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Why Do We Avoid Certain Tasks?

You can avoid some tasks but they don’t go away. It’s like a child covering it’s eyes and thinking that will make something go away.

With that in mind GenuLines opens your eyes so you can get things done.

Why Do We Avoid Certain Tasks?

Do you find yourself dreading a particular task in your life every time you must complete it? Do you often wonder why you avoid it?
There are several reasons we avoid completing specific tasks. And the reason why this is can vary from individual to individual.
list of tasks

You Don’t Think You’ll Have Fun

You may not believe you’ll have fun completing it when you think about that task. Or it could be you’ve performed the task before and didn’t have fun.
Humans generally want to avoid doing things that lead to unhappiness. This is especially true when they are especially difficult or complex.


When you’re tired, you will generally avoid certain tasks. Even if they are tasks, you usually have fun doing.
This is because you’re tired and need to get some rest.
If you avoid a task because you feel exhausted, then it’s time to get some rest and try to approach it again later. It’s tough to focus when you’re fatigued.
And that could lead you to become distracted as an avoidance tactic for certain tasks.

You Don’t Think You’ll Do Well

Fear of failure can leave you feeling afraid of embarrassment or looking bad. This fear is quite common and one of the easier ones to overcome.
Usually you can remedy it working on self-confidence and self-acceptance.

Medical Conditions

When everything else fails there may be a medical problem behind your procrastination. If so, get treatment and you see an uptick in your motivation.
The reasons on this list may be separate, but they all boil down to a lack of motivation. If so, you need to own up to it.
Once you realize this, you can find the cause to motivate yourself in the future better.
JohnK 7-25-2023
stick man hears about tasksOverheard: “There is nothing so fatal to character as half finished tasks.
                                     ~David Lloyd George
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How Reducing Distractions Can Build Stronger Relationships

Distractions in your life can hurt your relationships. There’s help for this. And today GenuLines will show you some ways to bring this about. . 

How Reducing Distractions Can Build Stronger Relationships

Spending undistracted time with people will build stronger relationships. You’ll have time to devote to each other in more effective and productive ways.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s a working relationship or a personal relationship. 

Enjoy Improved Communication

driver having distraction

Take time to talk to people minus distractions from screens or other activities. This is most conducive to real conversation.

You’ll learn each other’s communication styles better.
And you’ll start understanding each other more. Knowing what the other person means when they talk to you helps all aspects of the relationship.



Have More Fun 

It’s more fun to be with people when you’re not having to answer your phone or look at screens. The few times you get together will be exclusive and without distractions.

Build Positive Memories 

When you look back on your life you’re not going to with you had more time with gadgets or small concerns. Instead, you’ll focus on the memories you’ve built with those closest to you.
You can’t make memories if you aren’t focused on the event or person.

Discover More Shared Interests 

Remove distractions from your dealings with others and you’ll
learn more about who they are. You’re quicker to find common ground.
When you have more shared interests relationship satisfaction improves.

Foster a Sense of Commitment 

When we connect to our community and environment, we’re a lot more devoted to it. Human nature is that way, even if we don’t want to do the activity in question.

Feel Happier 

Studies using couples and families showed interesting results. They found that spending quality time minus distractions brought more happiness.
And they have longer-lasting relationships than those who don’t.

Reduce Stress 

Distraction causes stress, and stress causes so many other problems – even physical illness. If you want to reduce your stress level, consider making lifestyle changes.
Ones that allows you to focus only on each activity you’re in as you’re in it.
Do the same with relationships. If it’s at work, find an electronics free place to talk.
At your work meeting, ask everyone to turn off unnecessary distractions. If it’s your family and friends, make a concerted effort to spend this time together without an agenda.
And ditch the distractions. you’ll be happy you did.
JohnK 2-20-2023
stick man hears about distractionsOverheard: Happiness can only be found if you can free yourself of all other distractions.                                     
                                ~Saul Bellow
Article image by Breakingpic: https://www.pexels.com/photo/car-music-audio-controls-3102/
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Trouble Staying Focused? This Might Help

Your focus needs to be laser-like. But for some reason it tends to wander. These few reminders from GenuLines will help keep you on the beam.

Trouble Staying Focused? This Might Help
We all have days when we’re struggling to stay focused on our work. One of the first things you should look at is distractions.
Various things and people can keep us from concentrating and getting work done. Let’s look at what shape and form these distractions may take and what you can do to lose them.
kids focus 
Then we’ll look at how you can get back to staying focused.
Physical Distractions
First the obvious. There can be all sorts of things that distract you in your office, or around your desk. This could be your phone blinking each time you get a new social media alert or email.
It could be your email program on your laptop notifying you of incoming messages. It could be your phone ringing, or that pile of files sitting on the corner of your desk that you know you need to deal with.
If you’re working at home it could also be that sink full of dirty dishes. Or the washing machine beeping to let you know it’s finished.
The key here is to realize that you’re in control of your work space. Turn your phone to silent and stick it in a drawer, or lay it upside down while you’re working.
Turn off the phone’s ringer, and either deal with the files now, or stick them in a drawer until you can take a look at them. Cut out the physical distractions as much as possible.
Then work on staying focused and getting your work done. The key here is also to make a conscious choice of when to deal with things that tend to interrupt you.
Distracting People
People who show up and distract you can be a little harder to deal with. You need to work with others.
You want to cultivate friendships. And there are times when you have to deal with a family situation, no matter how big a work deadline you have looming.
Setting expectations helps. So does making it clear that there are times when you need to shut your office door.
If you can set aside a time and make a schedule of sorts. Let people know when you must work without interruption.
At other times having an open door can help. This works well with co-workers, but also with family and friends.
Mental Distractions
Last but not least there are mental distractions. They can be the trickiest to keep at bay since there’s not a lot you can do to shut them out completely.
Thoughts will pop into your head and do their best to distract you. It helps to keep a notepad nearby.
You can jot those thoughts down. Later you can go back and check on things after you’re done with your task.
For example, if you’re worried if your check cleared, make a note.
Then get back to work.
Check your online bank account during your break.
By writing it down, you don’t have to worry about remembering to do it.
JohnK 12-13-2021
stick figure hears about focusOverheard: “Focus does not mean saying yes, it means saying no”
                                ~Steve Jobs
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Why Mental Focus Is Crucial For Success

