Tag Archive for goal setting

5 Steps To Decide What To Do Next In Life

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5 Steps To Decide What To Do Next In Life

Are you feeling stuck in life and have no idea what to do next? Do you feel paralyzed with fear at the very mention of change?

First off, you can be proud of reaching this state. It means you sense that your life is shifting.

Yet, knowing where to begin or what to do can be overwhelming. So, if you’re facing this decision, these GenuLines points are for you.

Below are five steps to help you decide what to do next in your life.

Take a Step Back

When you’re looking at what to do next in life, it’s imperative to stop and take a step back. Take a look at the big picture to identify where you want to go and what you want to do.

Too often, we struggle with all the ways of how to get there without fully knowing where ‘there’ actually is. We don’t take the time to highlight what’s working in our lives and what’s not.

man facing life decision

So when we reach a crossroads, we’re baffled and unable to move forward. This is when taking a step back can help you specify where you want to go as you move on in life.

Understand What Fulfills You

Get to know what makes you you. Dig deep and do some soul-searching to understand what motivates you.

Ask yourself these questions: What drives me and makes me excited? What are my values and beliefs?

And, what contributions do I want to make to my community?

What’s important to me? What are the skills and talents that I bring to the table?

Explore Your Passions

Make a list of all the things that you’re passionate about and explore those options in more detail. It’s important to analyze your options on emotional and intellectual levels.

To do this, try to imagine how each one impacts your thought processes and your emotions. Do this step without worrying about any of the whys, should-haves, and would-nots.

Instead, connect more with your subconscious. Find out what resonates with you and your core values.

For instance, let’s say you value innovation and technology. You might look for positions at industry-leading businesses.

If family culture suits you might be better off seeking a job at a small family-owned organization.

Learn New Skills

No matter how many great skills you already have, it’s always nice to learn something new. Whether it’s soft skills or hard, think about what you’d like to learn.

Look for places in your community or online where you can take classes.

For example, you want to learn more about graphic design. You may consider applying to an art program.

Or you could be interested in gardening. You can take a class in gardening and plants, then apply for a job at a garden center or arboretum.

Whatever ever you do remember to set short-term goals that follow the SMART plan. This framework ensures that your goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based.

Let Go of What Could Be

Change is scary because you don’t know what to expect from your decisions. This fear keeps you in a state of inaction and apprehension.

But what if you could let go of all that worry just for a few minutes?

To do that, you need to trust yourself and maintain a positive mindset. Have faith that whatever comes along, you’ll find a way to handle it.

Stop thinking of change as something to be dreaded and feared. Instead, you can begin to think of it as something stimulating that adds a layer of excitement and intrigue to your life.

Be open to whatever life brings your way. It may surprise you with an even better outcome than the one you first imagined.

Final Thoughts

These five steps can help your personal and professional life short term and long. It’s a tough journey, but if you’re determined to make it, it can also be extremely rewarding.

Now, all that’s left to do is take that first step to discover your purpose and get back on your life’s path.

JohnK 1-27-2025


stick man hears about life decisionsOverheard: “The purpose of life is a life of purpose”

~Robert Byrne


Article image by Yan Krukau: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-in-gray-suit-sitting-on-black-chair-covering-his-face-7793987/



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Time For New Beginnings and Final Endings

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Time For New Beginnings and Final Endings

There has to be endings to create new beginnings. An old year ends and a New Year begins, full of promises of change and new experiences.

It’s a good time for GenuLines to look at the endings in your life. For example , the death of a loved one, will leave you sad.

But if you accept the loss and focus on the good memories the person brought you can move on.

sprout shows new beginnings

Each step in your life

These are necessary for you to continue growing. The end of high school or college signifies the beginning of adulthood.

This might give way to a career that you’ve studied for.

Every New Year is an opportunity for you to sit down and figure out what you want to change in the coming year. What will make you a better and happier person.?

Do you want to lose weight, quit smoking, move on to another job? Now is the time to rethink and reset your goals and make the necessary changes in your life.

Endings can only come when you let go of thinking about the negative events. When bad things go beyond your control you’ve got to distance yourself.

Make space for the positive 

Get a grip on the reality of endings. You don’t like all endings, but you do need to accept their reality.

If you don’t learn to accept endings to allow for new beginnings, you might give up. That could open the door to a lifetime of regrets.

Think about things in a new way. You may think of yourself as “set in your ways,” about certain things.

