribe yourself to go for your daily walk. Let’s say you have a couple of podcasts you enjoy.
Save them for your walks and only let yourself listen to them while you’re walking. It’s a great incentive to get out there even on days when you’re not feeling it.
Group Walks
Finally, consider walking with other people. Find a walking group in your area, or talk a friend or neighbor into becoming your walking buddy.
Not only is it more fun to walk when you have someone to talk to, it also has some built-in accountability. You won’t want to skip a walking workout when you know that other people are waiting for you to join them.
Give these tips a try. They’ll help you make your daily walk an integral part of your health, your fitness, and your life.
JohnK 3-15-2021
stick figure man hears about walkingOverheard: “All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking”
                             ~Friedrich Nietzsche
walking disclaimer

Can a Pessimist Become An Optimist?

If you’re an optimist you may live by the old “glass is half-full” theory. But if you’re a pessimist and your glass is “half-empty” you may not be okay with this. 

You can work on switching mindsets, and GenuLines has some suggestions on making your mental “U-turn.”

(Listen to this post by clicking here)

Can a Pessimist Become An Optimist?

Optimist Smiley Face BallSome of us are born with sunny dispositions. Others are prone to negativity.

Many factors come into play:
*Childhood experiences
*Economic status
*Genetic predisposition
These can play into a pessimistic attitude. But there is one factor that may have the power to transform those reasons – the power of choice.
Optimism as a Choice
Someone with a negative mindset might view negative circumstances as all or nothing. A catastrophic event,
But those in the positive camp look at the negatives and assess their choices. They then go on to make the best decision in their control.
Plus, their positive mindset can bring them a more constructive and useful attitude.
How a Pessimist can become More Optimistic
Brain Training
While changing any part of our personality is never easy, it is doable. An individual must want it though.
Try telling a pessimist their attitude can change their outlook and thus change their life. Now expect a cynical response.
But if their decision is their own there’s more chance of success. Especially if the person is trying to find purpose or more joy in life.
What you focus on expands. Always focusing on what is wrong and what does not work is a surefire way to get more of the same.
Most everything can and does go wrong. There are plenty of positive circumstances in life to focus on:
What does go right in your life?
Counting your blessings
What do you have to be grateful for?
What does work?
Can adversity can contain some semblance of a silver lining? Will a pessimist view an ending as a beginning or as a lesson learned?
Can a pessimist find the deeper meaning instead of looking through a negative lens?
It’s best not to make the circumstances personal. In other words, what if something happened only because it happened and not because of “bad luck?”
Moving away from the woe-is-me way of thinking opens the door to a broader view.
Another way to subdue negative thinking is through stories. A pessimist will say they have no luck.
Everything always happens to them. Everybody else gets to get what they want.
Something happened because something happened – no story attached.
Changing your focus and perception. Don’t internalize.
Tell yourself a new story. See the glass as half-full and bring more optimism into your life.
JohnK 2-23-2021
stick man hears about optimistsOverheard: “Optimism is the madness of insisting that all is well when we are miserable”
disclaimer for talking to an optimist