Focus can become a casualty during times like these we’re living in. Important things can fall through the cracks. 

So with that said GenuLines reminds you that focus is key to getting the results you want in life. 

Why Mental Focus Is Crucial For Success

Mental focus is one of the most important skills when it comes to success in any area of your life. To focus means to concentrate on a particular task or problem for a period of time.
picture of brain focus
It’s something you can get better at with practice. For now, let’s look at exactly why mental focus is crucial for success and how it can help you get things done.
Focus Keeps Distractions At Bay
Distractions are all around us. You sit down at your desk and end up checking email.
You browse through Facebook. Or you get lost on YouTube watching video after video.
We get distracted by new projects. Or things that need to be taken care of around the house or the office, and of course by family members and coworkers.
With all these distractions it’s a wonder we get anything done. There’s always something else that demands our attention, or a fun new project we’d rather be working on.
This is where your focus can make a huge difference and help you get things done. Focus is like a pair of blinders.
It helps you concentrate on the task at hand until it’s done.
Focus Keeps You From Making Mistakes
You make fewer mistakes when you’re not always distracted. You give full attention to whatever you’re working on.
The mistakes come when you’re not engaged and immersed in the task you’re working on.
To turn this around, concentrate on your work. If you do make mistakes you’re more likely to catch and fix them.
The end result is a better quality product, no matter what you’re working on.
Focus Helps You Get More Done Faster
Have you ever worked on a tight deadline? Let’s say you have to finish a report or write a blog post before you can head out to lunch to meet a friend.
You become dialed in (thanks to that looming deadline). Now tasks that would usually take you half a day you’re doing in 30 minutes.
Best of all, the end result is often better than your usual work. Now you’re focused and are getting into the flow.
And things seem to come together with almost no effort.
JohnK 10-18-2021
Stick figure hears about focusOverheard: “If you want to live a long life, focus on making contributions.”
                              ~Hans Selye
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5 Simple Ways to Avoid Daily Distractions

No matter how focused you are, some days, it’s hard not to get distracted. And, in a time of societal upheaval, those distractions can get out of hand.
Let GenuLines help you with this list of points to bring back your focus.

5 Simple Ways to Avoid Daily Distractions

Life can sometimes get in the way of meeting your goals, but it doesn’t have to derail you.man endangered by distractions
Here are some expert tips on how to stay on track, no matter what else is happening around you.




1. Get Organized

It’s easier to focus if you’re not distracted by the small, daily tasks. Commit to a nightly practice of preparing for the next day.
Decide what to wear, what to have for lunch and the other necessary things that are part of your routine. Have your gym bag ready and packed so you can just pick it up and go.
It can help to get organized for your week on a Sunday evening. For example, have all your work clothes clean and pressed and ready to wear.
You might even consider a minimalist work wardrobe of similar garments to mix and match. You can also bulk cook and freeze meals so that you don’t even think about dinner during the week.

2. Do the Tough Things First

You can free up a lot of mental energy by putting the difficult tasks and decisions at the top of your to-do list. Do the hardest tasks when your brain is still fresh first thing in the morning.
This way you can get on with your day without a nagging dread at the back of your mind.

3. Keep Your Energy High

It might surprise you to hear that fatigue can be a distraction. If your energy is low, you won’t be performing at your best, so make sure you take regular breaks.
Get out of the office and get some fresh air. Eat your lunch in the park and give your eyes a break from looking at a screen.
Eat lots of fresh foods and stay hydrated by keeping a water pitcher on your desk.

4. Manage Your Priorities

Chances are, many of the requests you get during the day don’t deserve to be your top priority. Instead of responding straight away, decide on how urgent the request is.
Do you really need to answer that email now? Learn to focus on requests and respond as you see fit.


5. Keep Your Eye on the Prize

 There are so many distractions in modern life that it can be easy to lose sight of what you want to achieve. Have a visual reminder of what you’re working toward.

This could be a mission statement or a post-it note on your computer. Check-in every day to see how you’re tracking and make sure you keep a line of sight on your big goal.
JohnK 10-12-2020
stick man hears about distractionsOverheard: “Creation is in part merely the business of forgoing the great and small distractions”
                                        ~E. B. White
Article Image by by Cristofer Jeschke on Unsplash
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