But you have the right to change your mind if something changes, like more facts about what happened. Sometimes it helps to gain a fresh perspective on life and let go of old beliefs.

Remember, if you don’t take chances, change isn’t possible. You can hold on to the good things in your life, but if a new idea triggers excitement and fulfillment in your life, try it.

If you don’t, you may regret it.

JohnK 12-30-2024

stick figure hears about new beginningsOverhead: “You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down”

                                                                    ~Mary Pickford


Article photo by Kindel Media: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-shot-of-a-person-holding-a-plant-in-a-glass-6774951/


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Self Development And Your Success

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Self Development And Your Success

Life experiences come and go. But, how do they impact your life’s success?

Some of us insist that every event serves a purpose. Negative events can challenge you to see the positive in them.

A “looking with new eyes” mindset might open you up to more positivity. And GenuLines has some practical tips on guiding you on this journey.

Feeling as if you’re a failure

There are no failures in life – only people moving through different experiences. How can others accept you if YOU can’t accept yourself?

Comparing yourself to media figures

Don’t compare yourself to them. The same holds true for the real people you meet.

There is no need to obsess about your looks, financial situation or anything else. Self acceptance does not depend on those things, nor does the approval of others.

Man prepares for success

Down and out

When you see that other people are feeling down about themselves, give them a helping hand. But if you find that they’re determined to stay in their negativity, leave them to it. Nobody benefits when you’re both in a tailspin.

There are no mistakes – only lessons learned

Don’t feel stupid or doomed because you failed some kind of test. See failure as a step on the road to success.

Take things one at a time

It’s fine to have big goals but split them down into realistic, simple steps. Self development means working on habits that you have built up over years or decades. You will not turn everything around overnight.

At YOUR best

Understand that self development will help you to be the best YOU that you can be. It will not turn you into somebody else. Look for your own strengths and build on them, instead of comparing yourself with others.

Little things matter

Sometimes, we don’t realize that the little things that we do are like a pat on the back. Saying “hi” or “hello”, or passing little compliments can mean a huge amount to other people.

Be sensitive to other people’s plight. Help them to see the positive in their lives. This will come back to you in a positive way.

You’re willing to accept change

But it doesn’t mean that everyone else is. It may not be the right time for them, or the method you are using may not be what they need. So do everything you can to be successful with your self development, but don’t bore others with it.

There’s a profound quote that says that “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” We’re all here to learn our lessons.

Your parents, children, friends, colleagues, neighbors, even strangers. They all have the potential to be your teachers.

Open the door to self development. You can learn from every person and every situation that you encounter.

JohnK 11-4-2024


stick man hears about reaching successOverheard:  “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out”

~Robert Collier

Article image by Zen Chung: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-pen-writing-on-a-notebook-5749155/



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How to Find And Begin Your One Goal

banner to help your goal

If you break New Year resolutions try making goals instead. In fact, aim for one goal.

There’s a way to do this and GenuLines has a plan that can help you.

How to Find And Begin Your One Goal

When you sleep, you dream. Even if you don’t remember those dreams when you wake up, you do still have them.

The thing about dreams is that we have them one at a time. They don’t overlap.

They’re okay with waiting in line and taking their turn.

Think about making your goals  like your dreams—one at a time. Here are a few ideas from GenuLines on how you can decide on your next goal.

hockey goal

1.                 Find the ONE goal
It might be that the reason people make vague resolutions instead of New Year’s Goals is that a goal is a big thing. And it can be overwhelming.

But losing the big picture means losing the prize.

Ask yourself these questions:
·        Why are you doing what you’re doing? The why provides motivation even when you’re discouraged.

Knowing the why will also help clarify your goal.

·        Next year, what achievement from this year will have the most significant impact on your life. Would it get you closest to achieving your goals?

If you’re looking to become healthier, this might be becoming a non-smoker. If you’re looking to change careers, it might be going back to school for more training.

Attention Please

·        What takes your full attention while you’re doing it? Where does your passion lie?

Are you consumed by cars? Does being a mechanic sound like something to look into?

·        What do you believe is worth doing that other people might not? That’s a question designed to give insight into your personality.

In the 1960s Rosey Grier played pro football for the New York Giants and later for the LA Rams.

He was 6’5” and 300 pounds.

He also spent off field time knitting. It was his passion.

What makes you so passionate that you don’t mind standing alone to do it? What drives you or from what do you take comfort?

How can that be a part of the goal? Or can it become the goal?

2.                 Translate your goal into a number

Numbers are easier to remember. What number?

For example,  your goal is to become an ex-smoker. If you smoke a pack per day at $5 per pack, that’s 5 X 365 or $1,825 spent each year on cigarettes.

That’s a good number

Call it $2,000 by the time you factor in all those trips to the gas station for cigarettes. Does that number make the goal real?

3.                  Keep your eyes on the prize

Get out a sheet of paper. Write down  that $2,000 number in big, bold, colorful numbers.

Use crayon if you like.

Post that number where you can see it. Often.

Learn to rank your goals. By doing this you’ll find it easier to pick the one that means the most to you right now.

Then put your laser like focus on that particular goal until you get to where you want to go.

JohnK 1-1-2024


stick man hears about a goalOverheard: “Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer to your goal.”

~ Elbert Hubbard


Article image by Tima Miroshnichenko: https://www.pexels.com/photo/metal-bar-with-net-on-the-ice-surface-6847387/


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Create A Vision of Who You Want to Be

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A vision for your life is like a roadmap. It takes you from point A to point B and beyond.

Today GenuLines gets behind the wheel to show you a few points along the way. .

Create A Vision of Who You Want to Be

If you’re unhappy where you are in life, it could be you are not creating the right vision about yourself.

viewfinder helps visionThink back to recent thoughts you had. Were they negative thoughts or feelings like you’ve hit a roadblock?

Shift your focus to a life that you want or a person that you want to become. If you want to have a life similar to an idol of yours, read about how that idol has become a success and use that as a guideline to help you accomplish something similar.

When you create a positive image within your mind, it will set up neural pathways to help you reach your goals. The more you reinforce this mental image the more pathways you’ll create.


If there is information available online that can help you with your vision, use it to your advantage.

Finishing Touches

Determine your vision and then the steps you believe will help you get there. Finally, continue to imagine that vision  on a daily basis.

Your brain will get so used to this vision it will become a subconscious process.

This is not to say you can’t alter your plan or your vision. There may be something you thought you wanted, but as you progress, you find this not to be the case.

There’s nothing wrong with that.

If this happens, create another vision and move on from there. Your brain will form pathways for this new vision.

If your vision is fine but the plan is not getting you where you need to be, don’t be afraid to make changes with it. Plans are only guidelines.

You can change as needed. This can happen when new information comes to light along the way, information which wasn’t available when you got started.

People Gonna Talk

Be prepared for criticism as you create this new vision for yourself. It’s yours and yours alone.

People may not understand what you’re trying to shoot for. Hold to your beliefs and prove them wrong.

Your critics are not the ones who have to live with the vision you make for yourself. You’ll find when you reach your goals those same critics will suddenly be on your side.

They’ll even claim to have been there for you all along.

It’s annoying, but that’s how people behave. It’s not worth the aggravation.

Just move on with your vision and let them think whatever they want.

JohnK 11-13-2023

stick man hears about visionOverheard: “Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and  purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others”

~ Roy T. Bennett



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5 Signs You’re Living A Meaningful Life

Living life is something we all do. But we don’t all live it in a meaningful way.

Life does leave clues, and GenuLines is on the case to show you if you fit the description.. 

5 Signs You’re Living A Meaningful Life

Have you been feeling restless with your place in life? Do you feel as if you’re wasting your life?
These are common signs that you’re feeling the need to live a more meaningful life. You may be doing this already but you have no idea that you are.
Today, GenuLines explores the five signs that you’re living a meaningful life. Let’s begin.
man living meaningfully

1) You’re doing what you love

Too many people ignore their passions. Your passion is your passion for a reason.
Follow and explore if you MUST do what you’re doing

2) You have your priorities in order

Living with purpose keeps your priorities in order; you know what’s important. You’re living in a meaningful life “sweet spot.”
And you’re spending less time doing unhelpful, unproductive, or unimportant things.

3) You know your purpose

This one tends to apply to far fewer people. Many don’t know or at least don’t think they know what their life’s purpose is.

4) You’re focused and driven

People who live meaningful lives and live them with purpose are in this category. They toughed out all the trials and temptations. and they’re living their lives with purpose and in a meaningful way.

5) You aspire to daily goals

This doesn’t cover everyone who lives with purpose. You may have more long-term goals in mind, but it’s a good way to start and a pretty common one at that.
Reaching daily goals makes you more driven to push on. Setting daily goals is a good start to training your body and brain.
You get used to working towards goals and achieving them.
This beats setting them and hoping for the best. If you want to see if you’re living a meaningful life, treat this article like a checklist.
Check off the things that already apply to you and see how close to living a meaningful life you are.
Where might you be able to improve? What new habit could you form to make you feel more confident that you’re living a meaningful life?
The intention today was to help you gain some perspective on your purpose and your life’s path. All the best on your journey!
JohnK 5-1-2023
stick man hears about living meaningfullyOverheard: “If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present”
                                ~Roy T. Bennett

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5 Questions To Determine If A Change Is A Good Idea

Something needs to change in your life. But you’re not sure if it’s a smart thing to do. 

Use these GenuLines questions to help you make the wisest decision. 

5 Questions To Determine If A Change Is A Good Idea

Change is synonymous with living. It may come into your life out of the blue and take you by surprise.
Other times you know it’s coming and you rush to prepare.
sign symbolizes change
Yet even though change may be your choice, it still may feel scary and overwhelming. You may find yourself wondering: should I make the change or not?
To help you, GenuLines offers 5 questions to determine if a situation is something you can change. The idea here is to make you feel more in control of your life.
These questions can help you decide which situations you should change, and which aren’t worth your time or effort.
Let’s get started.
1. Will it Make Me Happy?
Before you commit to any change ask yourself: will it give my life meaning? Will it make me feel happy?
To answer that question, you have to know what it is you want from life.
One way to do that is to consider your beliefs and your core values. Include those dreams you had for your life when you were younger but forgot about when you got older.
2. Can it Help Me Reach My Goals?
Now that you know what makes you happy, it’s time to take a look at your life goals. Start by making a list of all the realistic goals you want to achieve in life.
Then, divide them into three categories: short-term, medium, and long-term goals.
The final step is to take action. This may force you to step out of your comfort zone, but if that’s what it takes to make a change for the better, why not?
It takes a positive attitude, a bit of patience, and a whole lot of self-love.
Also, remember that your goals themselves may change.
So, it’s important to stay flexible, especially when you’re setting new goals.
3. Is This Something I Want?
We’re programmed to try and always please as many people as we can. It can be exhausting.
You spend time wondering if people like what you’re doing or if they’re satisfied with your work. If you’re going to change any aspect of your life, make sure it’s for you and not to please other people.
After all, it’s your life. No one is going to live it for you.
Another thing to remember is that the only person you should compare yourself to is you. There’ll always be someone who’s better than you or is more successful than you.
The best thing to do is to focus on your progress. Be proud of how much you’ve achieved and concentrate your energy on where you’re going next.
4. Will It Improve My Life?
You might be thinking of moving to a smaller house or changing your job. Change can also come on a smaller scale.
You could be thinking of upgrading your security system, Or planting a garden,
Whatever it is, think about all the ways it can improve the quality of your life. Any type of change you pursue must make your life easier, less stressful, and a lot more fun.
5. Am I Letting Fear Hold Me Back?
Being afraid is natural, but letting fear control you isn’t. We’re all afraid of failing, of uncertainty, and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Yet, there’s one thing that successful people don’t do; they don’t let their fears take over their lives.
They learn how to face whatever it is that’s putting those butterflies in their stomachs. Then, they take a deep breath and jump in.
Whether it’s fear of public speaking or fear of heights, you have to muster some courage. Then power through the fear, no matter what the outcome is.
You’ll come out the other side a stronger, more experienced individual.
Everyone goes through a wide array of changes in their lifetime. You can either join in and embrace all the good that change has to offer, or you can stay behind.
If you choose to stay, you’ll always be standing on the sidelines of life. Living with discontent, never fulfilled.
So, draw a deep breath and take the plunge. Who knows?
You might even come to enjoy the ride!
JohnK 1-30-2023
stick man hears about changeOverheard: “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do”
                                        ~ Steve Jobs
Article image by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
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Eight “Bad” Habits That Are Actually Good for You

Some habits we break, while other habits we make. But some of the not so good ones can work in your favor.

Join us as GenuLines unwraps this riddle for you. 


Eight “Bad” Habits That Are Actually Good for You

picture of habits

Believe it or not, some bad habits are good for you. Your parents may have tried to punish you out of or control us out of doing these things.
Of course, everything in moderation, right? Let’s look at eight “bad” habits that are actually good for you that you can stop trying to end now.


1. Fidgeting

If you tend to wiggle a lot, your mom might have tried to stop it. Your partner might try too.
Yet, fidgeting is good for you because it burns more calories and keeps your blood moving.
This is especially true if you have a job that requires a lot of sitting. Sitting is comparable to smoking in damaging health.
So anything that can undo that damage is a good thing.
2. Gum Chewing
Sugarless gum is good for you. That’s if you have the right dental work or your own teeth.
Chewing gum burns calories and helps you eat less. It freshens your breath and also cuts down on cavities.
3. Video Games
While there may be some games that aren’t worth the added benefit. But in general playing video games helps with developing fine motor skills.
It keeps the mind nimble. And by some reports can help give relief for chronic pain conditions by taking your mind off the problem.
4. Daydreaming
Finding a way to allow your mind to get bored enough to be able to daydream is very good for your mind. It clarifies your goals in life, too.
You won’t create lofty goals for your life if you can’t daydream.
5. Swearing
Most of us feel that swearing is inappropriate. But studies show that swearing in a certain way reduces stress.
Remember that swearing is completely different from a slur. A slur is something you say about a person, whilst a swearword is a curse word – otherwise known as an expletive.
6. Messiness
If you are a messy person by nature, take heart; you’re likely also a very creative person. Messiness is sometimes a sign of creativity.
If you want to be more creative, don’t become messy on purpose. But realize that sometimes being messy is part of the creative process.
7. Sleeping in Late
They say that “the early bird gets the worm,” but does it? Sleeping well and enough each night is important to your health and brain function.
If you stayed up late and need to sleep in and it won’t cause you to get fired or miss something important – go for it.
8. Passing Gas
Passing gas is a normal action. It gets rid of built-up gas from your digestive tract. to prevent bloating and pain.
Of course, you don’t want to do some of these things when other people are around. But it’s okay to accept some of them as part of who you are and part of living life.
As long as you can choose the habits you create, you can build a life in line with what you want it to be.
JohnK 3-7-2022
Stick figure hears about habitsOverheard: “The truth is that everyone is bored, and devotes himself to cultivating habits”                                       
                          ~Albert Camus, The Plague
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Why Personal Growth Matters

Think of your personal growth as the measuring stick of your life. The quality of your progress can affect the quality of your years. 

And GenuLines wants to make you aware of that quality and how you can improve it. 

Why Personal Growth Matters

How much time have you dedicated to your personal development in the past year? Six months? Week?
Unfortunately, society trains us to put other things first, like education and careers. We’re not downplaying their value in life.
We only want to point out the importance of taking the time to invest in our self-improvement.
Today, we’re talking about all the reasons why personal growth matters. As you’ll find out below, it makes up a huge chunk of your life as a whole, no matter how old you are.
graph showing growth
So, let’s get started.

What Is Personal Growth?

Working on accomplishing things in life, setting goals, and achieving them. This is personal growth.
It starts with the drive to do and be better.
Even before that, you have to start with a positive mindset. That helps boost your resilience and keeps you going, even when things don’t go your way.
The beauty of personal growth is that it’s subjective. It’s different for everyone, like success.

A Closer Look

Some people define being successful as having a happy, healthy family. Others define it as having a career, or more money than they know what to do with.
Even though personal growth is a bit more elusive, it’s all improving as an individual. This can be polishing up your education or refining your temperament. Whatever it is you’re seeking out of life, that’s your personal growth journey.

What’s In a Name?

Because it’s so diverse and covers so many aspects, it goes by several names, including:
*Personal development

Why Does Personal Growth Matter?

Now that we understand what personal growth is, you can see how it can have a positive effect on someone. Then, without even trying, that person will motivate others to work harder and do better.
So, personal growth isn’t a solitary journey. Yes, you do the hard work. Yet, you reap so many rewards that soon you realize it was all worth it.
Working on developing as a person will help you in various aspects of your life. You’ll shine at work and you’ll notice people will start to praise your accomplishments.
You’ll also grow into a more compassionate and loving person. Listening and being attentive will become second nature. You’ll feel good about yourself, and you’ll make others feel good as well.

How to Start Your Personal Growth Journey

Empathy and positive thinking are two traits we seem to lose over the years. Personal growth can help you regain them.
Here are some of the things you can do to begin achieving personal growth.

Set Short-Term Goals

Aim to set and achieve short-term goals. When creating goals, keep the following in mind:
Make your goals realistic
Divide long-term goals into several short-term ones
Write each goal on a Post-It and hang it on your desk or bathroom mirror
Recognize and accept your strengths and weaknesses
Treat yourself to something nice every time you complete one of your goals

Keep Learning

We’re never too old to learn. Keep an open mind and take a step out of your comfort zone, and you’ll find fascinating things to learn about.
Ask any entrepreneur, and they’ll tell you they never stop learning. Their fascination with the world is what keeps them a step ahead of everyone else.
The trick is to find something that piques your interest. Nowadays everything is evolving so fast, there’s no shortage of that!

Find Your Purpose

What makes you happy? Find what makes you giddy with happiness, a.k.a. your purpose in life.
Each one of us has something that drives them and sets them apart from everyone else. Find what you want and go after it.
Even if you don’t know much about it, you can always learn. Thanks to modern-day technology, there are plenty of options to choose from.

Wake Up Early

Having healthy sleep patterns will regulate your physical, emotional, and mental states. You’ll feel more energized and ready to tackle the day that lies ahead.
Studies looked at people who make a habit of waking up early. They found those people to be healthier, happier, and more productive. It may take some time to get used to, but, once you do, you’ll never go back!

Read More

Many of us have given up on reading, thanks to our ever-present smartphones. You have to start the habit of reading each day, even if you read one blog a day.
Acquiring knowledge can be quite satisfying. You feel both competent and good. It’s an easy way to boost self-confidence and personal growth.

Personal Self-Acceptance

Knowing what your talents and skills are, is a vital part of self-acceptance. Likewise it’s important to recognize the areas where you’re not as strong.
Be confident in what you’ve accomplished and forgive yourself for any past mistakes. That’s the first step to accepting who you are and realizing your true worth.
We’re all here for a reason. Take the time to find out what yours is.

A Final Note

Understanding why personal growth matters is like understanding the secret of the universe. It can mean the difference between being happy, hopeful, and feeling dejected and lost.
Well, of course no one wakes up saying, “I want to be miserable.” It requires hard work and dedication.
You have to have a positive outlook and accept yourself for who you are. Only then can you unlock your true potential, which I have no doubt, will be amazing!
JohnK 12-27-2021
Stick figure hears about growthOverheard: “Don’t go through life, grow through life.”
                                    ~Eric Butterworth
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Why Mental Focus Is Crucial For Success

Focus can become a casualty during times like these we’re living in. Important things can fall through the cracks. 

So with that said GenuLines reminds you that focus is key to getting the results you want in life. 

Why Mental Focus Is Crucial For Success

Mental focus is one of the most important skills when it comes to success in any area of your life. To focus means to concentrate on a particular task or problem for a period of time.
picture of brain focus
It’s something you can get better at with practice. For now, let’s look at exactly why mental focus is crucial for success and how it can help you get things done.
Focus Keeps Distractions At Bay
Distractions are all around us. You sit down at your desk and end up checking email.
You browse through Facebook. Or you get lost on YouTube watching video after video.
We get distracted by new projects. Or things that need to be taken care of around the house or the office, and of course by family members and coworkers.
With all these distractions it’s a wonder we get anything done. There’s always something else that demands our attention, or a fun new project we’d rather be working on.
This is where your focus can make a huge difference and help you get things done. Focus is like a pair of blinders.
It helps you concentrate on the task at hand until it’s done.
Focus Keeps You From Making Mistakes
You make fewer mistakes when you’re not always distracted. You give full attention to whatever you’re working on.
The mistakes come when you’re not engaged and immersed in the task you’re working on.
To turn this around, concentrate on your work. If you do make mistakes you’re more likely to catch and fix them.
The end result is a better quality product, no matter what you’re working on.
Focus Helps You Get More Done Faster
Have you ever worked on a tight deadline? Let’s say you have to finish a report or write a blog post before you can head out to lunch to meet a friend.
You become dialed in (thanks to that looming deadline). Now tasks that would usually take you half a day you’re doing in 30 minutes.
Best of all, the end result is often better than your usual work. Now you’re focused and are getting into the flow.
And things seem to come together with almost no effort.
JohnK 10-18-2021
Stick figure hears about focusOverheard: “If you want to live a long life, focus on making contributions.”
                              ~Hans Selye
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